Adolf Hitler on the Woman’s World
by Martin Kerr
ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1934, Adolf Hitler addressed the National Socialist Women’s League (Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft, abbreviated NS-Frauenschaft or NSF). This was the women’s wing of the National Socialist movement. The overall topic of his speech was the role of women in the new National Socialist state.
Hitler’s comments on the fundamental distinctions between the role of women in society — any society — contrasted with the role of men, are as pertinent today as when he made them nine decades ago.
Here is the essence of his remarks:
If the man’s world is said to be the State, his struggle, his readiness to devote his powers to the service of the community, then it may perhaps be said that the woman’s is a smaller world. For her world is her husband, her family, her children, and her home. But what would become of the greater world if there were no one to tend and care for the smaller one? How could the greater world survive if there were no one to make the cares of the smaller world the content of their lives? No, the greater world is built on the foundation of this smaller world. This great world cannot survive if the smaller world is not stable. Providence has entrusted to the woman the cares of that world which is her very own, and only on the basis of this smaller world can the man’s world be formed and built up. The two worlds are not antagonistic. They complement each other, they belong together just as man and woman belong together.
We do not consider it correct for the woman to interfere in the world of the man, in his main sphere. We consider it natural if these two worlds remain distinct. To the one belongs the strength of feeling, the strength of the soul. To the other belongs the strength of vision, of toughness, of decision, and of the willingness to act. In the one case this strength demands the willingness of the woman to risk her life to preserve this important cell and to multiply it, and in the other case it demands from the man the readiness to safeguard life.
The Fuhrer’s sentiments are not original or unique. Indeed, we may say with certainty that his thoughts on this matter are the same as those of every healthy Aryan, male or female, whether living in the 20th or 21st centuries or at some time in the remote past. The ideas he expresses are timeless. Hitler’s gift here is in expressing these sentiments so eloquently and clearly, and with such force that they are difficult to argue against.
This is an example of Adolf Hitler channeling the collective racial soul of Aryan humanity, as he so often does. And even beyond that, we can say that here he is expressing the will of Nature itself, that he is acting as a conduit for Nature’s laws.
The profound depth of Hitlerian thought is difficult for many people to fathom, especially those who think of him only as a political leader or the head of state of a foreign country from long ago. But he is far, far more than that: He is the voice of our racial psyche speaking to us. Well might one present-day commentator bestow on him the title of the “Forbidden Philosopher.”
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Source: New Order
It’s so true that a picture can say a thousand words. As can a symbol.
Another great piece from Martin Kerr.
The hope is that some of us may get to see the day when Herr Hitler gets the honor and appreciation that is his due, and then there would be nothing “forbidden “ about his philosophy or any of his works.
Very impressive words. There was a time in America when it was natural and honorable for the woman to take care of the home and her children as well as be supportive of her husband. She didn’t feel cheated because she was “only” a homemaker and didn’t have her own career. When the feminist movement arrived this all changed, for the worse.
Yes, and the Jews are responsible for the downfall of the traditional family.
Consider, Mr. Rinaldi, that we Whites ourselves are chiefly at fault for this downfall of the traditional White family. We let the Jews, who have been well known by us for at least 2000 years, among us so that they may operate openly or by hook and crook to subvert and destroy. Isn’t it time to change our ways and stop operating our nations for the short term interests of a few individual Whites who have managed to worm their ways into power and become susceptible to Jewish influence and think about acting like we’re planning for an eternity on the basis of our race?
Thank you, KAS, for publishing another of Martin Kerr’s fine works.
The more I learn about NS, the better. Thank you, Mr. Kerr, for sharing this important information about the man that some of us admire more than anyone else.
Excellent quote. The timeless truth. The whole “struggle for women’s rights” is a sham in order to undermine a society. Hitler is much more than a mere historical/political figure. He is the founder of the new worldview, the new racial religion. It is why all those senseless persecutions against those who don’t want to vilify Hitler. Hitler becomes ever more relevant with each passing year. The more they try to smear him the more brightly he shines.
Hello, Mr. Stoner. I love reading your articles as well.
I just wanted to add that in American society, and perhaps yours and in many, if not all cultures, isn’t there some taboo against speaking ill of the dead?
My late father was cruel, sadistic and had anger problems. Once he died, that didn’t suddenly make him a saint. But you should’ve read the eulogies on the obituary site…these jerks who barely knew him went on about how “kind “ he was. Reading that felt like one of the many slaps in the face he gave me.
The opposite with Hitler. Where is the taboo about not speaking ill of him?! What hypocrisy.
I can totally relate. My father was a sociopath and he died a few years ago. It was such a twisting of the knife to read all of these kind eulogies of the obituary website, saying how he loved to garden (he never gardened a day in his life), and how he worked so well with others (he never got along with anyone). I am just hoping that there is justice beyond this world that will make up for all of this misery on Earth.
Aiming for personal revenge, comeuppance, or “justice” for Whites who have wasted their lives or hurt others as you see it will not solve any of our racial problems, Mr. Rinaldi. To get any kind of justice, Whites who are serious and sincere about building a new order of Whites so that we may one day gain control of our destiny (and yes, that includes attaining the ability to set and enforce government policy that deals with a society of Whites on our own terms) must step up and take responsibility and join with others focused on a greater purpose to get the job done.
If you you were to spend some quality time around people from different backgrounds and ethnicities, you would in time realize that all humans are essentially the same, some do bad things, but most are loving and good people. Hating or fearing someone based solely on their religion, ethnicity or skin color is only based on ignorance and lack of exposure to different people and places. Please reconsider why you believe what you do.
The equalitarian dogma has long been debunked, Bill. Just as there are differences between individuals, so too are there differences between groups, tribes, and races and better minds than yours have discerned this. Some build mighty civilizations; some remain savages despite being placed in a civilized environment yet you ignore this. Please reconsider your blind faith in egalitarianism and avoid using tired old insults such as “your hate and fear is ignorant” when coming to visit us.