
Florida: Black Gangs Openly Declare Shooting War on White Students

Even though the threat was specifically directed by Black gangs at White students — who would be shot because and only because they are White — neither the Fox 30 TV report linked here, nor the school superintendent, dared to mention the words “Black” or “White.” (The word “White” was used — once — in the Fox 30 online article.)

SEVERAL parents of students at First Coast High School are sharing a Facebook post that has them scared for their children’s safety. Some parents tell Action News they will keep their kids home for the last week of school.

“She’s scared, she’s scared,” said Bridget Vannoy.

Vannoy said her daughter informed her that gang members at her school are threatening to shoot white children.

“Very disturbing. I’ve decided not to let my daughter go to school next week because of this,” she said. “Don’t know whether it’s a sick prank or whether it’s true whether it’s rumors that kids have made up.”

This information was so disturbing to Vannoy, she wrote a post about it on Facebook. It’s now been shared by many parents who said they’re afraid to send their kids to school.

If you have a child, friend or know anyone that goes to FIRST COAST HIGH SCHOOL you need to be aware of this THREAT

Posted by MrsShane Reed on Saturday, May 30, 2015

Action News took their concerns to Duval County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Nikolai Vitti.

Facebook Post“We are aware,” said Vitti. “As I said earlier, there’s quite a few threats and they happen daily, not just at the end of the year, and every time we learn something like that we take a proactive approach.”

Vitti said their approach includes ramping up security and personnel at the schools, which he said they’re already doing — and this week they say they are keeping an extra eye out and their ears open.

“First Coast is one of our targeted schools where we have additional personnel, so we have an all hands on deck mentality right now. Every person available that could prevent something from happening is out in the field right now,” Vitti said.

But — parents like Vannoy said they aren’t taking any chances.

“My daughter, her well-being is in my hands and I am ultimately the decision-maker and for my child to be safe I’ve elected not to send her to school next week, said Vannoy.

The school year ends on June 5.

* * *

Source: CBS Action News

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5 June, 2015 10:37 am

There was a race war at my high school in the Fall of 1968. The Negroes were easily defeated by White Southerners. The faculty and the townsmen stood down. They let us manage our own affairs. Whites don’t fight back anymore. They just keep walking…

7 June, 2015 1:12 am

Now repeat after me, everybody:

“Diversity is our greatest strength.”


The Eye
The Eye
20 November, 2019 1:36 pm

Until today, 4 years after the fact, I had never heard a word about this incident. Thank you mainstream media for proving once again your bias against us Whites, and how you coddle and protect non-Whites to a nauseating degree