Mark Weber on Jeff Rense Show Tonight
MARK WEBER (pictured), Director of the Institute for Historical Review, will appear on the Jeff Rense radio show this (Thursday) evening, Nov. 18, with host Jeff Rense to explain how “web filter” companies use deceit to block access to the IHR Web site and other “politically incorrect” sites.
He’ll also report on progress in the IHR’s campaign against Internet censorship, and speak about a misleading “60 Minutes” report on the International Tracing Service and “the Holocaust.”
This broadcast will air on Thursday evening from 9 to 10 p.m., Pacific coast time, or midnight to 1:00 a.m., East coast time.
The IHR is pushing for transparency and fairness by so-called Web filtering companies, and demanding that public institutions stop surreptitiously filtering sites based on ideological content under the false rubric of “filtering hate.”
As the IHR states:
In keeping with its long-standing policy of support for free speech, the Institute for Historical Review in late August launched a campaign to fight internet censorship.
Across the US, some businesses, agencies, school districts and other institutions routinely block access to the IHR website and other “politically incorrect” sites. For example, when someone at a Wells Fargo company office or branch tries to log on to, a notice comes up saying that access is denied because the site promotes “violence/ hate/ racism.” (The Wells Fargo online notice is shown below.)
In letters, by telephone, and in face-to-face meetings, the IHR has been contacting businesses and other institutions that block access to the IHR website to explain why this practice is unfair, defamatory and harmful, and to call on them to stop it.
Read more at the Institute for Historical Review