Will Williams: Standing Strong, part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of April 9, 2016
by Kevin Alfred Strom
TODAY WE welcome to our American Dissident Voices microphones the Chairman of the National Alliance, William White Williams. Chairman Williams is an accomplished artist, a craftsman and builder, a Vietnam veteran, a former Captain in the Green Berets, and a long-term partisan of our race. More than anything else, though, I believe that Will Williams is a fighter for our people — a man who understands the tremendous importance, the cosmic stakes, that underlie our struggle — and who is determined to give it everything he’s got no matter what the odds and no matter how tough it gets. (ILLUSTRATION: Then-Lieutenant Will Williams during his military service)
KAS: Welcome, Will, to American Dissident Voices.
WWW: Thank you, Kevin. Glad to be here.
KAS: It was on the 22nd anniversary of American Dissident Voices — in December, 2013 — that you decided to re-launch the National Alliance. What were the events that led you to that decision?
WWW: December 28, 2013, I believe it was, you had your first American Dissident Voices broadcast in years. It was the 22nd anniversary of the first American Dissident Voices broadcast.
KAS: That’s right.
WWW: You produced and hosted that too. So that was a good date. But we had talked about re-launching the Alliance months before, maybe even a year before, when the former chairman decided that the Alliance was no longer going to be a membership organization and they were going to do away with the Membership Handbook that you and I had helped Dr. Pierce write in 1992 —
KAS: I believe the first edition was in 1992.
WWW: So the Alliance had been in steep decline for a decade. I couldn’t see not having a National Alliance. So we decided — you and I, pretty much — that we would start our own National Alliance and would make it a membership organization. We decided we would restore the original Handbook. We started with nothing — nothing but our will to build the Alliance, based on what Dr. Pierce had taught us.
KAS: And that’s exactly what we did. I think it’s been something like 110 American Dissident Voices programs since then — and it’s been over two years since we began.
WWW: Yes, and not one repeat show; it’s remarkable how you’ve been able to do that — every week you hit the mark — with all you’ve had to put up with.
KAS: Thank you. A primary purpose of the National Alliance is to secure the existence of the White race. Why, in your view, is it necessary that our race survive?
WWW: The answer should be obvious. Our people are worth preserving.
Often I ask people a direct question: Do you think the White race is worth preserving? If they say “no,” or shrug their shoulders or something like that, I move on. I don’t deal with them. But to the ones who say “yes,” I say: So you think the White race is worth preserving. Do you realize we have to fight to preserve it? Most will say yes. But if some aren’t able to understand that, then you move on past them too. Eventually you find the people who agree with us. They’re the ones we build with, to build our movement to preserve our race.
We’re separatists. We want a wholesome environment for our people. And we have to fight for it.
KAS: Not everybody is brainwashed. There are surely people who respond positively.
WWW: Yes, like the people who are listening to this show. Those are the ones we deal with. We also get a lot of negative responses, but our message is really not for the masses. It’s crafted for people who agree with our values.
KAS: What experiences in your life, and what influences in your life, led you to the view that the survival of our race is so important?
WWW: In my early life, I always was around my own people. I think the big jolt that I got was when I went in the Army, and entered basic training. I would say that over half of my basic training company consisted of Negroes from the inner city — mostly around Pittsburgh. It was culture shock. I had to sleep with them and shower with them and listen to them. We all had our hair cut off. We all had to wear the same baggy uniform. We were treated like equals — but we were anything but equal. That was the wake-up call for me.
KAS: So you’re in the Army. And you realize how different the Blacks are. How did that become so important to you — so important that you’d devote a large part of your life to the racial question? I mean, they’re different — but so what?
WWW: At that time, I didn’t devote my life to it. I did my four years in the Army: I matriculated into the infantry and then I went to Infantry OCS [Officer Candidate School — Ed.]. Then I went into the Special Forces — Airborne and all that. There, we just didn’t have many Blacks. So I —
KAS: The Special Forces — that’s an elite corps, correct?
WWW: Yes. Special Operations, they call it now. You’ve got the Seals, and Army Rangers, and Marine Force Recon, and Army Special Forces, and I think the Air Force has an outfit too.
