EssaysGuest opinionNewsWolf Stoner

Civilization’s Dead End, part 1

Russian Army vehicles still have that 1940s-1960s look.

by Wolf Stoner
NV Russian correspondent

EVENTS OF THE LAST month show signs of an acceleration in the developing situation in Ukraine. It is as yet difficult to say exactly where we are headed, but it is clear that some major geopolitical rearrangement will happen. That is inevitable for the simple reason that both sides of the conflict want a rearrangement, a new division of spheres of influence. No one seems to be content with the status quo as it was. Obviously, the Kremlin and the West see the potential rearrangement differently.

Both sides prefer to make only limited sacrifices to achieve their ends; neither the Kremlin nor the West wants to engage in a World-War-2-style mortal battle. But the inexorable logic behind today’s events is pulling the entire situation into something more and more resembling precisely that kind of extermination struggle.

Here I want to outline our interests in the ongoing events, and to put all factors of the Russia/Ukraine conflict into proper perspective. First, I need to repeat the axiomatic fact that neither of the belligerents should be considered more beneficial to our cause than the other. Each side is but one variation of globalism. Therefore, the only sensible attitude for us to take is to remain neutral.

As it is almost always the case, this struggle is multidimensional and can’t be described in simple terms. It is the vector sum of many influences. I think that the main factor behind the Kremlin’s decision to invade Ukraine was Chinese backing. I even suspect that China was successful in gaining control over the key decision-makers in the Kremlin; most probably through various corruption schemes. If that is the case, then China will simply dictate to them what they should do next.

There is a well-known method of criminal investigation: When we learn who is the main beneficiary of a crime, this beneficiary becomes the main suspect. It is all too obvious that the only beneficiary of what has been happening in the last few months is China. It has gained more influence than has Russia; it buys Russian mineral resources at a discount, and sells its goods to Russia at ever higher prices. Besides that, all trained and effective Russian troops have now been moved from the Far East and Siberia into Ukraine. It is an almost perfect arrangement. Taking into account the Chinese obsession with eventual annexation of the Far East, this turn of events is greatly in their favor and is why we must consider China as a chief suspect.

From the very outset of the conflict, even before the war started, it was obvious that Russia had nothing to gain from it. Regardless, the war started. If Putin was the originator of this idea, he would have started the invasion back in 2014 when it was still feasible to occupy the whole of Ukraine. But now, after years of active preparation by the Ukrainian military, and after that military’s ever-increasing combat experience, to throw Russia’s mostly low-quality units against such an enemy was sheer insanity. It simply makes no strategic sense. No coherent and sagacious leader, or group of leaders, would do that. That is why I adhere to the opinion that the Kremlin was forced into this move. If China holds the strings of corruption on enough Russian leaders, that would not be a difficult task.

But why is China doing this?

Besides weakening Russia and gaining economic leverage over her, the war in Europe has disrupted the long-term American program of strategic encirclement of China.

In essence, this brilliant strike has successfully broken the ever-tightening ring of the American military around China. America has been compelled to transfer substantial assets into Europe. Washington was hesitant to do so at first; they didn’t want to disrupt their arrangement in the Asia-Pacific region. Only after two or three months of active fighting in Ukraine, and after seeing that there was no end in sight, the US started its global reshuffling of resources. This was a strategic victory for China, which so far has been successful in all of its strategic schemes.

At the same time, China officially holds an aloof position as a neutral state; and even mildly criticizes its Kremlin client. We know this trick from mundane human interactions. It is used all too frequently when a true initiator of malicious designs makes a pretense of criticizing its puppet for being “too aggressive.” It is like a parent hitting his child in public in order to show everyone how he tries to discourage him from doing bad things. I don’t believe in China’s innocence. China is now a main contender for global domination. It is bound to have a military conflict with America at some point. But China, instead of hurtling headlong into open military confrontation, like Japan did in 1941, prefers to use dying-out Russia as its puppet.

