White Psychology Under Jewish Tyranny, part 1
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 11 March, 2023
by Kevin Alfred Strom
LET’S TALK about several cases in which White people have displayed their thought patterns and coping strategies as they try to live their lives under the current Jewish tyranny.
First let us consider the case of young Chase Allan of Farmington, Utah. Chase was a young White man, 25 years old and clean-cut. No one has found a shred of evidence to indicate that he was anything but a decent, caring, moral, law-abiding young man. His mother, Diane Allan, and he were both involved in the non-racial patriot movement, which some call the “Sovereign Citizen” movement. Chase had the White man’s instinctive love of freedom, and his family, his mother at least, encouraged that. I don’t think they had any formal affiliation with any organization. They were just part of a patriot community and shared certain values.
Patriots such as Chase are usually characterized as “anti-government,” implying without actually saying so that they are some kind of wild-eyed anarchists ready to set off bombs and blow up police stations at a moment’s notice. The controlled media regularly parrot the line that “Sovereign Citizens” “believe the law does not apply to them.” Actually, they believe that certain laws are no laws at all and apply to no one — and they also believe that there are other, higher, laws that are being ignored and ought not to be. That is something quite different from anarchism and libertine irresponsibility. In reality, these patriots are with few exceptions simply men and women — 99.9 per cent. White men and women, though they are not usually race-thinkers — who believe that the current government went off track years ago, routinely violates its own Constitution, and has created a huge body of pretended “law” that is itself blatantly illegal. Their reaction is not to try to reform the government or to launch a revolution against it, but generally to withdraw from it. Many do insist that they will not obey unconstitutional laws, and notoriously refuse to bow down to vehicle registration and driver licensing rules.
Even the “FBI expert” on “Sovereign Citizens” quoted by KSL, Greg Rogers, stated that Sovereign Citizens “just want to be left alone.”
A few days ago, Chase Allan was executed by five apparently White Farmington police officers during a traffic stop in a Post Office parking lot. The officers have not been identified as far as I know, which seems peculiar. Chase was stopped because he had a Sovereign Citizen license plate on his car, which the officer deemed to be “driving without registration.” These patriots, note well, do not believe in driving with false license plates so they can commit crimes. They believe that the real laws of the land are different from what the current political establishment says they are. So they have their own plates which comply with law as they believe it really is.
I’ve seen the bodycam footage of the traffic stop and subsequent execution, which I have linked above in the text version of this broadcast.
Chase, when asked to identify himself, initially said he didn’t have to answer questions — though he did answer quite a few of them, citing laws which he believed applied to the situation. When asked for his driver’s license, Chase said he didn’t have to have one or produce it — though he agreed to provide a passport for ID if the officer would take responsibility for its return. And he did then promptly give his passport to the officer. When Chase started to tell the officer that the passport was just a piece of paper and plastic, we don’t get to hear his full point, because the officer interrupted him after a few words and said “So this is a counterfeit passport; that’s what I’m hearing,” and in a few seconds Chase Allan would be dead.
Shortly after the first officer began talking to Chase, he inexplicably called for backup. Chase’s family says they’ve seen evidence that the “backup” was arranged while the first officer was two blocks away from initially even stopping Chase. The additional four officers arrived so fast — within about a minute — that it’s difficult to believe that they weren’t already standing by nearby, waiting for the call. When the officers arrive, and Chase’s conversation with the first officer is ongoing, the four new arrivals immediately surround Chase’s car and start putting on black gloves which expose their trigger fingers. The purpose of this maneuver isn’t clear to me, but perhaps they knew that they were going to use their weapons very soon — which would, again, be quite odd since Chase had been entirely peaceful, had eventually provided ID, and was speaking in a calm tone of voice. Chase did have a legally carried firearm in a holster, but the officers had made no reference to it and also strangely never asked Chase if he had a weapon.
After declaring his passport to be a fake after looking at it for two seconds (which claim has not been repeated), the officer orders Chase to leave the car. Chase says “no” and “I am not required to. If you try to force me we’ll have an issue.” A second officer says unless he obeys the first officer’s command to exit the car immediately, “we’ll break the window and drag you out.” The officer opens the car’s door and starts to grab Chase. Chase reaches down with his right hand, a natural movement that might easily have been to unlatch his seat belt. Unfortunately the belt latch was right next to his holstered gun, giving a possibly hypersensitive (or possibly well-rehearsed) officer a reason to shout “gun, gun, gun” — three magic words which did not mean Chase was shooting his gun, did not mean Chase was pointing his gun, and did not mean Chase was threatening in any way to use his gun, because Chase did none of these things. These three magic words meant only that his hand was going in the general vicinity of his perfectly legal gun. But they were enough. They were magic words giving the officers, apparently, the “right” to get out their firearms and pour a five-second-long volley of lead directly into Chase’s young body. Chase did not survive. The officers’ first reaction — after bizarrely demanding again that the dead Chase “show his hands” and then handcuffing his dead body — was to say that they didn’t have “any f___ing idea” if Chase had shot his gun at all.
