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After the Darkness, There Will Be Light
by Martin Kerr
THERE IS NO REGION on Earth that Aryans have not at least visited, including remote Pacific islands, sand-choked deserts and steaming tropical rain forests, and most countries today have at least a token Aryan population. But historically, the homeland of our Folk has been in the North,…

Updated: “Aryan” Is the Correct and Proper Name of Our Race
An Aryan girl, member of the Nordic sub-race. Not all Aryans are Nordics, but all Nordics (of uncontaminated ancestry) are Aryans. by Martin Kerr BEFORE 1940 OR SO, the term “Aryan” and the name “Aryan race” were part of the ordinary vocabulary of every moderately-educated person in the English-speaking…

After the Darkness, There Will Be Light
by Martin Kerr THERE IS NO REGION on Earth that Aryans have not at least visited, including remote Pacific islands, sand-choked deserts and steaming tropical rain forests, and most countries today have at least a token Aryan population. But historically, the homeland of our Folk has been in the North,…

Horse Sense
by Revilo P. Oliver OUR RACIAL history begins when Aryan warriors, astride their steeds, rode out of the misty dark of an unrecoverable past. And the destiny of our race was indissolubly dependent on horses in both war and peace until cavalry was relegated to an auxiliary function in the First World War…

Aryan Invasion of India: Myth or Reality?
DNA evidence has shed new light on the origins of the Indian people, the Hindu religion, and the Sanskrit language. Pastoralists of the Andronovo culture from the Bronze age steppe invaded India from the northwest and brought Indo-European languages to the Indian subcontinent. These pastoralists…

Hidden, Lost, and Forgotten
1 THE WHITE RACE today is a lost and forgotten city: overgrown by wild weeds and ivy vines. The stone walls of our city, nearly unrecognizable, are covered by moss and mold, and are filled with many cracks.
Tall trees with wild and untamed branches shroud over ancient castles and temples, casting a shadow…
Tall trees with wild and untamed branches shroud over ancient castles and temples, casting a shadow…

The Aryan Way: Perception Is Reality
by Racial Consciousness 1 “Prepare for war with peace in your soul. Be not moved in pleasure or in pain, in gain or in loss, in victory or in the loss of battle.” ANYONE WHO QUIETLY examines the world in which we live will discover that there are some very universal truths. One such truth is that…

Aryan Ethos and Jewish Ethos
This essay appeared in issue number one of The National Socialist (Summer 1980), which was the theoretical journal of the World Union of National Socialists, under the author’snom de guerre “Wayland Smith.” by Dr. Peter H. Peel IN THE WORLD OF MUSIC, the sublime geniuses of Richard Wagner and Ludwig…

Ötzi: The Aryan Iceman
by Karl Radl THE CORPSE OF Ötzi was discovered by accident in the Alpine northern Italian region of the Tyrol in September of 1991. It was an immensely important find that rivalled the Dead Sea Scrolls as the archeological find of the century. Ötzi rewrote much of Chalcolithic history in Europe. He lived…

Ten Commandments for the Selection of a Marriage Partner
Issued by the World Union of National Socialists (1982) AS RACIALLY-AWARE Aryans, our lives are not ours to squander and waste as we please. Rather, they belong to the greater racial community of which we are a part. In all things great and small, our duty to our Race must take precedence over our own narrow,…