American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

To Live Upon the Earth

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 12 August, 2023

by Kevin Alfred Strom

A FEW WEEKS ago, my broadcast “Too Many People” generated some letters. In that show I discussed the very real problem of human overpopulation of the Earth. I also added a quotation from Dr. William Pierce on his vision of a future all-White North America with a self-sustaining, all-White population of 50 million — much smaller in numbers than the current White population of our continent — with no cities larger than 10,000 souls.

In other broadcasts and articles, I’ve discussed the increasingly overt Jewish/elite promotion of a depopulation agenda in the West, and condemned it; and I have also been very clearly pro-natal — advocating for the birth of more high-quality White children, now more than ever.

The general tone of the letters has been more or less this: “Mr. Strom, which is it? Which is better? More babies or fewer babies? You seem to want more, but Dr. Pierce’s vision, which you seem to endorse, coming to pass means that 150 million White people in North America have to die. That doesn’t sound very pro-White to me! And you can’t have it both ways!”

The short answer to these seekers and critics is this: Depopulation agenda or not, there will be depopulation. Overpopulation will be followed by population collapse, as always happens in Nature. We need to position ourselves so that our population — that is, the White population — is not among those whose collapse is total. We need to arrange things so that the survival of the White race is assured and that we come out of the approaching crisis healthy and prepared to grow into the new spaces that merciless Nature will create for us. We need to make sure that we are not the ones falling away to make space for others.

So, yes, it does make sense and there is no contradiction. We need more high-quality White children to ensure that we have the brains and the life-energy and the military and technological power and sufficient simple biomass to defeat the armada of hungry mouths that will descend upon us — ten or a hundred times more than are already descending upon us — when the overpopulation crisis reaches its peak.

Overpopulation means an end to the politics of plenty, where we have so much of everything we can just give it away without severe consequences. That nonsense will end flat: Either we’ll come to our senses and stop doing it, or, if we don’t, there will be an end to us.

There will be a renewed war of survival between nations and races. That war will determine which populations will decline and disappear and which have a chance to go on living. We should be thinking in terms of doing far better than merely having a chance, too. We should be thinking in terms of winning, and gaining, and making our position impregnable and our racial state undefeatable when we come out at the other end of the time of darkness and chaos and war.

The crisis of human overpopulation is very real. The y-axis number cannot continue to move near-vertically much longer without running into the limits of the Earth’s resources. And long before that happens, life on Earth will become unlivable for us — grotesquely overcrowded, horribly regimented, overwhelmingly non-White, and characterized by a desperate scramble for disappearing necessities and increasingly incompetent and deranged “authorities,” without the slightest chance of solving even the simplest problems, much less the crisis as a whole — and a growing certainty that there is no hope, that the future will be even more Hellish than the present, and that life is not worth living. We’re already experiencing some of that already. Imagine all of that quintupled or multiplied by ten — or by 100 — and you’ll get my point.

(Suicide rates are already at the highest point we’ve ever seen in the United States — and in the extremely unhealthy formerly-White nation of Canada, the System is actually encouraging suicide now on the flimsiest of pretexts. As life becomes cheaper and cheaper, and unless the National Alliance succeeds in its goal of spiritual renewal among our folk with the inculcation of a new and true sense of purpose, that’s only going to get worse. Our people, even when not yet educated on the realities of race and Jewish power, have an increasing sense of foreboding — a sense that they are regarded as “the problem” by the System and are slated for death.)

What about Dr. Pierce’s vision of a lower population density, even among Whites, once our existence is secure? Well, once the world-stage has been cleared of any serious competitors, and no one knows what the numbers will be when that happens, we will have the luxury of designing and implementing any population policies we want. At such a point, we may find ourselves agreeing with Benjamin Franklin that, because of simple supply and demand forces, a smaller population means that earnings are higher and at the same time land is cheaper, making for happy and prosperous families. Furthermore, straining the Earth’s resources to the point where we can easily predict that they will run out in but a few centuries seems extremely stupid. Better to err on the side of caution, have a “resource safety buffer” of many millennia if at all possible, and terminate early, with maximum economy and with extreme prejudice any threat from other peoples which would force us to lose or abandon said safety buffer. Such a buffer, among many other benefits, gives us time to do whatever needs to be done to make our race an interplanetary race, stop betting 100 per cent. on the continued existence of a livable Earth (which is the furthest thing from guaranteed), and increase the chance of Aryan humanity surviving in the long term.

