The Oligarch Who Hedges His Bets

RECENTLY Spanish police seized a £70m ‘superyacht’ belonging to one of Vladimir Putin’s closest oligarch cronies.
Tango is registered in the British Virgin Islands – one of the favourite havens for shady international tycoons – and belongs to Viktor Vekselberg, son of a Ukrainian Jew and a Russian. Since 1990 Vekselberg has been head of the Renova Group, a Russian conglomerate with interests in aluminium, oil, and other sectors. He has been subject to international sanctions due to his close Kremlin ties.

According to several investigators, Vekselberg’s most interesting international role has been as the man who does the dirty work for “Sir” Len Blavatnik, his business partner, co-founder of the Renova Group and closest friend since their schooldays.
While Vekselberg has been sanctioned, Blavatnik has earned a teflon reputation which might be connected to his remarkable talent for backing opposite political sides and remaining close to power.
Blavatnik has at various times backed pro- and anti-Netanyahu factions in Israel; Tony Blair in the UK; Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and Joe Biden in the USA. In 2015 a group of international scholars condemned Oxford University for accepting Blavatnik’s money to fund the ‘Blavatnik School of Government’.
Blavatnik however insists that he has distanced himself from Putin, and the likes of Tony Blair and his ‘charitable foundations’ have continued to work closely with the Blavatnik School of Government. Meanwhile Blavatnik has continued to be one of the world’s leading sponsors of ‘Holocaust’ education, including a recent international conference to celebrate “the nearly 1.5 million Jewish men and women who fought in World War II against Adolf Hitler and the Axis powers.” Heritage and Destiny will soon be analysing some of the interesting omissions from this ‘history’!
Perhaps the ambiguities of Blavatnik’s own position will never be fully resolved, but as the Kremlin’s invasion grinds on in Ukraine, the likes of Tony Blair are feeling increasingly nervous about their ties to Putin’s oligarchs.

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Source: Heritage and Destiny magazine
Russia is still run by “ex-KGB” men and parasitic oligarchs , there is more Russian money outside of Russia than inside of it because the parasitic oligarchs stuff the money they stole from the Russian people into swiss bank accounts. The population of Russia will be half of it was today in the year 2100, there are also numerous session movements in Russia for example chechnya,karelia,yakutia,don region,tuva,dagestan at this rate with the sanctions and the putinist repression the Russian Federation will collapse within a generation, there is no future in Russia.
The great majority of those 1.5 million jewish men and women who fought against Hitler and Axis powers were judeocommunist criminals who instigated unimaginable crimes against Germans and other anticommunist Europeans. Soviet troops, instructed and encouraged by these Jews, commited terrible atrocities – including mass killings and rapes – in Germany and eastern Europe. Today’s jewish rulers of Russia, such as Len Blavatnik, Viktor Vekselberg, Mikhail Fridman and many others, are descendants of the aforementioned judeocommunist criminals that erased enitre German population of East Prussia, Pomerania, Silesia and Czech Republic. Today, descendants of jewish psychopaths, such as Ilya Ehrenburg, are the hidden force that leads russian youth into fratricidal war in Ukraine. It is also important to point out that exactly these Jews – descendants of judeocommunist criminals and psychopaths,… Read more »
Those Jews also stick together with each other far better, collaborate more effectively, and put their time and money where their tribe is going than we Whites have, Mr. Revisionist. How about we try that too?
Don’t forget how these ugly pigs also erased the Baltic Germans, in Estonia. They had their ignorant Russian submarines torpedo a boat full of Estonian refugees fleeing the Baltics, killing over 10,000 humans in one shot. They also murdered another 1/2 million of them at Dresden. An advanced people who brought civilization and class to the region, for centuries.
An international parasite alongside a treasonous, feckless weasel.
Ladies and gentlemen of the conscious ethnic European peoples, take a really close look at that snapshot.
It speaks a thousand words and presents a historical perspective of our struggles since the establishment of the Bank of England.
Meanwhile at the instigation of the parasite that eats away at the white peoples, sending weapons from the Jew-NATO to continue the slaughter of Slavs, we are approaching the final judgment. Unless..
Final judgment by whom, Mr. Panadechi? Some spook in the sky that so many believe in that has “everything under control” so that Whites need do nothing?
Uh, Jim. I’m betting you got the ‘spook in the sky” thing from whitewil, who got it from Ben Klassen. Come up with something original.
Uh, Cyrus. I’m not betting anything because I know you’re missing the point completely. Go somewhere else and bite ankles.
your jewish god isnt gonna save you