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Nothing Squared versus Infinity
The smirk says it all. The story of world’s biggest scammer Sam Bankman-Fried’s unprecedented bail hearing is a prime example of elite Jewish privilege: Bankman-Fried being escorted to court after extradition to the US. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 24 December, 2022…
There’s Less Than Nothing There
New York magazine’s vision of Bernie Madoff after he was caught. The Jewish establishment loved him, though, before he was caught. Madoff typifies the Jewish pattern of convincing the marks that something is there when it really isn’t: banks, crypto casinos like FTX, stock market “derivatives”…
There’s Nothing There
Beloved genius fallen on hard times American Dissident Voices broadcast of 10 December, 2022's-Nothing-There.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom I COVERED THE CASE of Jewish “crypto” swindler Sam Bankman-Fried…
ESG and You
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 19 June, 2021 2021-0619 ESG and You.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom LAST WEEK I spoke to you about the anti-White hatred that culminated in the slaughter of every last White man, woman, and child in the country of…
The World’s Enemy: The Three Hundred Who Control Finance
by Dr. Joseph Goebbels In this article, Dr. Goebbels analyzes the symbiosis of world Jewry and high finance on one hand and Marxists on the other hand. It was written in 1928. (“Der Weltfeind,” Der Angriff. Aufsätze aus der Kampfzeit (Munich: Zentralverlag der NSDAP, 1935), pp. 333-336.)…
Our Biggest Mistake
by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST WEEK we talked about a number of especially egregious Jewish swindlers of the past decade. In every case they stole from Gentiles with the help of other Gentiles. I pointed out that the cases I discussed were illustrations of the general rule that the really big swindlers…
Rothschild Family Wealth is Five Times that of World’s Top 8 Billionaires Combined
Introductory Note: This one Jewish family controls about 85% of the world’s central banks. Since they have the largest portion of money on the planet (and a license to create money, too), guess who else they also control? That’s correct: All the corporations, the politicians, the Federal…
Top Seven Hedge Fund Frauds, Bribes, and Lost Billions: All Involve Jews
ALTHOUGH HEDGE FUNDS’ middling performance this year was somewhat of an improvement, many of their managers undoubtedly can’t wait for the year to end. Some are in deep trouble with the law or their shareholders or both — and some are out of business entirely. Read on for the biggest hedge fund…
“Social Justice Shorting”: Making Millions By Betting Against Leftist Companies
MEET Charles C. Johnson (pictured), publisher of the controversial news site Johnson has built a media empire through crowd-funding research, and publishing stories that oftentimes are left untouched or buried by the mainstream media. A vocal critic of today’s generation of Social…
SPLC 2016 – Celebrating 45 Years of “Whites Only” at the Top!
The racial term “White” is used in this report to mean Caucasian in the broad sense — we are well aware that many of these executives are Jews. ONCE AGAIN, it’s time to have a look at the Southern Poverty Law Center’s latest financial reports. While there have been some significant…