The great writer Andrew Hamilton tells us in his “The Importance of Population Structure and Dynamics”:

Given replacement migration, exceptionally high non-White birth rates, sub-replacement fertility among Whites, and widespread culturally-encouraged hybridization with non-Whites in all formerly White homelands around the world, the opposite ends of the national age spectrum everywhere now feature a predominantly White elderly population and an increasingly non-White youth population.

As a consequence, former First World nations are composed more and more of non-Whites and hybrids. The process is taking place with lightning speed. Thanks to an indispensable assist from dishonest media, academia, and governments, plus draconian and repressive laws, even White racialists, never mind the public, fail to grasp the urgency of the situation.

The aging and death of baby boomers born between 1946 and 1964, currently in progress, will in short order eradicate a numerically large proportion of the remaining White populace. Despite the lack of precise data, we nevertheless know the overall trends, so revolutionary and sweeping are the top-down social changes that have been imposed.

To better understand the crisis, it is helpful to employ a demographic tool known as the population pyramid. A population pyramid is a graphical representation of the distribution of age groups, usually by country or region, shaped like a pyramid when populations are young and growing.

There are three basic shapes.

The classic pyramid: A young, rapidly growing population with a high birth rate. This is characteristic of many non-White races today, and of vibrant subpopulations such as Orthodox Jews.

The box: A stable, replacement-level population characterized by low infant mortality, little or no demographic growth, and long life expectancy.

The inverted, or upside-down, pyramid: Low birth rate, collapsing population, long life expectancy. This is characteristic of the White race.

In the text version of this broadcast, I’ll show you what a couple of these pyramids look like. Let me describe them — they’re a series of bar graphs, centered horizontally. The bottom bar graph represents the youngest segment of the population, and the top bar graph represents the oldest segment of the population, with several bar graphs of the various age demographics in order between them.

Representative Age Pyramid for an Expanding NonWhite Race (Angolan age pyramid, 2005)
Representative Age Pyramid for an Expanding Non-White Race (Angolan age pyramid, 2005)
Hypothetical Inverted Age Pyramid of the White Race (demographic collapse)
Hypothetical Inverted Age Pyramid of the White Race (demographic collapse)

As Mr. Hamilton tells us, we can have a population whose graph is a classic pyramid shape of many children and fewer older people, representing a rapidly growing population; a box shape representing a stable population with roughly equal numbers in each age cohort; or an inverted pyramid where the tiny number of children is tasked with eventually caring for a huge number of elderly — and the population is collapsing.

No one who cares about our race, certainly not I and certainly not Dr. Pierce while he was alive, wants the last of these, a collapsing population. What we do want, when we regain control of our destiny once again, is the ability to decide for ourselves what our population and population growth shall be, and make efforts, with as much room for the freedom we love as possible within the limits of our goals, to make that population optimal for the survival and progress of the White race. There may be times, long periods of time, when the stable, square-shaped population pyramid graph will be best for us. There will be others when adjustments, not too radical one hopes, will need to be made in one direction or the other, always keeping in mind that our children, and our fertility and natality, must always be held as good and indeed sacred things.

Mr. Hamilton adds:

The connection between demographic strength and political power has long been recognized. As the White population contracted, nations became markedly more tyrannical in the Communist sense — characterized by closed, untouchable, uncriticizable elites not unlike an imperial god cult, universal surveillance, and the criminalization and rigid suppression of thought, speech, association, and authentic political activity.

So overwhelming now is alien control of the culture that even the psychological mores and institutional structures essential to biological and cultural survival have been systematically and efficiently expunged. Diminished numbers, lack of political influence, and the rapid growth of totalitarian-racist institutions have occurred hand in hand. It is a vicious, ever-accelerating cycle that becomes harder and harder to break the more time that passes.