It’s truly fascinating to observe how police are apparently a very — very — different class of citizens from you and I and most everyone else. They can brandish, point, threaten, gang up, and do almost anything with loaded firearms. And that’s all perfectly fine, apparently. Usually, nothing happens to them if they do that. But if you so much as move your hand in the direction of a gun in their presence, you can be instantly killed with impunity. Most interesting.
Police officers are hypersensitive. They are endlessly put in harm’s way in the multiracial Hellholes where they are required to serve and keep some kind of order among the anthropoids. And they don’t want to die. That makes them, more and more as time goes by, into brutes who shoot to kill first and ask questions — and come up with excuses — later. And police officers are also required to pretend that the anthropoids are our beloved “equals” and human in every sense of the word. That has made them, many of them anyway, evolve into clever liars who make things up, plant “evidence,” and generally do whatever it takes to make sure that their unworthy rear ends are “in the clear” as they navigate the byzantine and ever-changing rules of the Politically Correct game they are forced to play.
I want nothing to do with either kind of brutes — neither the blue ones nor the Black ones. Both are monsters that have been created by the Jewish System that has taken over this country. What we need to do is build our power so we can gain our freedom as a race once again — in other words, have our own government again, answerable only to us. That’s not something that is accomplished by openly challenging the System’s petty demands, like auto licensing or traffic tickets or getting out of the car. Let the System have what it wants in small, unimportant things.
I disagree with nearly all of the beliefs espoused by these non-racial “patriots” and “Sovereign Citizens.” I agree with them that many laws today brazenly violate the US Constitution, but I don’t think the original Constitution is the answer to gaining our freedom again. And I find many of their weird theories about “maritime law” and “corporate law” and gold fringes on the flag to be downright nutty. And their typical — there are a few exceptions — refusal to acknowledge the racial basis of society makes them a destructive force, just like the tyranny they claim to oppose.
However, it’s nevertheless true that 1) many laws are nonsensical; 2) many laws end up being struck down as outrageously illegal themselves; 3) many laws are unjust, even evil; 4) there are now so many laws and regulations in this country that no one person could possibly be aware of them all, much less read them even once; and 5) “lawmakers” are a notoriously ethically sketchy bunch, so why should anyone revere the laws they make? And consider well the fact that our law-making system in the US is based on rule by the majority — and thoughtful people know that Henrik Ibsen was only slightly exaggerating when he said that the minority is sometimes right, while the majority is always wrong. (I won’t even get into the power of moneyed interests and “woke” capital to get the laws they want, or the rampant and cynical incompetence and sleaziness of many police departments.) So I see the Sovereign Citizens as a very flawed — but quite understandable — reaction to an equally flawed “legal system.”
And there are many good people for whom the idea of “following commands” — of the enforcers of a system that sends drone missiles into apartment houses and mutilates the bodies of adolescent children at the behest of billionaire Jews — is repugnant.
Now there are indeed damaged people who instinctively hate all forms of authority and rebel against all social rules. I don’t think that applies to these patriot groups. There are many good people, with no pathologies, who have possibly encountered horrific injustices at the hands of the authorities and therefore feel that said system has lost the moral right to “command” anyone. Others may, earlier in life, have been “commanded” to commit atrocities in military or law enforcement service themselves, and have similarly lost respect for the system they once served.
We need to reach good White people. At this stage, we mainly need to reach good White people who still have healthy racial instincts and healthy racial loyalty. And that is what the National Alliance is doing. In many ways, what we need to do is the exact opposite of what the non-racial “patriots” and Sovereign Citizens are doing. We don’t need their extreme individualism, for example — we need strong, race-based collective action. We don’t need their worship of the past. We don’t need their legalistic arguments that no System judge will ever acknowledge, even in the rare cases they are true. We definitely don’t need their race-denial.