Russia is used as a tool for strategic reconnaissance in force, a method widely used by Soviet commanders in World War 2: A military unit was sent against well-defended German defense positions in order to provoke the Germans into disclosing their weapons positions. In the process, the attacking unit was almost completely annihilated, but the Red commanders gained much knowledge about German defenses. Something similar is happening now, with Russia as a whole playing the unenviable role of the sacrificial unit.

Some may doubt this idea, supposing that it is hardly possible that the entire Russian leadership could become puppets in the hands of a foreign country. I can assure you that it not only can happen — but it actually did happen in 1990s, when the whole Russian government was a puppet in the “Western” bankers’ hands. The only difference now is that a new and more adroit master holds the strings.

Modern Russian society is depraved and morally corrupted. The entire governmental structure from top to bottom is permeated with corruption. Every official is implicated in corruption. You can’t get a position in the Russian administrative apparatus without being a part of the corruption scheme. Therefore, the willingness to sell out is a main qualification for a successful career in Russia. If you don’t want to sell out, or are unable to arrange some profitable and unlawful schemes, you can’t have a decent income in Russia today. That is why the worst and the most immoral elements of society have been raised to the highest positions here. These are people for whom their own financial success is the ultimate value in life. Nothing else matters. None of them, if presented with the choice between personal enrichment or preventing the destruction of their nation, would ever hesitate when choosing the former. These creatures are very easy to buy if the buyer is prepared to pay the price.

Most probably, China paid this price. I do not have any other explanation for the insane and seemingly suicidal behavior of the Kremlin’s rulers in the last few months. They would never do such things for lofty ideological causes. That mode of thinking is beyond their mental scope. These materialistic greedy people would never risk their positions in order to advance the collective interests of their country or nation. They never did such a thing, and it would be folly to believe that at some point they suddenly started to think this way. Everything they do is dictated by some sort of selfish or utilitarian reason.

This secret, certainly, is known only to the narrow decision-making circle in the Kremlin. All others are simply compelled to execute orders. And they do because otherwise they would lose their positions or even their lives. It is a huge mafia-style corporation where everyone is tied by money and blood. But the ultimate price is paid by the mainstream cattle who are thrown into this senseless meat grinder. Obviously, the system tries to concoct the loftiest moral explanations for its actions. Many of the Russian sheep believe it; but many only pretend to believe it and are making all kinds of arrangements to evade the mobilization. The most popular trick is to buy a medical exemption. The prices for such papers have surged ten times since the start of mobilization. Now you must pay the equivalent of about $30,000-$40,000 in order to be proclaimed unfit for military service. Despite Russia being relatively poor, there are millions of Russians who can cough up this sum.

This business is booming in Russia. Medical officials and recruitment officers are gaining fortunes in a matter of days. They only need to find substitutes for those whom they exclude from recruitment. It is easy to do. There are tens of millions of poor Russians who can’t pay bribes and whose social position is too low to appeal to legal protection. They are rounded up and sent into active military units without any kind of proper training. The most that they get is a few days of token lessons (firing a few cartridges and throwing a hand grenade).

These poor creatures are subjected to crude Soviet-style propaganda about “fascists kill our people” and “we must stop them at all costs,” and are intimidated by the new laws that provide 10-15 years in jail for rejecting the mobilization. The restoration of the Stalinist terror state is complete. The only hole that the system can’t plug is the Internet. It can’t simply be switched off because that would mean economic collapse. The security services try to partially plug it by blocking access to all Russian-language sites that criticize the Kremlin’s actions. But these measures are mostly useless because almost anyone can bypass the blocks. In all other respects, the totalitarian control is complete. No one can openly express any disagreements with the official position.