That brings me to my most important point: To survive and eventually seed the stars with our sacred genes, to progress to Higher Man and beyond, we must first ensure that the White race can live securely on the Earth for many centuries. To do that, we must have:

  • A territory that is exclusively ours, where no other races are present
  • A government that is answerable to us alone
  • A leadership stratum which is incorruptible and dedicated to our race’s survival and progress as a sacred, religious duty
  • A population that is also imbued from its earliest years with the same spiritual outlook and sense of identity and destiny
  • A morality that leaves no room for foolish falsehoods like human “equality” or the placing of any value higher than that of White racial survival
  • A life-dedication of every member of society to the ever-increasing health and strength of the community which gave him birth
  • A general sense that each healthy White child, each White life has a special sacredness that nothing else possesses or can ever possess
  • Societal goals and policies that are consonant with all of the above

We need to think in such terms, in these terms. Or we are dead.

Are our jab-pushing, dollar-obsessed, open-borders, Israel- and Jew-worshipping, multiracialism-pushing, perversion-promoting “leaders” thinking in such terms? Are White Americans thinking in such terms now? Are Europeans? Are White people anywhere on Earth thinking in such terms?

A few are. We are. We are the members of the National Alliance. We are the supporters of the National Alliance. We are the men and women who have made these responsibilities ours.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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White ma
White ma
12 August, 2023 2:18 pm

My only outlook and energy is , for the survival and preservation and advancement of the (WHITE) Race!
I no longer have the energy for debating or discussion,
Everything and anything is either for the bsurvival of the (WHITE), and a future that is unlimited in a positive way,
It’s Negative and bad for the (WHITE) Race.
I have no more patience or time for any debates about the
Other races or viewpoints.
14 Words.
I support the National Alliance and its goals and vision for the future of our White Race!

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
12 August, 2023 3:27 pm

The world people must practice “survival of the fittest” as the animal world does. All children before puberty, should be “temporarily sterilized”. At age ~18-22 those with an I.Q. above 110, healthy genes, hi morals should be de-sterilized.

Today, we allow, even encourage the mis-fits to reproduce. Of course, this immigration shit must be reversed too.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  David R. Westerlund
16 August, 2023 8:37 pm

That’s some plan you’ve got there, David. Keep us updated on its implementation.

Received your donation the other day. Thank you for your support. Expect your first NA BULLETIN in the mail by the first part of September.

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
21 August, 2023 5:54 pm

Will Williams: Save the postage of the mail. PLEASE: Put me on the National Vanguard email list. I get these emails from Joe in Italy, not from National Vanguard. I have NEVER received an National Vanguard bulletin to my email at [email protected] from N.V..

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  David R. Westerlund
21 August, 2023 11:12 pm

The National Alliance Bulletin is not published online, Mr. Westerlund. Being a strictly internal publication for members and supporters only, it will remain this way until further notice.

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  David R. Westerlund
22 August, 2023 1:27 pm

David R. Westerlund: PLEASE: Put me on the National Vanguard email list. I get these emails from Joe in Italy, not from National Vanguard. I have NEVER received a National Vanguard bulletin to my email,,, — And you never will, David. has no bulletin and has never had one. Some people simply do not pay attention to the fact that NV is merely the publicly accessible online magazine of the National Alliance, the organization that mails its National Alliance Member BULLETIN each month to our members and supporters via First Class Mail. NA does not send its exclusive Members BULLETIN electronically. Were NA to do that, next thing you know Joe in Italy, whoever he is, and anyone else you want to share it with would receive a copy… Read more »

Reply to  David R. Westerlund
20 August, 2023 11:01 pm

Julius Streicher earned the honor of martyrdom at Nuremberg, despite scoring only 106 on one of (((Wechsler’s))) IQ tests. Here’s a possibly relevant quote:

I was shown a questionnaire drawn up by the Ministry of the Interior, which was proposed to be put to people deemed desirable to sterilize. At least three-quarters of the questions asked would have defeated my own good mother. One I recall was: “Why does a ship made of steel float in the water?” If this system had been introduced before my birth, I am pretty sure I should never have been born at all!