We need organization. Ultimately, we need power. We need to avoid all unnecessary conflict with the State and its “law enforcement” minions while we build that organization. If that means jumping through a few stupid hoops, we need to swallow our pride and jump through them. Ninety-nine point nine per cent. of what we need to do involves no conflict of any kind. We need to bring like-minded and trustworthy individuals and families together. We need to build an economic base for them. We need an effective outreach program. We need to get strong enough so we survive across multiple generations. We need to grow our numbers and our economic muscle to the point where, at least locally, enemies are afraid to cross us. We need to be choosing who shall judge and who shall command the police and who shall write the local laws. We need to be able to determine what shall be taught to our children. And many other things. Once we can do these things locally, we need to plant colonies in other counties, other states, other countries. And then, if we do right, there will come a time when the racially conscious White people of the National Alliance will build a new nation. I’m asking you to start doing right today.
I’ll be discussing other examples of White psychology under Jewish tyranny in future programs.
Until next time, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you of the words of Richard Berkeley Cotten: Freedom is not free; free men are not equal; and equal men are not free.
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.
The police are only as good as the population they’re drawn from and the politicians who pay their salaries.
The level of infiltration and influence of these people around the world is almost unimaginable. Obviously only with racial laws application, disband of their organizations like freemasonry and recovering the economic and financial sovereignty by taking care of the usury and speculation there is hope, if not taking care of those main issues, of course there are more, there is no hope.
We Whites in the National Alliance seek to separate ourselves from the Jews and their corrupted states, Mr. Haruki. We have a framework within which we need to build our own institutions that will serve our race and our goals. More is explained here. You can assist us if you’d like although if you’re non-White as I am guessing you are, becoming a supporter is your best option as we accept Whites (no Jews allowed) only as members.
What are your thoughts on creating some sort of front group to organize and educate sovereign citizens? I was big into that before I became racially conscious, and a decent percentage of them could become racial patriots if steered in the right direction.
I think political parties are automatically suspect and something like a White America Party (color: White, animal: Sea Eagle) would probably be illegal or constantly attacked by so many (((lawyers))) that they could never get off the ground.
What we REALLY need – in North America, in Europe, Down Under – are young, dynamic Warrior Kings, elected by TRUSTED tribal elders, based on merit.
It wouldn’t have to be a political party, and if the target group are sovereign citizens a political party wouldn’t work anyway. Let the system declare it illegal or harass it with lawyers, the goal wouldn’t be to win power through that group, just to organize and educate and the harassment would bring it extra attention.
Extra attention is well and good as long as it doesn’t turn into Ruby Ridge.
The National Alliance created this online magazine, National Vanguard, to educate all serious and sincere Whites about our purposes, goals, ethics, and so on, Joe. Volunteer members such as myself are here to direct you towards our organization as well so that you can join us so that you may contribute meaningfully to Our Cause.
We don’t just talk about this, but we act upon building our real world community. Consider joining us.
I’m already an Alliance member. I recently either read an article or listened to a speech by Dr. Pierce where he mentioned eventually creating front groups and was wondering if this is a scenario where that would be useful.
Thank you for clarifying, Joe. I recall reading something similar by Dr. Pierce years ago though the name of that piece escapes me. Also from memory wasn’t it mentioned by Dr. Pierce that when the National Alliance has crossed a certain threshold of capabilities in terms of having built our organization so that we could begin to look into forming front groups? I believe that was the context he had wrote about. We’re quite a ways from that as I understand it. Our growth in terms of members and as far as capabilities, modest as it has been these past few years, is happening slowly. Re-read our general plan, you’ll see what we need presently and in the near future. Front groups, if they’ll still be useful after we cross… Read more »
Oh I am definitely going to join…I didn’t know what was an option!
Where’s the Golden Coffin and 3 million dollar go fund? It would go far in his mother’s hands, I am certain. In a time of despair and weakness, it would strengthen her ability to not roll over, but gain support from others in standing for freedoms they have stolen from us that he died peacefully advocating for. For merely standing before another man (or a gang of 4?), (and, I believe he was either sitting or forced to his knees when they executed him), in honesty, in youthful, exuberant ideology, innocent as a baby, sacrifices his own life, and the mother loses her son on this battlefield of mentally ill and programmed assassins, who were sent to end his life not much differently than how they send missiles into Palestinian… Read more »
I respectively disagree with the author when he comes to dismissing sovereign citizens as ” nutters”. The founders of this nation were not run by Jews at that time. They created a document and and a nation bent on creating freedom and limiting government power. The Jews have been hell bent on destroying it since its inception for a reason. Look more into what the sovereigns are saying. They are the literal bedrock and future clay of the new republic we are forming. Al new systems require the adoption of a set of rules to govern by. They have a least come up with one. Will it help overturn Jewish control? YES!. They are our allies not enemies although they have not seen the racial makeup of their enemies yet.
