CommentaryDouglas MercerEssays

“Woke” Jesus

One of the posters for “Racial Justice Sunday”

by Douglas Mercer

ACCORDING TO SOME RECENT interpretations, that Jesus fellow was one swinging Jew. He got around, all right: He was a shuffling Negro shucking and jiving while flashing a toothy grin; he was a slant-eyed East Asian; he was a dark-skinned White-girl-raping, knife-wielding worshipper of Allah; and probably many other races under sun. And not only that — he was a lisping and mincing cross-dressing “trans woman” and proudly officiated over many sodomite marital unions; he burned strange incense on a rainbow altar. After all, there is no man or woman in him, no Greek nor Jew — he was an anything-goes kind of guy who welcomed anathema and heresy just like it was his mother’ milk.

The issue of racism has been a problem way back in the past and until now. The Catholic Church is trying to promote and support the drive against racism. The church showed posters depicting Mary and Jesus of different ethnicities as their anti-racism drive. As part of the newly established Racial Justice Sunday event, the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales unveiled unique artwork featuring Biblical figures portrayed as Black, Asian, and Middle Eastern.

Imagine a church today having an “anti-racism drive,” of all things. No, they won’t have an anti-degeneracy drive; they won’t try to root out the filth that floods our airwaves and assaults the eyes and ears of our children daily; no, they won’t go on a drive to eliminate a sinister ideology which tries to abolish Nature and human nature in the name of valorizing everything “trans”; they won’t go on a drive to stop the brainwashing of our children with sick anti-White “multicultural” propaganda. No, none of that! They stand squarely on the side of the doctrines of destruction.

This depiction of the Holy Family was created to reflect the diverse makeup of the Catholic community globally and recognizes the richness that this diversity brings. Father Mark Odion, a member of the steering group, emphasized the importance of recognizing the diversity of the church.

This odious Odion is much blacker than your hat. But you know he just adores that dark Pieta with Mother Mary as a Negress and baby Jesus as a little niglet; guess they don’t know who the father is after all, and they certainly don’t know where he is. They say the future of the church is in the Global South, which means it has no future worth speaking of at all. Why, perhaps the next Pope will be a Negro — it certainly would not change the ideology of the church one whit; they already worship darkness; but it sure would be a kick in the teeth. We already have ample cause to regret the fact that all those White missionaries flooded the non-White world — and that all those “World Vision” outfits and the like go there to feed them, too. After all, what do you get when you feed a million starving Africans? Ten million starving Africans — and the first Black Pope. It’s coming.

The Church of England recently made a public apology for its historical links to the transatlantic slave trade and enslavement of African people. This apology was prompted by a report revealing that a portion of the church’s £10 billion investment fund originated from Queen Anne’s Bounty, which was connected to chattel slavery. In response the Church announced £100 million of funding for a program that addressed past wrongs through investment, research, and engagement.

Saying “sorry” is the newest and hippest thing in churches today. The Baptists do it over slavery; the mega churches do it over everything; the Episcopalians did it long ago. The pastors love to hold up their mixed-race adopted children, and lord it over the White man and “shame” us for the fact that our ancestors were once lords of the Earth. You’ll see pastors stoop down during a service, literally kneeling to wash the feet of Negroes, or shine their shoes. They’ll tell you that the newest and hippest trend in Christian theology is abject masochism in front of the dark races. It’s what Jesus wants, they’ll say, and if you won’t worship the Blacks and the Toltecs and all the rest you will burn in hellfire for eternity. Not too long ago the Pope went on his White Surrender Tour of Canada, and bowed and scraped in meek subservience to some Red savages, and said (you guessed it) he’s sorry. Sorry that we won is what he’s sorry for.

At a national Church of England conference, Lord Paul Boateng, from the Archbishop of York’s Racial Justice Commission, acknowledged the church’s role in the discrimination faced by Gypsy, Traveller, and Roma people.

The Gypsies? Really? That’s going pretty low down on the totem pole, is it not? These are rag-tag vagabonds, known everywhere for their famous ten-finger discounts. They steal and hustle and flee before you know it, on to new pastures with fresh White suckers; they are in every land and are sort of like small-time two-bit, less-successful Jews. They are the moral equivalent of head lice, and in their case the head lice have head lice too. If they pick your pockets you should burn your pants. What nation is so stupid that they welcome into their land dirty unkempt criminals, among whom you have to hold your wallet tightly every time you walk in front of them? Hell, unlike Jews, Roma have not even asked weak White men to apologize to them — but the apology is forthcoming anyway from these craven idiots.

The call for racial justice is addressed not only to society as a whole but also to the churches. The churches are asked to take a stand for racial justice through advocacy and solidarity, to face and address their internal racism, to reflect on their past, including their treatment of Indigenous Peoples, African descendants, ethnic minorities, and Dalits, and to commit to transformation.

