Kevin Alfred StromVideoWilliam Pierce

William Pierce on Media Exploitation of Children

UPDATE: The censors moved quickly; within a few hours of the video being posted here, the producer’s account was terminated. An alternative source has been found; its longevity is of course unknown.

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A VERY TALENTED video producer who goes by the name of DestroyZog (a moniker which may be somewhat off-putting to the very audience he’s trying to reach) has created a compelling and visually dynamic television version of one of Dr. William Pierce’s most heart-rending broadcasts. In this piece, he details the horrific rape and murder of a White sixth-grader who was lured into the interracial sex “scene” by the junk / death culture of the alien media moguls — monsters who too many parents allow to “babysit” their vulnerable children for hours on end every day.

Once you have seen and understood the facts presented here, there will no longer be any question in your mind as to the real agenda lurking behind the “cutesie” logos, catchy theme songs, and pretty faces that are but sugar coating on deadly poison. Natural, normal sexuality is a good thing, with its purpose being the renewal of the race and the bringing of more beautiful White souls into this world. But it is not a normal, healthy sexuality that the Opponent is promoting to our children — it is an unspeakable perversion of sexuality, and its goal is the opposite of Nature’s.

The rapidly-changing video imagery may seem distracting to older viewers, but in my opinion it is just right for the younger audience who have grown up in the MTV and music-video era.

As Dr. Pierce says in his conclusion: “If you are the parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt of young White children, you have a sacred obligation to help them develop a lifelong resistance to these Jewish attempts to destroy their racial and cultural identity.” Amen!

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19 November, 2010 6:12 pm

Mr. Strom, the following message appeared when I attempted to link to the video:

“This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.”

Does this likely mean that YouTube was influenced by someone to remove the video, owing to its content? Is the video available elsewhere?

Thank you.

John Kirkpatrick
John Kirkpatrick
19 November, 2010 7:53 pm

Due to the censorship issues at You Tube, fellow channel producers are copying and re-downloading video’s that have been ‘terminated’ … Here is a link to the Dr. Pierce Video.

21 November, 2010 7:07 pm

YouTube can censor anything that they don’t like, but it’s not what they don’t like but the viewers. Your video should have stayed on. Keep up the good work & know there are those of us who read your blog. That is until Google gets a notice from the USG to censor you as they have done others.

24 November, 2010 11:44 am

Alternate host:

Esoterismo ed omicidi rituali di matrice ebraica e massonica… - - Forum
9 March, 2011 2:36 pm

[…] […]

John McQuire
John McQuire
8 May, 2011 9:20 pm

Dr. William Pierce – Thinking About a White Future

John Smith
John Smith
10 May, 2011 11:13 am

Dr.William Pierce Speaks…

Assorted video broadcasts of Dr.Pierce;s talks, up dated on a regular basis.

Solar General
Solar General
23 November, 2014 2:24 pm

The ADL and SPLC have successfully made sure the video has been erased from the Internet. You’re going to have to do better than that if you want to keep the video online.