Posts Tagged
Jewish Financial Crime
Israël, Terre d’Asile de la Grande Arnaque
Butin récupéré par la police française suite au démantèlement en 2020 d’un réseau criminel de grande envergure basé en Israël A French translation of Andrew Joyce’s “Israel: a Refuge for Swindlers.” Since this article can no longer be published in France with any assurance…
Israel: a Refuge for Swindlers
Criminal proceeds recovered from a mass Israeli-run fraud ring by French police, 2020 by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D. “MOST OF THE JEWS are thieves.” Thus said the founding father of Israel, David Ben Gurion, when he heard about Jewish soldiers carrying Persian rugs from freshly looted Arab properties…
Wall Street Vultures Who Harmed Millions Go Unpunished, Retire as Billionaires
July 4, 1988: Fortune magazine cover featuring George Roberts and Henry Kravis, “Masters of the Buyout Game.” THE JEWISH founders of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), America’s first nationally celebrated “private equity” giant, have announced they’re stepping down as the company’s co-CEOs. Henry…
Fighting the Kosher Mafia
Yellow arrow points to OU Kosher seal
Seanna Fenner, aka Odinia, is an Odinist gyðja (priestess), a völva, and the founder of the native European religious organization, Odinia International. She resides in the United States, and she is a fervent follower of the ancient European religion…
A Lovely Sight: Wall Street Vampires on the Run
To learn more about Jews and short-selling, read Kevin Alfred Strom’s “Oy Vey, What a Country.” by David Sims IN THE United States, the elections are rigged, and the stock market is too. An alleged scandal that is currently going on, on Wall Street, highlights the hypocrisy of how…
White Men in Suits
by Kevin Alfred Strom (2002) FINANCIAL SCANDALS, corporate fraud, the looting of billions in pension funds, and the collapse of the stock market bubble are much in the news these days. And, again and again, the controlled media manage to put a spin on these things to the detriment of White people. The…
That’s A Lot of Chicken
A former Yeshiva leader was sentenced to two years in prison Friday in Brooklyn federal court for swiping $3.2 million in government funds that were supposed to provide dinners to needy kids. TYPICAL JEWISH BEHAVIOR from “The Light of the World.” For every currency manipulation, “You…
Eminent Sheeny
by Revilo P. Oliver DURING THE PAST two or three years, four or five of God’s Select Darlings have perpetrated billion-dollar swindles so crude and gross that some judicial notice of them had to be taken. The financiers were usually given three or four months’ retirement in a comfortable…
Unraveling of Huge Multibillion-Dollar Investment Fraud Uncovers Nest of Jews
TOP EXECUTIVES of New York-based hedge fund manager Platinum Partners were arrested on Monday and charged with running an approximately $1 billion fraud that federal prosecutors said became “like a Ponzi scheme” as its largest investments lost much of their value. Platinum, led by…
New Jersey: Jewish Con Man Who Ran $200 Million Ponzi Scheme and Fake Facebook Investment Scam Loses in Court
THE LAKEWOOD MAN who ran a $200 million Ponzi investment scheme that bilked the public, including even members of his own Orthodox Jewish community, has struck out in his attempt to overturn his convictions. (ILLUSTRATION: Eliyahu Weinstein, already facing 25 years in prison in connection with…