There is so much immorality and degeneracy in the world, you’d think the Christian churches would oppose it. After all, thunder and brimstone against Sodom and Gomorrah, and going to Hell in a handbasket, were their traditional bailiwicks. But now such thundering is deeply unfashionable. It’s not the “done thing.” They want, above all, to be liked. To take up “anti-racism” will step on no “elite” toes. It won’t cause even a moment of angina at the ADL field offices or the Rothschild counting houses. To take up “anti-racism” (read: anti-Whiteism) is in concert with the powers that be — and, though those powers scoff at the fly-over folks’ religion, they will take a moment’s rest from their sodomy and usury and genocide every now and then, and pat the pastors’ heads for being such good little pets.

To be the church in today’s society means taking deliberate and consistent action against racism and striving for a society with transformed power structures. This requires churches to embrace the diversity of their members, heal past wounds, uphold the interconnectedness of life. Overcoming racism entails facing the truth of past wrongs, respecting cultural diversity, and becoming healing communities transformed by their members’ gifts and spirit.

The way they make it sound, “White racism” (such as it is today) is the number one sin in the contemporary world, and is all that God cares about. Which is funny because the idea of “White racism” or any “racism” being evil or bad was not a part of any church’s doctrine for hundreds of years and, except for a few 19th century Abolitionist loonies, is literally a thing of the past half century. To be “racist” — or just to be White for that matter (the same thing, they say) — is the sin of all sins now, the original original sin. In the new scheme of things (made up a little less than three seconds ago), Hitler is Satan and Nat Turner, Mot Loo King, and George Floyd are the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost — with good old Jewish Yahweh stuck in there somewhere in the clouds for good measure. That’s a religion they can get behind.

At a Black Lives Matter prayer at St Xavier Catholic Church in New York City, the priest says: “Do you affirm that white privilege is unfair? Will you commit to helping transform our church culture and worship daily at the altar of racial justice?”

This is where the money is at, bro. And this is where they want to be, burning strange incense to their strange god.

* * *

Of course these churches have a problem. The Old Testament is cool because it’s Jewish and the New Testament is cool because it’s non-racial and low-shall-be-high and all that, but there’s that bit about how he “made them man and woman,” and those vitriolic fulminations against the sodomites. But they won’t let that deter them. No way! The popular thing is “gay” and “trans” and they want their flock to flock, like birds of a feather. They don’t want to be left behind. Hell no, there’s not a drag queen or butcher shop survivor they won’t get behind (literally, in many cases); there’s not a dress-wearing man or butch dyke lesbo they won’t extol as one of the “outcasts of the world” Jesus was always catering to. After all, it’s a well-known fact that Jesus of Nazareth was not only a Black man and refugee — but he was a fag, too.

The Church of England’s first-ever transwoman priest has declared that God is non-binary. The German Catholic Church this weekend, with an overwhelming margin, decided to begin blessing same-sex couples and accept transgender people’s self-assigned gender as truth.

God is a switch hitter — who knew? The amazing thing is that in all of recorded human history no one had divined this cardinal fact, yet this boy-girl or girl-boy (who knows anymore?) came along and trumped us all with the truth of this prickly matter. Hallelujah!

English clergy such as Justin Welby, archbishop of Canterbury, have bowed to the pressure of queer theory advocates. The spearpoint that has wounded the Church of England, perhaps fatally, is the acceptance of blessing same-sex unions. If history tells us anything, the blessing of same-sex marriage will soon follow, with the revision of hateful and discriminatory liturgical language and references to God reflecting the new queer standards.

Well, with all due respect (not much is due), what comes next is utter and complete civilizational collapse. What comes next is that a church that was once considered to be the cornerstone of Europe will crawl on its collective knees for anyone who is not European.

The implications of the Church of England’s capitulation to same-sex blessings are enormous, for the surrender invites further inroads of the tenets of a cult whose demands and practices are entirely antithetical to Christian orthodoxy. As the Anglican church embraces the new doctrines, rituals, and ceremonies promulgated by queer ideology, particularly if the influence of the trans movement continues apace, England and the Commonwealth countries will find the agenda goes far beyond the blessings now approved.

Far beyond, indeed — and far out, too. When they reach the outer limits of their depravity they pierce right through them to the next frontier, where no man has gone before — and no man should ever go. It’s onward and upward, or rather backwards and downwards, in a never-ending search for the next milestone in corruption and wickedness. They are sliding down a downward slope where nothing is too repulsive or reprehensible to contemplate. And all of it done in the once-high name of morality.