Now let’s look at the other side of the conflict; both Ukraine and the West. Obviously Ukraine is the victim of the ongoing geopolitical redistribution of influence. Ukrainians have no other choice except to resist this savage Asiatic-style invasion that destroys their lives. At the same time, we certainly can’t describe the current Ukrainian government as an entity serving Ukrainian ethnic interests, let alone White racial interests. The supreme Jew of Ukraine and his bunch of self-righteous apostles of globalist integration are no less crooked than the Kremlin gang. They ruthlessly use the Ukrainian people as a tool for promoting their own nefarious agenda. They are puppets of Western globalists to the same extent as the Kremlin’s rulers are puppets of China. In essence, Russians and Ukrainians are used as sets of pawns in this first stage of military engagement between China and the Jewish-dominated West. It is obvious that neither Russians nor Ukrainians will see any positive results from this conflict.

Russia is considered by all major players as a goner to be disposed of; this assessment is correct. Russia, after a hundred years of the insane Marxist-internationalist experiment, has lost its ability to survive as a coherent society. The quality of its human material is too low. The sense of ethnic identity is too weak among Russians. It is much higher among Ukrainians, but their nationalism is being used in the service of Jewish globalism, and therefore is not useful for our cause at present. What we must clearly understand is the fact that Russia as an independent geopolitical factor is nonexistent. What is going on is a struggle between China and the Jewish globalist system.

If judged from the geopolitical point of view, we are bound to be on the Chinese side in this conflict for the simple reason that there is nothing worse than the Jewish system. The Chinese rise is bound to destroy the present day’s dominant “multicultural” paradigm. But on more practical local level we must understand that any Chinese advance, or any advance of its allies such as Putin’s regime, is bound to be a bloody affair accompanied by ethnic cleansing and all kinds of atrocities. (By the way, the Russian political leadership isn’t concerned about the atrocities its troops are committing. Because they have Chinese backing, the Kremlin bosses believe that there is no real prospect for their ever being held accountable for these atrocities.)

Obviously, we can’t support any of this filth. Neither can we support the NATO/Ukraine forces because of their globalist nature.

That is why the only possible position for us is to remain neutral and attentively monitor the ongoing development of events. The situation is very fluid and unstable. It can turn in any direction. Whatever the malicious designs of both opposed major actors, such global events by their very nature can’t be easily manipulated. It is possible to start them, but it is far too difficult to steer them as they unravel. The examples of the previous world wars show it well. I am sure that this time the uncertainty and unpredictability of events is going to be even greater. And this is the main factor that we must rely upon. At some point the dominant centers of power will lose their all-encompassing control over the multitude of minor local forces; the whole globalist arrangement of the post-WW2 balance of power is sure to start to unravel. Then we may have an opportunity to act according to our interests, not theirs.

It is difficult to say when that could happen, but definitely the situation is not ripe yet. The opposing forces must yet bloody each other more thoroughly. The populations of Europe, North America, and Russia must sink into poverty and lose any hope they may have had for a promised bright future. Restive minorities should at some point start regular bloody raids against the White mainstream populations; the whole global economic system must collapse and render unsustainable the production of high-tech consumer goods. The ensuing famine and internal social disorder should create conditions under which it will be nearly impossible to exercise thorough control over the increasingly deranged masses.

The main factors of influence that the system is using now are its ability to provide some level of prosperity, and the ability to use police force against any political opposition. But the moment the system loses its ability to provide people with food and other necessities, it is bound to lose at least half of its influence. The only factor that would remain is the ability to punish anyone opposing it. But this factor, if used alone, is bound to produce resentment and resistance. If looked at from this point of view, everything that is going on is to our advantage. The sooner the system loses its ability to provide high living standards, the better our prospects of gaining a foothold in a real political process.

By the way, the electoral “political process” has nothing to do with the real political process. The real balance of political forces is determined exclusively by the ability to project force. There can’t be any political influence without the ability to enforce it. The more the situation advances along the military fighting path, the better it will be for us. Such a trajectory facilitates the transformation of public perceptions. The ideas of “peaceful coexistence,” of a “multicultural society,” of “democracy and political pluralism” automatically lose their magic and start to be seen for what they really are — vile fakes concocted to dupe the masses.

