American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

Nothing Squared versus Infinity

The smirk says it all. The story of world’s biggest scammer Sam Bankman-Fried’s unprecedented bail hearing is a prime example of elite Jewish privilege: Bankman-Fried being escorted to court after extradition to the US.

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 24 December, 2022

by Kevin Alfred Strom

WHEN I STARTED TO write this broadcast, I was going to tell you about how one of the greatest Jewish scammers of all time (and that’s really saying something) — Sam Bankman-Fried of fraudulent Jew-run crypto casino FTX — had finally been arrested at his luxury apartments in the Bahamas and extradited to the US, and was all set to be charged with crimes that could put him in prison for more years than he’s likely to be alive, and initially incarcerated in the same filthy federal holding pen where Jeffrey Epstein met his end. His crimes were just too great to be covered up, so neither his Jewish privilege nor his multi-million-dollar “donations” to anti-White elite politicians were enough to get him a “Get Out of Jail Free” card. Perhaps the Jewish power structure would have to make an example of him to prove that “the justice system still works” or to punish him for showing the Americans a part of the System they’d rather keep secret.

I was going to tell you that Bankman-Fried claims that his entire fortune evaporated after his “exchange” collapsed, and that he had less than $100,000 left, the poor baby. (As if I believed that!) Then I was going to report to you that a Jewish judge had granted him bail for the astronomical sum of $250 million, which would have required him to put up about $37 million in cash to a bail bondsman — assuming that bail bondsmen even deal in such sums. (Perhaps they do; many are Jews, after all.) I was going to remark that letting the world’s biggest international swindler — a swindler with high-level intelligence, finance, and government connections who only a few days ago was trying to flee to Dubai — out on bail in any amount is a ridiculous proposition. And I was going to point out to you that spending $37 million when you “only” have $100,000 in assets is a stunning “there’s nothing there” feat of Jew magic that would make “David Copperfield” proud.

But then I came across an exposé by James Murphy at Coindesk of what really happened at Sam Bankman-Fried’s bail hearing a few days ago:

Sam Bankman-Fried walked out of federal court on Thursday a free man.

News outlets all around the globe reported that Bankman-Fried got out on bail by posting a gargantuan, unprecedented “$250 million bond.” In court, Assistant U.S. Attorney Nicholas Roos described it as the “largest ever” pretrial bond.

But, as it turns out, there is less than meets the eye in this “$250 million bond.” In fact, a lot less.

In the typical federal case, a bail bondsman would charge between 10%-15% of the bail amount in cash to issue a surety bond or “bail bond.” In the case of Bankman-Fried’s astronomical bond, 15% of $250 million would be $37.5 million. But, Bankman-Fried did not pay $37.5 million for his bond. No, Bankman-Fried actually paid no cash at all for his “$250 million bond.” Nothing. Zero.

There is a second way to acquire a bail bond. A defendant, or someone on their [sic] behalf, may pledge collateral in the full amount of the bond. Then, if the defendant fails to appear in court, the pledged collateral is forfeit to the court. So, in Bankman-Fried’s case, that would mean he would need a benefactor to step up and pledge property worth $250 million to get the bond. But that did not happen either.

Instead, Bankman-Fried’s parents promised to pledge their Palo Alto, California, home as collateral. The Palo Alto home is rumored to be worth $4 million. And that is the full extent of the collateral pledged to guarantee the $250 million bond. No other collateral was posted or promised.

So where did that $250 million figure come from? Great question.

In this case, Bankman-Fried was not required to post a conventional bail bond. Instead, Bankman-Fried was simply released from custody on something called a personal recognizance bond. The personal recognizance bond contains Bankman-Fried’s solemn promise (and his parents’ promise) to pay the court $250 million if he fails to show up for trial at the appointed time.

Yes, you read that right. Bankman-Fried walked out of court a free man by signing a piece of paper where he promised to pay the court $250 million if he decides to flee to another country with no extradition. This, of course, is totally absurd.

The attempt by the prosecutor’s office to sell this as some extraordinarily onerous bail condition would be laughable. Except the millions of customers who Bankman-Fried defrauded aren’t laughing….

Any bond whatsoever, no matter how high, for the trickster would be unreasonable. But essentially zero bond? Being released on his own recognizance (as if he were merely accused of some small technical violation or reporting requirement) after scamming gullible investors out of multiple billions and then trying to flee to Dubai with his ill-gotten gains? No one except an elite-connected Jew could achieve such a thing. It is nearly on a par with the Jew-upon-Jew “non-prosecution agreement” that Alan Dershowitz negotiated for sex abuser and intelligence operative (and Jewish magic-money-from-nowhere man) Jeffrey Epstein. And the judge who released Bankman-Fried?—US Magistrate Judge Gabriel Gorenstein. I’d imagine that some of his other rulings would make interesting reading.