* * *

The sad fact is that, although this new “morality” is the depth of absurdity, it’s not necessarily absurd to those who’ve fully absorbed the tenets of the religion. Certainly when “His truth was marching on” it was doing so in the name of Abolition. And when the dark races “overcame,” they did so in Jesus’ name. It didn’t help that in the Jesus stories, he went around with the lepers and the poor and the losers; that gave people ideas. That the “meek shall inherit the Earth” is a crazy notion, but there it is in red letters. That “the last shall be first, and the first last” is no clarion call to aristocratic greatness, but there it is in King James’ prose.

The undeniable fact is that the new religion — Christianity — totally overturned the old ethos of the hero and replaced it with the ethos of the servant. To gain the world — which should be the goal of our race — was now “to lose one’s soul.” That the religion’s real worldview was covered up for centuries did not make it any less virulent when it finally broke out. And “broke out” it has — like a rash or a disease, and the fever is rising. Back in the old days, the John Calhouns of this world said that any attempt at Abolition would lead to miscegenation between male Blacks and White women. The abolitionists said that was crazy talk. But turn on the television and you see it every day, and if you walk around London for long you will see the Black “holy family.” When Calhoun and his allies foresaw that parade of horribles, I wonder if they knew that Jesus would be at the front, dressed up in drag.

You don’t have to be a genius to see where the procession is heading.

* * *

Source: Author

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William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
15 March, 2023 10:20 am

After all, it’s a well-known fact that Jesus of Nazareth was not only a Black man and refugee — but he was a fag, too. — Thank you, DM, for masterfully cutting through the anti-White bullshit of Christinsanity. It’s irksome seeing our people adopting Negro ebonics, but at least you put that word in the title in scare quotes. Our people speaking ebonically is as stupid as is their worshipping the Jew’s imaginary tribal spook up in the sky. Despite the recent spike in its usage, ‘woke’ is not a new word. It was first used in the 1940s and was created as a political term by black Americans. It means to be awake to issues of social justice and racial justice. I ask you, what self-respecting White person would talk… Read more »

15 March, 2023 3:50 pm

In their attempts to retain or encourage membership, churches falling prey to the crazed ideology of progressives reminds me of an elementary school experience. Whenever the teacher asked the class for answers to given questions, there were always one or two students who enthusiastically waved their hands in the air, practically bouncing in their seats in order to be called upon. No matter that they looked rather silly, gaining the teacher’s favor pushed any decorum aside. Churches, once bastions of morality, are now waving their hands about asking for absolution and willing to sacrifice all for a spot on the tolerance train.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
16 March, 2023 5:00 am

I like this icon. Black mother of god and her son conceived under strange circumstances from an unknown black angel, who happed to be around. I like this development with Christianity too, because, at last, it shows its true face. The conservative Christians lament the situation that, supposedly, Catholicism becomes corrupted. Not at all; it becomes more Christian; it comes to its true origin, to the state the first Christians were – a flock of drags indulging in all kinds of vices. Therefore, Pope is right. He is more Christian than all his predecessors. Maybe, David Duke don’t want to accept it, but it is the true Christianity. Miscegenation, hate of superior human types, hate of social hierarchy, crave for sheepish equality, hate of warrior spirit. Christians come to their… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
28 March, 2023 8:35 am

Insightful, Wolf, and note the Ethiopian church of Russian/Greek orthodoxy some follow, instead of post 1958 Sede Vacantist Catholicism, virtually racist up until then.

Western Communists are now the secular fanatics of Christian Bolshevist Satanism so let’s never imagine the Churches perversity merely passive nor overlook that the infights never forgo popish kippa’s and philo-semitism.

Eric’s comment below is apposite also. Europa has no shortage of treacherous wastrel Leveller’s exported from Londonistan, Israel’s best Cromwell/Churchill shabbos goy colony, headed by their Asian stooge.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Wolf Stoner
28 March, 2023 11:39 pm

Yes, I wonder how David Duke will take to this?
I owe Duke a lot. His books eventually led me
to Dr WLPs National Alliance. I wonder how
these two guys would have gotten along?
Eventually Duke is going to have to face the
issue. Christianity is a dead end. Thereupon
Duke is between a rock and a hard place. Most
of his support comes from Christians. That
could really be a deal breaker. There is nothing
that can cause more anguish and distress
than unpaid bills.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Walt Hampton
29 March, 2023 1:50 am

Yes, I suppose that Duke’s ardent Christianity is motivated more by political considerations than by real adherence to this alien cult. But we should not hope for White Christians easily to be averted from Christianity. Instead, they would invent ever more epicycles in order to fit this alien cult into pro-White ideology. I am sure that at some point it would bring much harm to all Whites. Before finally going down Christianity would inflict yet more damage to the White race.

