Ötzi: The Aryan Iceman
by Karl Radl
THE CORPSE OF Ötzi was discovered by accident in the Alpine northern Italian region of the Tyrol in September of 1991. It was an immensely important find that rivalled the Dead Sea Scrolls as the archeological find of the century. Ötzi rewrote much of Chalcolithic history in Europe. He lived in approximately 3,300 BC, and the discovery of his copper axe pushed back the timeline of the Chalcolithic epoch by hundreds of years and called into question the timeline of when Europeans began to smelt and craft copper tools and weapons.
What Ötzi also demonstrates — although this isn’t often overtly recognized — is the genius of the Aryan race. Ötzi had not only a copper axe, but also snow shoes, a bow and arrows, a coat, leggings, and a bear skin hat. That is quite the achievement by any standard and demonstrates how he had adapted to the mountainous conditions of the area he was traversing, and also that such advanced equipment was likely widespread among the Aryan communities living in the area.
In addition, analysis of Ötzi’s stomach contents shows that he had recently hiked up to the Alps from the alpine lowlands. This points to the extraordinary fact that Ötzi and his people had created different sets of clothing for different environmental and weather conditions.
This is rather different from the Inuit, who have one set of clothing for one situation, or the American Indians, who likewise only had one set of clothing for any given situation and adapted by simply layering their clothing rather than creating equipment and tools to help them in a given environmental or weather-related scenario.
It gets even more amazing, however. Ötzi had a backpack — which may have doubled as a sleeping mat — that contained a flint and striker, dried leaves to start a fire, and rolled birch bark containers filled with local medicinal herbs and ingredients that could be used to make meals or treat injuries and medical conditions. Now that is astonishing!
Ötzi was equipped similarly to a modern mountaineer, albeit with equipment made from natural rather than artificial materials. In many respects he was actually better equipped given that he carried medicine with him. Many modern mountaineers don’t bother to take medicine with them into the mountains as with the advent of the modern mountain rescue service a hospital is only an hour or two away in most cases.
Even the way Ötzi died — from an arrow in the back and then a blow from a copper axe to the back of his head to finish him off — tells us that our ancestors were not merely some hippy commune living off the land as is often pictured, but rather were warriors as well as farmers and hunters. Otherwise, why would have some other person tracked down Ötzi in the mountains and made a point of ensuring that he was dead?
This gives the lie to the superstition — started in the fantasies about primitive socialism of Jean-Jacques Rousseau — that man has not always been a violent and essentially tribal being. Such behavior is not explained by the ‘primitive anarch’ of Ernst Jünger’s later work or the primitive socialism of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, but rather the warrior-worker-farmer of National Socialism. This is what Ötzi tells us about our ancestors: They were a rugged people of warrior-worker-farmers who bent and tamed nature to their will and consequently built the incomparable beauty that is European civilization.
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Source: The Purity Spiral
Fascinating! I hope to see more articles about our European ancestors.