EssaysGuest opinionWolf Stoner

You Can’t Say You Weren’t Warned

Understanding today’s state of chaos; and finding a way forward for our race in the midst of state-destroying war

by Wolf Stoner
National Vanguard Russian correspondent

EVERYTHING THAT Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels warned about 80 years ago is coming true. The world that rejected Natural Law, and decided to live according to insane dreams, is coming apart. Nothing can save it. “The bad people” were right. “The good people” turned out to be either scoundrels or dumbasses.

There is no such thing as “universal morality” or “human rights” as they are understood today. These concepts are without any connection to reality. Every value, and every judgment, makes sense only in relation to something tangible and real. Any such evaluation expresses the coordinate system of the person who makes it. This is always so; it can’t be otherwise.

All those pretending to be impartial and unaffected by their own interests are either self-deluded fools or malicious tricksters.

Everything in this world is tinged by self-interest, by assertion of the will to life, the will to power. All living species and races are born into the eternal circle of constant competition. None can jump out of it. Those who have tired or failed must cease to exist, and free living space for other more capable creatures.

Everything happening now fully justifies this worldview.

The decadent world is in a downward death-spiral.

Trump’s wild utterances about “all hell breaking loose” against Israel’s enemies, annexation of Greenland, Canada, and Panama are the surest signs of acceleration. Trump isn’t insane saying those things. The Western public, for decades fed pseudo-liberal nonsense about “rules-based order,” “human rights,” and “peaceful solutions” can’t understand the new reality.

Yes, the real world requires tough decisions. Trump was allowed to become US President in order to save American global dominance. The Jewish-American ruling class was kicked out of their narcotic slumber and spasmodically tried to rectify the situation.

Since the 1990s this “elite” has been living under the illusion of its total victory. They imagined that the world was conquered once and for all; the only things that remained were local operations against a few remaining diehards who didn’t want to accept the new world of universal happiness.

They got their first jolt in September 2001. Regardless of who organized the event, it was the beginning of their downfall.

The global Islamic movement, the rise of China, the reemergence of the Bolshevik empire, and the uncontrollable population growth of Africa and Asia — all these factors and more undermined the American hegemony that was achieved immediately after the Soviet collapse.

America’s chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan back in 2021 triggered Putin’s invasion of Ukraine (most probably, goaded by China).

Chinese military preparations have entered a stage where they can’t be reversed. The acceleration of military production there can be explained only by the decision to go to war in the immediate future. Russia, now a Chinese vassal, has already put its economy on a war footing.

Chinese allies in the Middle East are becoming ever more restive. The temporary defeat of Hezbollah doesn’t change the overall trend.

Successful use of long-range rockets by Houthi rebels is a sure sign of active Iranian and Chinese participation in this project. It would be impossible for wild tribesmen to master such complicated systems. The way these rockets are being used testifies to their intent to influence the situation on a global scale.

Two opposing blocs stand opposed: the anti-White alliance under China on the one side, and the Judeo-Western “free world” on the other. Both sides are equally alien and hostile to the White race. But, the majority of White people, living physically on the territories controlled by the Western bloc, are inevitably sucked into this struggle.

Trump ran his election campaign as a peacemaker and non-interventionist; the same as Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt.

It is very probable that a loose-cannon Trump will be used by the ruling elite to implement radical steps in order to preserve their dominance. It is too late, but they will try. The time to strangle China was back in 1990-95; but at that time dirty Bill was too preoccupied with more important issues with Monica. Now China cannot be stopped.

European countries, even under this impending danger, continue to entertain futile hopes of a return to “business as usual.” Only Poland, Finland, and Baltic states are preparing their militaries for inevitable war. Social decadence in other European countries has gone so far that their societies are hardly capable of sustained military effort. The alarm bells have already struck in Britain, at the highest level of military authorities: The British army isn’t capable of fighting even a month under the conditions of war that prevail now in Ukraine.

The price of illusions is very high. A society raised on the idea of an easy life in a future paradise isn’t capable of coming to its senses.

The natural state of things is returning to the world. “Hitler was right” is the phrase that will be uttered ever more frequently by those who can see.

* * *

The “victor”’s poisonous historiography of World War 2 asserted the insane idea that some “bad people” had plunged the whole world into war. This childish view of history was bound to produce many problems. All recent generations of political leadership in the West have been nurtured on these stupid notions. It’s no wonder that now, when hard reality demands hard actions, they behave like frightened children, seeking to cower under a table or behind their mothers’ skirts. They were not brought up to become true leaders, to make difficult decisions, and accept full responsibility. They always try to avoid personal responsibility and prefer to engage in prolonged fruitless debates. They exemplify “our democracy” at its best.

But the Jewish-dominated American elite has finally noticed that their world is coming down. It is why they need Trump, Panama, and Greenland. Preparations for a world war approach their final stage.

Whatever decisions are taken, the situation is bound to worsen.

The Bolshevik entity will continue to push further into Europe; even if given the whole of Ukraine, it will demand more. The inner nature of this state has not changed since Lenin’s time.

China will eventually capture Taiwan. But that isn’t the important issue. China plays for much more. They need the whole world. Taiwan is only a pretext to initiate hostilities at any suitable moment.

In the “happy decades,” when decadent mainstream creatures enjoyed peaceful lives, China infiltrated and brought under its control the bulk of Africa, and many states in Asia and Latin America. Even more than this, Chinese agents were successfully planted in all Western countries. Their students are now present in all universities and scientific laboratories. This factor alone is enough to destroy Western countries from inside. It will be much more difficult now to deal with these “Chinese minorities” than it was put all Japanese immigrants into concentration camps back in World War 2.