Only the balance of force between the competing ethnic groups matters; anything else is of secondary importance. This simple truth will start to become more and more obvious. The racial-ethnic factor is the main determinant of all social and political processes. And any global war, with its subsequent destruction of the existing globalist order, is bound to restore this ultimate truth to its proper place in society.

To be continued

* * *

Source: Author

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11 October, 2022 10:24 am

My prediction is that the USA will just suck all the blood from Europe. German economy is already a cripple as the Nord Stream attack was targeted primary at Germans, not Russians. Moreover, many countries (especially from eastern Europe) are buying tons of weapons from the USA right now even though they cannot afford it (see inflation in all of these countries). However, this problem is also a solution, more and more people will feel a drastic drop in comfort level, the famine, lack of heat will be more apparent. The economic collapse will also be a great opportunity to stop mass imigration and get rid of all alien masses that were polluting our homelands.

Robbo The Giant
Robbo The Giant
Reply to  Olgierd
12 October, 2022 10:44 pm

This is the beginning of the end of American putting its fat fingers all over the world. When the EU wakes up from the Ukrainian hangover, things will shift. Would Brazil rule over the world? So how will an 80% hisspanic third world fake country like America? USA is a joke and the rest of the world is becoming comfortable with telling you that.

Reply to  Robbo The Giant
14 October, 2022 8:02 am

They might be a joke, but the USA still occupies Europe (they call it NATO), Japan, South Korea etc. Moreover, USA has the financial instruments such as World Bank, IMF to corrupt and lobby governments here in Europe. However, the USA is losing globally, the Africa has been taken over by the Chinese. They lost as well much of ther influence in Latin America. Just like it was with Roman Empire or British Empire, Jews just cannot get enough of sucking blood from their host nation and it always ends up with a spectacular collapse of such empire (and it’s always the internal collapse where decadence, multiculturalism, slavery, perversion, extreme poverty contrasting with undreamed wealth etc. destroy the whole society)

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Olgierd
14 October, 2022 9:47 am

Doesn’t it stand to reason then for those of us Whites who recognize that the civilization we once built but is no longer within the control of responsible Whites should seek to form a sort of “lifeboat” of organized and structured activity so that we can save what’s left of our people? If your answer is ‘yes,’ then read on:

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
16 October, 2022 7:25 am

Yes, first and foremost I care about surival of our race and I believe that raising our children and educate them on our own should be the primary target for every White person on this planet.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Olgierd
16 October, 2022 7:37 am

Then join, and make a difference.

Reply to  Robbo The Giant
14 October, 2022 7:07 pm

This country is pathetic but there is one important thing to remember. There are still thousands of nukes/nuclear power plants & as these idiots get selected for powerful positions the more likely multiple accidents will occur. No sane individual will join any branch of the U.S. military, now the lowest of the low will are filling the ranks. This will not end well. In a world without these threats I would say “Screw it, let it collapse & wait for the savages to destroy eachother.” However this is not the world we live in, if something truly catastrophic happens here then the entire world suffers. A missile going off or something akin to Chernobyl is bound to happen if the situation isn’t corrected. Whites (who are not beholden to jews)… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Forsaken
15 October, 2022 10:24 am

Forsaken: This country is pathetic …Whites (who are not beholden to jews) need to assume positions of power then rid of the problem(s). How can this occur? — Needs, neeed, needs. — Your guess is as good as mine, but it needs to start before this country goes any further into the sewer of multiculturalism. — Racially conscious White Americans are in no position to assume positions of power in the corrupt, dominent ,essentially anti-White American multicultural society. Most White Americans are cowards, fearing they will be ostracized by the herd and called “”racist” or “White supremacists” if they were to agree with our National Alliance that we will simply separate ourselves from the multicultural/nigger mess. We are not “guessing” about the solution, Racial separation is the solution. Why have… Read more »

12 October, 2022 1:01 am

Hello, Wolf, I am happy to see new series of your articles. My question is: how to survive in war in case I am mobilised? Thank you in advance