KAS: So that was nearly all White, then.
WWW: It was, yes. They had pretty high standards: intelligence tests, physical endurance tests, swimming tests. The Blacks didn’t do well on that — they were called “rocks.” They sank.
KAS: Oh, because they sank… All right, So you devoted a number of years of your life to your military career. When you got out, what was next?
WWW: College. I was 23 and a freshman in college. Of course, I’d had some serious life experience — including a couple of tours in Southeast Asia. In comparison, college was kind of boring, frankly.
KAS: Were you political at college?
WWW: I questioned what was going on. It was 1970 and the country was in turmoil. We’d just gotten through the 1960s and there was all kinds of campus unrest. There was the anti-war movement, the “civil rights” movement, the homosexual movement, feminism —
KAS: And there’d been a number of riots also.
WWW: Oh, yeah. It was a very liberal campus. And I was a hawk. Almost everyone else was a dove. But I did all right. I made the Dean’s List. It wasn’t very challenging. I was studying architecture and art.
KAS: What field did you go into?
WWW: Building. After being a captain in the Army, I had to start over as an office boy in an architect’s office — sharpening pencils, emptying the trash [laughter], you know… It was quite a step down, but that’s the world. I had to start over and my job skills weren’t much in demand.
I started learning how to draw plans when I was in school. Then I dropped out and went out and did actual building. I think I had seven W-2s my first year, just paying my dues, learning how to do carpentry. But I had the advantage of knowing how to read plans, because I’d worked in an architect’s office. It wasn’t long before I had my own framing crew. I was framing houses and got pretty good at that. Then I sought out some of the best builders in town to go to work with them, to really learn the trades. I worked with one outfit where we built 57 homes in year, my partner and I. Then I moved over to absolutely the best custom builder in town. We used to design houses for him. I was his superintendent. I was paying my dues, working my way up.
Well, the economy got real bad, and I went back to school. It was the Jimmy Carter years. I don’t know if you remember, but — oh, man — the interest rates were like 21 per cent. You couldn’t do any business. So I went back to school. I still had the GI Bill. I studied architecture again. I started projects in school designing my own houses and building my own houses, using students for my labor — and the shop to build my stuff. They didn’t really appreciate it, but I took advantage of it.
When the economy got better again, I went back out. I had my general contractor’s license. I got my real estate broker’s license. You just keep working your way up. I started buying land and developing subdivisions. I started designing houses and building houses.
I was audited for the third time — getting audited just comes with the territory when you’re a contractor — after my house burned down and my ledger burned up. I had this Negress auditor come out — and she thought I had burned down my house to avoid an audit. And boy, the fight was on then.
I really came into the racial movement through the back door — as a tax resister. Because I didn’t burn up my house to avoid an audit. So I dug in my heels. And the fight lasted three years. And I swore, after that, that I’d never work again. They’d never get a nickel out of me. They could put me in prison or whatever they wanted to — I didn’t care.
I was looking around for groups that were fighting the government — because the IRS was so tyrannical. And I found the White Patriot Party. It was headquartered about 30 miles down the road from Raleigh. I had heard their leader on TV and on the radio, and I said [laughter] “Good night, how does this guy get away with talking like that?” I met up with some of those guys. They weren’t really my kind of folks for the most part, but I met some really good people. They banned that group within a year or so, for “paramilitary” activity — some consent decree that the leader signed with Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center. That was the spring of ’85.
So I decided to become an artist.
KAS: I’ve seen some of your paintings.
WWW: It turned out that I got pretty good at it.
KAS: I’ve seen your portraits of Dr. Pierce, which are both excellent, and I’ve seen your portrait of David Duke too.
WWW: Yes. I specialized in portraits. I’d sit somebody down and paint him from life. I went to a lot of seminars and workshops and painted a lot of pictures. I worked at it constantly for years. It wasn’t a very good living — but it gave me a chance to do pretty much anything I wanted to do with my time. And I spent most of my time working for the cause — and meeting people. From the White Patriot Party I met John and Tom Metzger, Ed Fields, and David Duke. I joined with the Populist Party and met a lot of people regionally instead of just locally. Some would come from all over the country. I met Gary Gallo — I think you might remember him.