China is hell-bent on destroying the West. They hate White people; they will try to annihilate every White man on Earth, if given the opportunity. But in some sense this open enmity is preferable than the more insidious Jewish war on Whites. White people were always better at coping with an obvious enemy.

Those who seek simple solutions will be greatly disappointed. There are none. Real life presents ever more convoluted and difficult tasks. There will be no replay of past events. The coming struggle is sure to be much more brutal and complicated. It will test all human qualities to their limits.

The ongoing transformation in Western governments is very indicative of the overall trend. Their actions are becoming more realistic and less driven by insane unnatural ideologies (the recent speeches of some senior NATO generals is good evidence of this).

This doesn’t mean that the ruling elites have become more friendly toward Whites — but merely more rational in terms of international competition. Their senseless drivel about the benefits of unbounded free trade and the blessings of globalization is to some extent replaced now by calls to restore heavy industry, increase military spending, and reestablish conscription.

Trump’s call to take Greenland and Panama isn’t a publicity stunt, but an expression of a more realistic understanding of the situation. It is enough to have a globe on your desk in order to understand why those steps are necessary as global war looms. The Arctic Ocean will be one of the principal theaters of this war. It is why Greenland, Iceland, and Spitsbergen will be even more important than in the Cold War.

The main difference for us in this coming war is that, this time, we have no dog in this fight. There are no states that represent our racial interests. This understanding must be the basis of all our evaluations and decision-making.

At the same time, we must not fall into the delusion of preferring a Chinese-Bolshevik victory. If China takes effective control of the whole world, they will try to annihilate White race. That is a normal biological reaction; the White race is the only real competitor for East Asians in the struggle for world dominance. The neo-Bolshevik empire, China’s junior partner in this undertaking, will itself be incorporated into the overall Chinese state with its remaining White component either being absorbed or annihilated by the new master race.

The full victory of the Chinese-Bolshevik bloc would be a disaster for Whites.

At the same time, a full victory of the Judeo-American Western bloc would bring eventual destruction of Whites as well. Perhaps not in such a violent way as would occur under Chinese rule, but the overall long-term result would not be better.

Therefore, the preferable outcome of this global struggle would be the destruction of both sides; or in the destruction of one side and the weakening of the other to the point of impotence (something similar to what happened to the British and French empires after 1945).

This situation would allow other independent actors to assert their own interests and to push away the former dominant players.

In either case, an unmitigated bloodbath and total destruction of states is inevitable.

White racial groups must act independently of any states, and prepare the ground for our eventual takeover of the remnants of a weakened and dysfunctional society. There must be no compromises on this question. No German AFD-like prostitute behavior!

For now, we must prepare for global war and make all necessary provisions in order to avoid being drafted into any military (even the militaries of the countries that we consider more amenable to our vision) — there are enough blind mainstream people to man the trenches; we have other work to do; our war is yet to come.

We must be prepared to survive for a long time outside of population centers. There are multiple reasons for this: evading authorities, or surviving nuclear war and the ensuing social chaos. The worst case would be to find ourselves in a government-run refugee camp.

Many of our people make the mistake of thinking that great undertakings must be started with great trappings and fanfare, Trump-Musk style. It is not so.

Real greatness needs no public gaze. It starts in quiet places, with few people present. The mighty oak sprouts silently from a tiny acorn.

The White racial state starts with us, here and now. We don’t need any government licenses or police permission for this. The White state is inside our mind; we are the White state.

The quality of our preparations now will decide the long-term success of the overall undertaking. We are the rulers of ourselves, and of our future state. It is now time to become Founding Fathers of our own state.

The initial work isn’t clean or easy or glorious. On the contrary, any starting endeavor in this field has always been dirty, heavy, and bloody. Hacking through impenetrable woods, digging trenches, killing enemies, burying best friends and relatives; no luxuries, no holidays on the French Riviera, no fancy clothes and cars; only hard work, suffering, and ardent belief in higher ideals. It is painful, but it is the way of nation-creation. There are no shortcuts.

The time of great change has come.

* * *

Source: White Biocentrism

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William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
14 January, 2025 9:03 pm

Another home run by Alliance member Wolf Stoner. This essay first appeared at our small NA forum (184) Words of Wolf Stoner – Page 18 – White Biocentrism, titled “The State of Chaos.” After reading it Douglas Mercer suggested the title change, seen here.What a duo! I posted it at in two parts due to its length. Those folks can use some serious radicalization. Wolf has deservedly been added here at NV as one of our fearured writers: Wolf Stoner | National Vanguard Many more of his essays are archived at White Biocentrism. His prediction here about Putin’s devastating neo-Bolshevik push into Ukraine is interesting since the Trumpster has bragged that he’ll end that conflict with a single phone call. We’ll see about that. The Bolshevik entity will continue… Read more »

21 January, 2025 7:55 pm

“They got their first jolt in September 2001” I would say that the Jew utterly cashed in on that. Militarily and insurance fraud literally. They took every country in the middle east, except Syria and Iran. They took Libya, which has given them a platform to fund terrorism into Africa. And Syria was so weak and encroached on that all they had to do was eventually pull the trigger on that. The global Islamic movement are half Mossad stooges at this point. The only thing that didn’t go their way was Putin. He may be too jew friendly, but not the stooge that they wanted him to be. He wasn’t the Donald Trump that they expected out of him. And that is what has triggered their current assault against the threat of… Read more »