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Sperm Cells and Souls
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 23 September, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom I RECENTLY RECEIVED A letter in response to one of my programs. The letter-writer is a man of intelligence who cares about the future of our race. He’s also a man of great imagination and creativity. He speculates…
The Exterminators
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 9 July, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom A FEW YEARS AGO I discussed on these airwaves the utter absurdity of the claim, commonly heard on the controlled media and in modern…
Choosing One’s Spouse
A view from National Socialist Germany THE DEMOCRATIC state saw marriage as a completely private matter that did not concern the Volk or the state. Whether the marriages were happy, or engendered no or few children, the leaders did not care. And the result was reaped thereafter. We look at marriage in…
Close Your Eyes and Think of England
by George Mosley SOME JEW in the Jewish Village Voice once gave a rundown of the Jew show Transparent by writing that it chronicles: “adultery, abortion, threesomes, lesbians, transgenders, interracial hook-ups.” That is, sexual “freedom” at the end of the world. An ultramontane…
Schopenhauer and Judeo-Christian Life-Denial, part 2
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. Sexual Abstinence as Jewish Ethnic Strategy AMONG MANY other things, Schopenhauer was fascinated by human sexuality, which for him assumed deep metaphysical importance. The human essence, the will-to-live, finds “as its kernel and greatest concentration, the act of generation”…
Angolan Physician: “Sexual Relationships Between Humans and Chimpanzees Are Fairly Common in the Region”
This is the President of Angola. The strange case of alleged Negro/chimp hybrid Augusto Dembo: The Angolan President João Lourenço accepts the hybrid explanation and calls Dembo a “national treasure,” “a sign from God,” and a “testament to the majesty and greatness of the Republic of Angola.” IN January…
Normal Sexuality
I SAW ON the ’net somewhere a while back someone had posted a picture that his child had brought home from school. The picture was of a stick-figure human with various lines pointing at it with labels like sex, gender, identity, and sexual orientation. The person who posted this was complaining about…
There Are No Transgender People
by David Sims THERE IS no such thing as a woman who was born male. There are really no transgender people. There are only mentally disturbed people who have a disorder called gender dysphoria. And, lately, teenagers who don’t actually have gender dysphoria are pretending that they are transgender…
Transgender Freaks Prove the Opposite of What They Intend: Sex Differences Are Real
by David Sims HALF-JEWISH feminist Goria Steinem says (domestic) “violence” occurs in direct proportion to differences in gender roles. However, that isn’t true. The most voiced complaint about “transgenders” (other than, perhaps, who may go to which restroom)…
Racial Mixing is a Death Sentence
“Boyfriend” and “girlfriend” James Terry and Kelly O’Keefe, who in 2011 became stabber and victim. Racial mixing’s long-term consequences, however, are far more dangerous to us than even fatal violence. BIOLOGICALLY, the disappearance of a people, an…