It’s truly a Jewish “there’s nothing there” moment to top all other such moments. If the Jews ever decide to erect monuments to their greatest con men, luftmenschen, and fleecers of suckers, they ought to make a 600-foot-tall one of Bankman-Fried embracing, maybe kissing, Gorenstein while standing on the bodies of the victims of his con who committed suicide after their life savings disappeared into the FTX rat hole. In the meantime, Sam Bankman-Fried is lounging and fattening himself even further and plotting who knows what, living the free and easy on money he stole.

It’s likely that the Jewish power structure and the politicians and others who serve them are divided on the issue of Bankman-Fried. He’s one of their own, so some want to protect him. He’s just like they are, is part of the Tribe, and bankrolled their political machine like nobody except Soros, but “went a bit too far” and got caught. Others want to make an example of him because they don’t want to startle the White cattle out of their stupor to the point where they begin to perceive their Jewish overseers, and making the cattle think that “the justice system still works” and that “no one is above the law,” not even elite Jews, is the best thing possible for Jewish interests in a bad situation.

Time will tell which faction wins this tug of war, but the potential for a few more hundreds of thousands of White Americans connecting the dots and realizing who it is who’s trying to enslave and kill them is very great. Some of those people will discover and join the National Alliance. I hope you’ll help us leverage this increasing awareness of Jewish power into increased support for the real White racial community we are building.

Sam Bankman-Fried is the ultimate exemplar of Jewish nothingness, of nothing squared. You can add and multiply and square and cube nothing, as Bankman-Fried has done, but it still is nothing. Nothing squared is nothing. But let us talk now of the infinity that is within us, and which makes us a very different kind of being than Bankman-Fried and his ilk.

* * *

Let me take this opportunity to thank all of you who have sent my family Yuletide greetings in recent days. This is a time of year that we especially treasure our family — our parents, our spouses, our children who are the greatest gift that Nature gives us. And we treasure the friends we have found in our passage through the vales of tears and heights of joy and achievement that is our life.

This December was a hard one for me.

On 5 December I lost my 28-year-old son Edgar. Edgar was autistic, harmed at a very early age, I believe, by the medical disaster called vaccines, and then trapped in the bureaucratic nightmare that is the health care establishment for most of his life. He could have moments of deep emotion and joy and expressiveness and humor at times. He could memorize a city street map like a savant, but couldn’t cross the street safely without a guiding hand. His life reminds me to protect the innocent among us, even when they don’t quite have it in them to protect themselves.

On 8 December I lost one of my best friends to a heart attack, Fred Stark, who stood by me as a true friend through all the tribulations and slanders that the System and its minions and dupes have thrown at me, and who possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of classical music that approached genius. I learned so much from Fred.

And on 12 December I lost my mother, whose unselfishness made my life better in ten thousand different ways, and who exemplified what George Bernard Shaw said about using yourself up in a worthy cause. My mother Mary Lou helped not only me, but all of her children, step-children, and the 16 grandchildren she was “Nonny” to — she was there when any family member was hurt or was in need. And she devoted a tremendous amount of energy, until she was almost 90 years old, to counseling young women to keep their babies instead of killing them.

Yuletide is a time of new beginnings. That’s one reason we give presents, for presents are something new. New like the New Year that is dawning. Beginnings like the children born this year and next. And infinite, too — for while we all die, our deeds can live on in the memories of the only ones who care about them, our racial kindred. And our genes live on infinitely through our children, or, if we have no children, through our nieces and nephews and cousins and White racial kindred. In a sense we are our ancestors. And our children are us. There is a direct, living, water and blood and DNA connection between all the generations past and future, from the pre-human past to the Divine future. Not only do we experience beginnings, we are a beginning, something new in the Universe. Let’s think about that as we look at the snowscapes that Nature has given us this Yuletide.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
24 December, 2022 10:23 pm

Why am I not surprised at the lack of justice served to that Jewish worm. I have a feeling that rather than him being made an example of, more of us gentiles will open our eyes and see a pattern found all too often in the filthy rich Jewish swindlers and feel outraged for the fate of the the many of his victims and notice that he and his kind almost always get to skate when they’ve been found out. The ADL has probably been instrumental in ensuring that none of their White collar criminals ever have to pay the consequences, like the early 20th century scumbag Leo Frank. Mr. Strom, I had no idea of the recent losses you suffered. My condolences, especially to your son’s untimely death. It… Read more »

25 December, 2022 6:14 am

This jew scum will probably skate, for the simple reason he scammed GOYIM, unlike the other jew scammer Madoff who scammed fellow jews, which is why he is in preison. Jew boy Fried will be slapoped on the wrist, flee to Israel with his parents (who won’t need their home put up for bail) anjd live happily ever after off the shekels scammed from us dumb stupid imbecile goyim. Oy vey, what a deal.