Posts Tagged
Jewish Swindling

Trump’s Jewish Son-in-Law Caught in Huge Real Estate Scam
At least 80 false applications were filed.
WHEN THE Kushner Cos. bought three apartment buildings in a gentrifying neighborhood of Queens in 2015, most of the tenants were protected by special rent control rules that prevent developers from pushing them out, raising rents, and turning a tidy profit.…

Jews and Blacks: Whites Don’t Need Them
by David Sims
STEFAN Molyneux once asked: “Why did Jews, after facing decimation in Europe, come to America with nothing in their pockets and achieve income parity with Whites in four years after the Second World War?”
Yes, it was partly a high average (Ashkenazi) Jewish IQ. But this isn’t…

Enron, Fastow, and the Looting of America
If you hear about a 100-thousand-dollar swindle, it could be anybody. If you hear about a 100-million-dollar swindle, then you know that it has to be a Jew. Why is that?
by Dr. William L. Pierce
THIS ENRON thing becomes more interesting every day. Business and finance are not my strong areas, and so I don’t…

The Evolution of the Jewish Banking Swindle
by David Sims
MOST PEOPLE assume that the banks act in good faith and in the public interest. They could not be more wrong. Our money system is the creation of the Jews, a predator race, for whom usury, deception and subversion are basic tools.
During the middle ages, gold coins were used as money. Gold is…

White Collar (?) Crime
Perhaps another adjective would be more accurate
WE HEAR a great deal about white collar crime and how unfair it is that a business executive who steals millions of dollars from investors receives a suspended sentence or at most a few months in jail while a second-story man who makes away with a $200 TV…

Poland Agrees to Pay Jewish WW2 “Survivors” $2.6 Million per Month
Even though by no stretch of the imagination could Poles — who suffered under Communism for decades as a result of the war — have been at fault; this is one of the smaller of innumerable structured “deals” under which Jews have extracted billions from Switzerland, Germany,…