
Making the Alliance Stronger: Dr. Pierce’s Recruiting Strategy

by Ryan Cavallius

AS AN UNCOMPROMISING, revolutionary organization with an original ideology, the National Alliance is truly a movement of its own. Being uncompromising means that our movement refuses to give ground on anything essential to victory, including its recruiting strategy. Developed by William Pierce, the Alliance’s first Chairman, our strategy is geared toward recruiting Whites who can understand our ideology and help us achieve our goals. The National Alliance does not waste time trying to ‘win over’ the lukewarm masses at this time; rather we strive to reach those White men and women of quality who can think in Cosmotheist terms. Our best recruiters know that many qualities can make for a valuable Alliance recruit, but what it comes down to, mainly, is this: The National Alliance wants members who make the Alliance stronger.

The National Alliance was founded by the physicist William L. Pierce, who gave up a teaching position at a prominent university to devote himself exclusively to the struggle for White survival. Dr. Pierce spent decades studying every aspect of our people’s plight and eventually became the most significant thinker and writer on the subject. And, beyond mere thinking and writing, Dr. Pierce founded the Alliance to do something about it.

Among much else, Dr. Pierce was an outstanding recruiter. As Chairman, he turned the National Alliance into a pro-White powerhouse, proving beyond question that we can successfully organize our people – if we select for value. Membership numbers are important, but membership quality is even more important, and the latter must never be sacrificed to the former.

The Alliance did not always adhere to the recruiting strategy in place today. It grew out of Dr. Pierce’s experience and evolving knowledge, as he learned what works and what does not work for an organization like ours. The following paragraphs offer a glimpse into the evolution of the Alliance’s recruiting strategy under Dr. Pierce:

In years past we often had to run as fast as we could just to stay in the same place. That was because people joined expecting dramatic results immediately, quickly became impatient with the slow pace of progress, and quit. We were lucky if we recruited enough new members each month to replace the ones who dropped out.

Then we changed our strategy. We stopped trying to maintain the interest of a relatively large number of lukewarm members and subscribers and concentrated instead on reaching a smaller number of persons with more character and winning a strong commitment from them. As these new cadres joined us, one by one, our capabilities began to grow.

With the need for strong commitments in mind, Dr. Pierce sought, in his words, “responsible” and “honorable adults” to fill the ranks of the National Alliance; the kind who will act for our race without hesitation. “We want recruits who strengthen the National Alliance,” he once said, “who give us enhanced capabilities for accomplishing our task.” In keeping with this, Alliance recruiters look for intelligence, good character, physical fitness, and records of personal accomplishment in potential members. They also try and determine the extent to which prospects can be spiritually inspired, for behind the sociopolitical mission of the National Alliance stands its fundamental spiritual creed: Cosmotheism.

In a 1992 conversation with Will Williams (now Chairman, but then the Alliance’s Membership Coordinator), Dr. Pierce used two words to describe the kind of people he wanted to recruit: serious and sincere. Those words imply much. Among other things, they refer to a person who genuinely believes in our cause and sees the struggle for our people’s continued existence as critical, vital, and paramount – not something to be taken lightly. Simply put, Dr. Pierce wanted to recruit the best White people he could find — and the National Alliance still wants that today.

Dr. Pierce was both a thinker and a doer. As such, he not only created the recruiting strategy still in use by the Alliance today, but he proved that it can work, if executed correctly. Today, as the National Alliance gradually bolsters its ranks with men and women of strength, that strategy is being executed correctly. Adhering without compromise to Dr. Pierce’s professional recruiting strategy, the Alliance strives to reach as many Whites as possible with its message, but makes lasting members only out of those who are responsible and courageous; serious and sincere. Those members add their strength to ours, enhancing our ability to accomplish tasks, offering new skill sets, and making the Alliance stronger.

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Source: Author

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leoqold buncombe
leoqold buncombe
11 August, 2023 5:03 pm

.. exactly right .. l was listening to Dr Pierce’s talk earlier ( The Power of Truth volume 1) on the same topic earlier today when he mentioned the ‘unemployed White chicken pluckers’ which l would catagorize as akin to the ‘hobyists’ , who , while they may appear to support the NATIONAL ALLIANCE ( today anyway ) , could not be counted on when the balloon goes up .. the stregnth of the ALLIANCE is the high calibre of its members and leaders … l see many parallels with the colonists fighting the british tyrany .. all the colonists bitched and moaned about what was happening but only about 4% or so actually organized and DID something .. later , when it appeared they might WIN , othess joined… Read more »

Art Moenck
Art Moenck
Reply to  leoqold buncombe
14 August, 2023 6:01 pm

You brought up a good point regarding the proportion of whiners and complainers versus those who commit themselves totally to the cause in the American revolutionary war period. The doers in life always outnumber those who offer nothing.

There are millions of Whites still racially healthy, the National Alliance would be glad to get 4% of them applying for membership.

12 August, 2023 6:27 am

We are in need of some more “High Voltage” Whites. Let’s keep on the look out for more.