Hitler in Hitler’s Table Talk

I hope you find this as interesting as I did.

Reply to  Damoclesian
25 September, 2023 5:44 pm

This got me interested in more about the National Socialist perspective on IQ-testing, and I found a great summary in an article by Erich Jaensch titled, “Principles for Selection, Intelligence Testing, and Their Practical Implementation”.

Here is an English translation, for anyone else interested.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Damoclesian
26 September, 2023 2:04 am

Thank you for sharing Mr. Jaensch’s article, Damoclesian. It brings some thoughtful concepts to our attention that are closer to the values we in the National Alliance have than most on the topic of intelligence and the ordering of a society. Worth the time.

Ian Connolly
Ian Connolly
15 August, 2023 5:17 pm

There are approximately 203 million whites in the United States. The problem isn’t so much that, but how many non-whites there are. As recent as 1970, there were only 28 million non-whites in the country. By 1990 that had increased to 70 million, and over 100 million today. I think whites can be 100-200 million of the United States. 125-150 may be the sweet spot, so long as the non-white population is infinitesimal. I do agree that the total population, even if it was all white, is too high and that leads to a costly government and infrastructure, too many vehicles on the road, too many waiting at the emergency room, etc. Our biggest task at hand in the meantime is getting as many non-whites out of the country as… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Ian Connolly
15 August, 2023 10:28 pm

Ian Connolly said, “We need to phase as many of these folks out as humanly possible before we tackle any other problems.” Then become a part of the “we” of which you speak, Mr. Connolly. Join the National Alliance and bring your friends and family. Then “we” can discuss how “we” can get it done.

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
15 August, 2023 5:35 pm

The planet and the ingenuity of the white race could easily support a planetary population twice as large as the current estimate, but the question should always be – should it. I think a population of say 400 million law abiding White people of good character would be best for the planet for many of the reasons outlined in the Hamilton article entitled “The Importance of Population Structure and Dynamics” and I think we must move beyond the silly notion of selecting people based on IQ alone. During my time as a member of Mensa I came across many psychopaths, a few well-meaning ‘bubble-heads’ and the occasional practical person.  Bill Clinton is said to have an IQ of 140 and Hilary a little higher at 141. The average IQ of… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Thomas Jefferson
15 August, 2023 10:40 pm

I believe you’ve missed the point of Mr. Strom’s broadcast. At this time, the breeding for intelligence is not a policy we Whites are able to control at this time. The point made here is about those of us Whites who can see we’re being replaced demographically as a result of Jewish control of domestic policy in all social matters must get our act together in an organized manner to wrest control of our future from those Jews. This is in large part a spiritual and consciousness raising task as well as of ordering ourselves so that we may make the best of each others talents, skills, and natural gifts. Consider applying to join the National Alliance to be a part of the solution to the great problems we face.… Read more »

Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
15 August, 2023 11:05 pm

Hello Jim:   Missed the point – hardly! I just felt a need to make my point, which in hindsight should have been attached to an early broadcast, perhaps the one from the week before last. I have considered joining the NA many times even as far back as the 90’s when Dr. William Luther Pierce gave the weekly broadcast. I had even considered joining such a pro-white group when I was doing post-doctoral studies in the USA in the early 80’s. Will the white race survive? I do not know but I do recall Revilo Oliver saying that it was suffering from the same malady that afflicted the great apes who are also nearing extinction – a lack of willingness to survive. Anyway this is a subject for another time,… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Thomas Jefferson
16 August, 2023 10:09 pm

Thomas Jefferson: …I think we must move beyond the silly notion of selecting people based on IQ alone. During my time as a member of Mensa I came across many psychopaths...  — Thanks, TJ, for making your point as to why NA doesn’t recruit members based on IQ.  Like Mensa, academia is full of very smart, very educated White PhDs, who, unlike Drs. Pierce and Oliver that you mention, are intellectually dishonest when it comes to vital questions of race and the JQ. We and you know why. Psychopaths is a strong word to describe that large sub-group. I prefer moral cowards, for surely many of them know the same truths Pierce and Oliver before, and Hamilton, Strom, Stoner, Sims, Mercer and others today continue to teach — they simply do not have the… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
16 August, 2023 2:29 am