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Ivan
12 October, 2022 3:38 pm

Better not to be mobilized. There are plenty of options. The worst of them is to become a Russian soldier. I must warn from entertaining futile hopes of escaping when in the combat zone. It is very difficult and dangerous. There are blocking detachments at the rear and minefields in front. There is simply nowhere to escape. The procedure of guarding frontline units is one of the best in Russia. It is the only skill that is superb in Russian military since Soviet times. My advice for anyone who happens to be in Russia: prepare for being on the run for a lengthy period of time. Russia is big; there are plenty of places to go. The system isn’t interested in actively pursuing those who escape. There are plenty of… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
13 October, 2022 12:13 am

Thank you for your detailed answer. Do you think it is possible to form a “third-way force” between Ukraine and Russia, consisting of formal Russian and Ukranian soldiers, to conduct guerilla-style warfare both against Kiev and Moscow?
By the way, I have already followed some of your precious advises.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  Ivan
17 October, 2022 3:04 am

It is a good idea about a third force created out of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers who disagree with their respective systems. But it is hardly practical. There are two centers of power in this conflict that suck all other minor players into their respective orbits; you can’t resist it openly. There are multiple factions on both sides; there are even ethnic nationalists and racially conscious men fighting on Russian side but their ideas have no bearing on the overall Russian policy. Similar situation is on the Ukrainian side. The nationalist part is greater there and they are more open about their beliefs but it makes almost no difference to the overall Ukrainian policies. Ukraine is being incorporated into globalist system; and this system doesn’t care about anyone’s ethnic identity.… Read more »

12 October, 2022 11:21 am

How does someone know if they are white or not? Especially if they are tanned and have dark brown hair like myself.

Reply to  Karina
12 October, 2022 12:27 pm

The White race is divided into multiple subraces, a few of which have brunette racial features. If you study anthropology, you can get a more exact idea of who is “White,” and our Cosmotheist bookstore ( offers some good titles which describe who we are. But, to keep it simple for the sake of brevity: if you think you’re White, and we think you’re White, you’re White!

Reply to  RCavallius
12 October, 2022 1:19 pm

What’s your email so I can email you a photo of myself

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Karina
12 October, 2022 7:31 pm

Karina, we do not permit the exchange of email addresses using the comments section of National Vanguard to protect each other. A submission can be made to us then passed along to RCavallius by using the ‘contact us’ feature you see at the top of the main webpage.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
12 October, 2022 9:40 pm

I see myself as white its general society that doesnt

Reply to  Karina
12 October, 2022 7:33 pm

That is unnecessary, since you don’t think you’re White. Are you of wholly European ancestry?

Reply to  RCavallius
12 October, 2022 8:11 pm

My parents are iranian

Reply to  RCavallius
12 October, 2022 8:20 pm

I had all this evidence to say I’m white like Kevin’s opinion the cavalli sforza maps etc but it’s all been destroyed because iranians are collectively defining themselves as non white

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  RCavallius
13 October, 2022 11:49 am

Katrina didn’t write that she thinks she is non-White, RC. If she wants to contact our National Office and send her photo along with an application for NA membership or as a supporter, then she should put “Membership inquiry” on her email to and it will come to me for consideration. Eligibility requirements for membership are found here: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance ( My feeling is that Katrina (derived from the European Katherine) probably relates to being White. She did not say she lives in Iran. There are Whites in Iran, formerly Persia, but today most are not. The U.S. census bureau considers Iranians White, but what do we care what the U.S. census bureau thinks? It counts Jews, Arabs, and misnamed “Hispanics” as White.… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
13 October, 2022 10:21 pm

I’m a guy my real name is aryan hashtrudi and Kevin saw my photograph he said I and my family look med

