German Patriots Hit 40 Cities
EXCLUSIVE to the New Observer from Real Facts Media. Last weekend German patriots from Ein Prozent braved the bad weather to hold public information rallies in over 40 cities throughout Germany. (ILLUSTRATION: Patriots in Dresden)
The basic strategy was to prominently display the Ein Prozent banner in high-traffic areas while handing out information flyers to passerby. Different locations included prominent shopping areas and city centers.
Rather than trying to hold a large rally, organizers opted for small teams that could target different locations throughout Germany for maximum impact. In one German city, the group managed to hit four locations, from department stores to the city center.
Due to the prevalent “Antifa” presence, which likes to disrupt and attack patriots in Germany, the details of the event were largely secret.
The “Antifa” groups have a long history of agitating and violently confronting anyone opposing the continued invasion of Germany by Third Worlders. This was especially apparent during the last state election cycle in March.
It is also interesting to note the cultural differences between East (former DDR) and West Germany.
For example, a Dresden PEGIDA rally will get thousands of people marching through the streets. But an attempted PEGIDA rally in Stuttgart or Mannheim would likely see only a few PEGIDA supporters and hundreds of Antifa. Nonetheless, that did not stop German patriots last weekend.
Given the German media’s blatant bias and disdain for people opposing the invasion, the strategy was a successful way to get the message directly to the people.
The average German’s trust in the media is very low right now, especially after the Cologne attacks on New Year’s Eve. Hence, it is a good time to be spreading this message and bypassing traditional media altogether.
Patriots throughout the West can utilize this basic strategy. It only takes a few people to hit the streets and broadcast the message. With a small group of four people, two could hold up a banner and two could pass out information flyers.
You could follow this strategy anywhere, from a little village in England to the streets of New York. As trust in the political establishment falls, the opportunity to recruit others into our ranks grows. The time is now.
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Source: New Observer
Excellent report! I am very pleased to hear of anything positive coming from anywhere in the world – especially Germany. And from Dresden no less! Great job my German brethren both for your committed efforts, and for circumnavigating the antifa terrorist groups – no small task these days. Endless prayers coming from a southern California, Aryan man.
Great news. Hopefully the Saxon awakens again.