We are ruled by men, not documents, Mr. Codewell. Presently, those rulers pick and choose what documents (rules, that is) they want to enforce and against whom. We in the National Alliance have chosen to create and staff our own order of White men only to do the same, you should check out what we’re saying instead: it’s out in the open for anyone to read.
Even as far back as ancient Egypt, what we would call a police force were primarily charged with protecting the rich and powerful from the rest. For most of human history, people were afraid of agents of the state – uniformed or not – often for very good reasons. Only after most European countries transformed themselves into surveillance- and police states, following the French revolution and Rothschild, (code name ‘Napoleonic’) wars did they start to push the illusion of police, soldiers and officials being the ‘friends’, ‘protectors’ or even ;’heroes’ of the people. This bubble is now starting to burst and their true face is, once again, revealed. When I was a kid, growing up in a Europe that was still very close to being a collection of White ethnostates… Read more »
Why do you call them “police officers” and not (more appropriately) “police thugs”?
Because the blanket generalization showing that the majority of police are thugs has yet to be proven true so far as I know. If you can, collect the statistics regarding the various psychological profiles of police and share the results.
Maybe not thugs, but studies have shown that police are generally extreme extroverts, which means that they are not given to reflection and introspection. They go by the book and do as they are told, by whomever is in power.
In this case, there is no need for blanket statements and I didn’t generalize. I have spoken of particular police thugs. But speaking of generalization … A long ago I heard from Dr. Pierce a parable about the frog and the scorpion, on the merits of generalizations of the enemy. Probably you’ve heard it as well. The enemy allways needs to be generalized. it’s the basic law of physocology and propaganda. Do you consider the regime in Washington as the “enemy regime”? If yes, then you should describe its servants, the police, as “thugs”, regardless of any statistics.
The antique Peace Officer is obsolete.
Psychology, sociology, social problems and anthropology are major social science subjects. Jews have perverted all of the above. Hitler dismissed their work as “Jewish science.”
When the Federals first surrounded the Branch Church outside of Waco, they announced that the standoff would end peaceably. They lit the fires of incendiarism. Gassed and burned the inhabitants. Women and children first.
I’m here in Utah. That whole Chase affair is outrageous. Almost every one of the cops that shot him were white. Had it been a cracked out black man in the car, they probably would have gone a lot easier to avoid repercussions to their career. For those who haven’t seen the video, go watch it. The whole thing is disgusting.
Very instructive story. It enlightens on many points. First of all, any legalistic approach is unproductive. To try to reason with the system is pointless. The second point is that everyone must rightly consider the force formula. If there are a few people with guns before you, it is better not to irritate them. Especially, if it is totally unnecessary. The best way to follow when encountering police is to be meek and obedient; they like it. It makes their life easier and they enjoy the sense of power; it is even better to play this card intentionally; it costs nothing but pays off greatly. The good personal attitude of policemen (judge and other people of authority) is very important. Russians are masters in these matters (the result of adapting… Read more »
It wouldn’t surprise me if these officers overreacted to a Sovereign Citizen because they were brainwashed by the ADL into thinking they are somehow violent extremists for holding dissident political viewpoints. Also, it seems this officer was profiling which is supposed to be bad when done to non-whites but apparently it’s ok if done to whites on political grounds.
Rest in Peace Chase. You’d still be alive if America was a good and just country.
Whites are no longer in any position to obey the rules they pick and choose, Jews and their cronies are. Chase somehow ignored that fact and found out–the hard way. Job #1 is building an organization to put the White man back on the right path for us where we write our own rules. It’s the hardest thing for us to do, but is the only correct path.
How do you find like minded people in your area? I’m in NE Ohio and have no idea where to start. Finding people online is easy enough, but in real life I’m lost!
We in the National Alliance join to network with each other locally and regionally. A request to fill out our survey form once joined to indicate you want to meet others permits you to indicate that preference. Once that’s done it’s vital that a member find a way to do outreach activities, or what we refer to as Alliance building, to participate in finding new people interested in joining us. Online discussions about this topic are sometimes held at our White biocentrism forum.