Reply to  Karina
14 October, 2022 10:43 am

Aryan, if both of your parents are Iranian, it is possible, but unlikely, that we would consider you White. The Alliance requires its Members to be of non-Jewish European ancestry, but there are some people outside of the West who fall into this category, since “European” here is used as a racial term rather than a geographical one. Since you are reading National Vanguard, you obviously have some awareness of the critical issues of our times, so why don’t you do as the Chairman suggested and send a clear, front shot of your face to the National Office, along with an application. I would add, also, that even if you are not White, or are not wholly White, you can still make a positive difference in this world by speaking… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
17 October, 2022 12:11 pm

Hashtrudi has been communicating his insecurity about being White to us for many years…

That’s news to me, and apparently to Jim and to RC and to everyone else reading his off-topic comments on NV under Wolf’s serious essay. I had assumed Karina is a female.

When he says on NV that he sent me photos in emails marked “membership inquiry,” those emails should have been forwarded to me, not treated as years-long, back and forth pen pal correspondence among you and those others.

We don’t have strength left over for hand-holding. Someday we will, but not now.

Please block Hashtrudi from NV and leave membership inquiries to be handled by our National Office.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
21 October, 2022 9:13 pm

I’ll just bump this response to Kevin I made about Karina/Aryan/Hashtrudi four days ago since it did not clear moderation until now, thus was never timely listed in “Latest Comments.”

Thanks, Jim, for blocking the gadfly from making further comments on NV.

20 October, 2022 11:38 pm

I agree with the author about remaining neutral.

We should cheer that both forces are clashing and hope that they will destroy each other or end up crippled enough for the whole judeo-american anti white system to collapse sooner. We need it to collapse ASAP.

The only thing I feel sorrow now is for those white Ukrainian and Russians that are having their lives destroyed in the process.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
25 October, 2022 1:50 am

The Russian-Ukraine war has accelerated the financial collapse of the West. It has also highlighted the critical role that energy plays in maintaining an advanced civilization. Awhile back I said the US financial system could go critical sometime in the first half of 2023. Britain’s financial system is beginning to collapse now. If the US and Russia do not negotiate a settlement to the war within the next month and begin normalizing relations then we will see Germany and much of Europe fall apart this winter. The EU will splinter and collapse over the next year, and so will NATO. The US financial system is knitted into the financial systems in Britain and Western Europe. When large banks start imploding there it will greatly weaken US banks. Racial revolution is… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
25 October, 2022 9:37 am

I have already informed the National
Office about the goings-on of the
101st Airborne Division. Here is the

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Walt Hampton
27 October, 2022 11:50 am

Also seems there are many hundreds more
US troops there in civilian clothes posing
as “contractors.” If these should accompany
101st Division into Ukraine and engage in
combat with the Russians, woe will be their
tale. Under the Rules of War, they can be
executed without trial as spies.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Walt Hampton
30 October, 2022 11:50 am

4,700 light infantry troops from the 101st Airborne will have minor impact on the course of events if they are sent to eastern Ukraine to fight. They will quickly take about 1,200 casualties in a level of fighting no US troops have ever seen. Then they will either be withdrawn or we go to total nuclear war.

The only way the US can avoid a major defeat in Ukraine is to roll the dice with total nuclear war.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Old Aardvark
30 October, 2022 7:46 pm

There is no rolling the dice with total nuclear war, Mr. Aardvark. The game was “Mutually Assured Destruction” when I was a nuclear weapons tech back in the 1980s and the game is MAD now. While millions would die in an initial exchange of warheads, the realized potential for a 20-year ‘nuclear winter’ that blot out the sun’s rays from reaching the soil would ensure that billions of hominid and all other forms of life perished afterwards through starvation as nothing could grow. Perhaps everything would die even down to the bottom feeders in the depths of the seas. I don’t want to find this out through experience. We Whites have the opportunity to organize now and act pro-actively on the international Jewish order of MADness when we have the… Read more »

27 October, 2022 5:40 am

The real political process. The real balance of political forces is determined exclusively by the ability to project force. There can’t be any political influence without the ability to enforce it. 
Hence open Borders & the Majority of Births in the Western World being Non White.