
Stalingrad and the Death of the West

by Martin Kerr

SOMETIMES A MOMENTOUS event occurs whose significance is not recognized at the time but only becomes apparent later. So it was with the surrender of the last German defenders of the Stalingrad pocket on Feb. 2, 1943. At the time, every observer understood that it was a fatal turning point in the Second World War — after Stalingrad, a German victory by the force of arms was impossible. All the Soviets and the Allies had to do was to ignore their casualties and grind through to the finish.

But in retrospect, we can see that the defeat at Stalingrad was more than just the defeat of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany: It was the beginning of the end of Western civilization. The 82 years that have passed since then have revealed this. What we are experiencing now — and will continue to experience in the decades ahead — is merely the winding down of a civilization and culture that has lasted 1,000 years. Had Hitler prevailed in the War, he would have revitalized Western civilization and extended its life another two or three hundred years — perhaps even the thousand years that he himself predicted. But Hitler did not prevail, and so the fate of the West was sealed.

Defenders of Western civilization: German troops at Stalingrad, 1942

One of the first to recognize the true significance of Stalingrad was the French author Louis-Ferdinand Céline, who said:

It’s Stalingrad. How’s that for catharsis! The fall of Stalingrad is the finish of Europe. There was a cataclysm. The core of it all was Stalingrad. There you can say it was finished and well-finished, the White civilization.

We agree with Céline — up to a point. What was “well finished” was not White civilization as a racial phenomenon but only the Western incarnation of White culture.

Adolf Hitler noted in Mein Kampf:

Every defeat can become the father of a subsequent victory, every lost war the cause of a later resurgence, every hardship the fertilization of human energy; and from every oppression the forces for a new spiritual rebirth can come — as long as the blood is kept pure. (Vol. I, Ch. 11, p. 327 Manheim; p. 605 Dalton; S/ 359)

That the West is doomed is beyond question. Yet, as long as there are Aryans of pure blood in the Universe, our culture and civilization can continue. That is what we National Socialists fight for today: not to preserve the rotting corpse of Western civilization but for the new racial rebirth of Aryandom that shall follow it!

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For further elucidation of the fundamental idea expressed in this short article, see:

  1. Faith of the Future by Matt Koehl
  2. The Revolutionary Nature of National Socialism by Matt Koehl
  3.  Forward to a New Aryan Dawn by Martin Kerr
Louis Ferdinand Auguste Destouches (May 27, 1894 – July 1, 1961), better known by the pen name Louis-Ferdinand Céline.

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Source: New Order

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2 February, 2025 7:38 am

Thats nice to see a rational Frenchman. We haven’t seen that as much as we should in a very long time.

As far as saving the west, what is “the west”? England? With America as the usury entrapped bulldog? I think that there is an argument for that definition. And also that blame. And if that’s what it is, I agree that there is nothing to save about it. I’m not convinced that there ever was.