The Truth is Out There
The Truth is Out There
Reply to  Walt Hampton
29 March, 2023 9:07 am

I just heard a message of Dr. Pierce in which he said that “Jesus the Christ” fought against the Jews!!!! Wasn’t Dr. Pierce a Christian?
I am confused.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  The Truth is Out There
29 March, 2023 10:44 am

Dr. Pierce for decades up until his death was a Cosmotheist, TTiOT. One need not be a Christian to discuss the figures associated with that creed.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  The Truth is Out There
30 March, 2023 3:26 pm

The Truth is Out There: I just heard a message of Dr. Pierce in which he said that “Jesus the Christ” fought against the Jews!!!! Wasn’t Dr. Pierce a Christian? I am confused. —- I’ve been listening for over 30 years to every talk or ADV show Dr. Pierce ever made and have never heard him once say “”‘Jesus the Christ [sic]’ fought against the Jews!!!!,” though that’s what some followers of the mythical christ/messiah believe. Please, Mr. Truth, try to provide for us that message you say you heard. Pierce was raised a a child, like many of us were, but when he became an adult, he put aside childish things, like the Jewish Bible story, 1 Corinthians, advises — including any silly “belief” he may have had… Read more »

23 March, 2023 12:31 am

“The undeniable fact is that the new religion — Christianity — totally overturned the old ethos of the hero and replaced it with the ethos of the servant“ This “One early spring day during the year 415 in the city of Alexandria—the intellectual heart of the waning Roman Empire—the pagan philosopher Hypatia was murdered by a mob of Christian men. These men, the parabalani, were a volunteer militia of monks serving as henchmen to the archbishop. Their conscripted purpose was to aid the dead and dying but they could be more readily found terrorizing opposing Christian groups and leveling pagan temples. At the urging of Cyril, bishop of Alexandria, they had already destroyed the remains of the Library of Alexandria. The parabalani razed pagan temples….” “Christians did fetishize dogma. In… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Eric
23 March, 2023 2:37 am

What’s your solution, Eric?
Does it look anything like this program of the National Alliance? If not, why not?

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
25 March, 2023 10:54 pm

Yes it does.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
31 May, 2023 10:20 pm

Since my posts keep getting delete with no explanation, I will have to assume you are incompetent as leaders(no over sight), you have feds sabotaging you(moles), or worse you have no honor to confront others(if you have an issue).

In any case from this time forward I will recommend to everyone I know, or have influence on, to say away from the
The National Alliance and National Vanguard.

We will not be joining you.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
1 June, 2023 5:23 am

Eric’s other posts weren’t worthy of publication, mostly due to the low quality of comment given. I’m entrusted to keep the quality of posts high, meaning that the thoughts conveyed are of use to the advancement of our race in compliance with the National Alliance’s program or to help in understanding the articles posted. Our readers should know that National Vanguard isn’t a ‘free speech’ forum where anyone can post anything. We have to maintain a high quality of commentary within our articles and this also extends to our comments section. Posting here isn’t a ‘right’ but rather a privilege, and with others, Eric should come to understand this. I do realize I’m ‘preaching to the choir’ here, but this needs to be said from time to time for the… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Eric
1 June, 2023 9:02 am

Eric: 31 May, 2023 Since my posts keep getting delete with no explanation, I will have to assume you are incompetent as leaders(no over sight), you have feds sabotaging you(moles), or worse you have no honor to confront others(if you have an issue). In any case from this time forward I will recommend to everyone I know, or have influence on, to say away from the The National Alliance and National Vanguard. We will not be joining you. — It’s good that this final comment by you was allowed yesterday to show NV visitors precisely why you have been blocked of late. You are correct to say that you will not be joining our Alliance. Were you to apply for membership you’d have to come through me. We do not… Read more »

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Eric
29 March, 2023 1:56 am

Yes, fully agree. Everything that is good in Christianity is European culture. The original Christian ideology has nothing to do with European spirit. Everything that happens now is the final fruit of Christianity.

The Truth is Out There
The Truth is Out There
Reply to  Eric
29 March, 2023 9:04 am

What is the source of your quotes, Eric? I have felt the same way, that leftist radical methods of today have their origin in early Christianity, and that “respectable” Christianity is just the “Germanized” version (which is fast disappearing).

Theodore Alexander Vegh
Theodore Alexander Vegh
2 June, 2023 1:47 am

Religion is based on Region. Each Kingdom of Europe sought to have it’s own version of Christianity. Thus, we see the Lutheran Church in Germany, the Anglican Church in England and so on. Theodore Alexander Vegh is calling for all people of European descent to come out of the alien Religions of the world and return to the regional Religion of Europe. Our Religion is our Race. Our Race is our Religion. Let’s form the European Religion for the European Region. Our only goal is to ensure that we have eternal life on earth as a Race. – Theodore Alexander Vegh ♥️