Excellent supplement to the previous articles. Quality is always more important than quantity. We don’t need too many mediocre or dumb whites; we need people of the best possible quality. Therefore, by definition, such a society can’t be too populous. Eagles and wolves are much less numerous than sparrows and mice. The higher people go along their evolutionary path the smaller must become their numbers (in the framework of this planet). The only way of numerical expansion is to colonize outer space. The upper limit for this planet is about 500 million humans. But, certainly, it applies only to the distant future when a more stable society could be established. In the meantime, facing the coming struggle for survival, our people must adopt the time-proven pattern of producing as many… Read more »

19 August, 2023 3:33 am

Looking to the stars as far as space colonies go smacks of the same ideology as looking towards “heaven” as your inevitable destination instead of living your life in the present to the fullest of your ability. Instead of fantasizing about interplanetary travel how about we maximize our Earthly existence? Take care of problems here and then and only then, if need be, think about such expansion? Most of us would be long dead, including you Kevin, before we even needed to discuss space. There’s the collapse and the rebuilding and restructuring of society HOPEFULLY with Whites at the helm looking after White interests. That will probably take what? a century or so before the post-Weimar 2.0 White generation gets to 400 million people. THAT period of future history is… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
28 August, 2023 3:06 am

I fully support the idea of focusing attention on space exploration. Looking at the stars was always an inalienable part of human nature. All ancient religions were immediately connected with Astronomical observations. Back then science and religion were inseparable (as they should be). Religion starts where scientific knowledge ends. The idea of eventual expansion into outer space in no way hampers the present mundane efforts to advance our collective and personal interests. The fact that this expansion could take place only thousands of years from now don’t prevent it to be an elevated long-term target. At least it is much more realistic and practical than any kind of “heavenly kingdoms” of Christians and Muslims. I was engaged in amateur astronomy since childhood. Looking at stars, reading scientific literature on this… Read more »

leopold buncombe
leopold buncombe
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
20 September, 2023 9:20 am

.. l agree 100% sir .. as a young man , l grew up in the ’60s along with the space program .. spending time looking at the night sky with my Father made not only indelible meomories together , but was a micro of (White intelligent) man’s constant wonder of the Creator’s work , and examining it with the tools of our science .. l can remember them rolling in a big B&W television into our classroom to watch some of the GEMINI launches from the cape .. we , as a country , and by extension , a race of people , led by White intellect all moved forward as a result .. there were plans to have a full-time manned presence on the moon by 1990 and… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  leopold buncombe
22 September, 2023 2:37 am

Thank you for your personal touch on this matter. Yes, it all starts in early childhood when human mind is yet untarnished by mundane cares and passions. It is the time when the highest aspirations are acquired and serve us the rest of our lives. It is why childhood must be guarded against all kinds of harmful influences. And it is why our enemies try to spoil White children from the earliest age. Instead of looking at the stars and dreaming about different planets, they are plunged into dirtiest vices. All White parents must do their utmost in order to guard their children from Jewish pop-culture and pseudo-education. It is all directed to destroy White children. It is all leads to one huge Kensington. Jews want the whole White society… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Grimork
23 August, 2023 6:36 pm

What a pleasant surprise for me to see Grimork contributing on NV after an absence, even though with a critical comment. Kevin suggests that you should have contacted him privately, but you would not have received any more satisfaction that way than you do here. He could have replied privately rather than publicly. Kevin’s forward-looking comment about Whites eventually becoming an interplanetary race is, after all, balanced with: To survive and eventually seed the stars with our sacred genes, to progress to Higher Man and beyond, we must first ensure that the White race can live securely on the Earth for many centuries. As NA Chairman, I have no time to think of Whites as an interplanetary race. Progress toward that will certainly not occur during my lifetime. In my… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
12 September, 2023 9:06 am