KAS: I certainly do.
WWW: He was an Alliance member and he was an exceptional person. He graduated from West Point, then Georgetown Law School. Then he had his own group — the National Democratic Front. He picked up Gordon Ipock and I from the White Patriot Party, and a few others — Ron Doggett I believe. He made us his co-directors, or something like that. I organized rallies. I had one there in Raleigh for Gary’s group. I brought in a lot of people.
Tom Metzger was one I brought in from California. He asked me if I’d ever heard of Ben Klassen. I said I’d never heard of him. He said he was right there in North Carolina. Somebody had given me a book of Klassen’s, and I hadn’t read it. When I went back home I found it and read it. I believe it was his Building a Whiter and Brighter World.
Ben Klassen wrote several books, and founded the Church of the Creator, to promote Creativity — a new religion for White people. I’d never heard of anything like that before. After reading his book, I said to myself “This guy’s really got something here.” And I called up Tom Metzger and got Ben Klassen’s number and called him. Ben invited me up to meet him, and before you know it, he’d offered me a job working with him. That was a real turning point for me.
KAS: What year was that?
WWW: That was January of 1988. I went up there a couple of months later. I could tell it was going to be a difficult tour, because the place had really gone to the dogs.
KAS: Sounds like you have a penchant for taking on difficult jobs, Will.
WWW: It didn’t scare me. I was there to learn. I wanted to learn and pick this man’s brain.
He made me editor of his paper and gave me a title — Hasta Primus —
KAS: That’s Latin, right?
WWW: Yes, that’s Latin for “spear catcher,” I believe . . . yeah, actually it’s “first spear” . . . [laughter]
KAS: [laughter] Okay, there you go. . .
WWW: But I felt like a spear catcher.
KAS: You got me there!
WWW: You need to brush up on your Latin a little more. [laughter]
I worked there for 15 months and we really put the Church back up on top of the heap.
KAS: That was a religion that was not Biblically-based. It was not a revealed religion, correct?
WWW: No, not at all. It was —
KAS: More of a Nature religion, I’d call it.
WWW: It was Nature-based. His first book was Nature’s Eternal Religion. It was pretty much anti-Christian. He was exposing Christianity as totally unsuitable for our people. Creativity was based on common sense, science, Nature, and lessons from history. Mr. Klassen taught me a lot.
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Next week we’ll continue our interview with William White Williams, the Chairman of the National Alliance, right here on American Dissident Voices. Thank you Will!
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance, founded by William Luther Pierce in 1970. This program is published every week at Whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. You can join and support us by visiting natall.com — or write to National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your support, your inquiries, and your help in spreading our message of hope to our people. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to keep on thinking free.
Thanks, Kevin and Will, for an insightful and informative broadcast. I am looking forward to next week’s installment.
Thanks for stepping up to the plate, Captain Williams!
ADV: Will Williams: Standing Strong, part 1 – April 9, 2016
The literature of and about the Church of the Creator indicates that “Hasta Primus” means “Spearhead.” For example, an online search reveals that Ben Klassen used it in this sense in his book Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs.
The reference to “spear catcher” reminds me of an article in National Vanguard that I should transcribe for online publication soon.
May I bump this for those who are new here and would like to know more about Chairman Williams?
Architect and artist among other things…not unlike another noteworthy man of deeds.
A bump seven years after that interview was broadcast is reasonable, thanks. Part 2 of the interview is here for those who may be interested: Will Williams: Standing Strong, part 2 | National Vanguard In that I said this: WWW: I went to Russia and got married. I said it was a good time to try and get a life. That was in 2003. Thank goodness I did.KAS: So at the age of 50-plus, you decided to start to get a life… That reminds me, tomorrow, 20 August 2023 will be Svetlana’s and my 20th wedding anniversary. What an interesting two decades it has been. And, Kevin, how about you and Vanessa? I introduced you to her more than 10 years ago, then married you in a lovely Cosmotheist ceremony… Read more »