Our Faith, Our Bodies, Our Lives
American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 11, 2020
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2020-0711 – Our Faith Our Bodies Our Lives.mp3
by Kevin Alfred Strom
and William White Williams
ARE YOU sick to death of government bureaucrats, media bosses, and leftist/authoritarian corporations and NGOs that want to police your every thought, who regard your life and your health as an income stream, and who want to force-inject your — and your children’s — bodies with their for-profit chemical vaccines and drugs?
Are you sick to death of the elite pushing their phony Black Lives Matter movement on us, and the forced “diversification” of every aspect of our society?
Today’s program includes two articles written by National Alliance Chairman William White Williams and published recently in America’s longest-running racial-nationalist publication, the National Alliance BULLETIN, which our members and supporters receive each month in the mail.
Last week I talked about the spiritual and philosophical aspects of Cosmotheism. These two pieces show us the practical, real-world side of Cosmotheism, something that’s going to be more and more important as we develop our own communities and our own society in the coming years.
Cosmotheist Church Resolution for Vaccine Refusers
On 18 May National Vanguard published “Gates Foundation Honoree: ‘Get Rid of All the Whites’ to Increase Vaccination Rates.” To summarize:
Dr. Carol Baker of Houston was caught on video proposing that society “get rid of all the Whites” in the United States to reduce the number of “vaccine refusers.” Baker is a staunch proponent of forced vaccinations, having served as chair of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2009, in the Obama administration. She stayed on with that committee to as recently as 2019. Baker has recently served as the executive director of the Center for Vaccine Awareness and Research at Texas Children’s Hospital. She was honored in Washington, D.C. with the Sabin Vaccine Institute’s 2019 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal at a ceremony made possible in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer.
Imagine that: Baker openly advocates ethnic cleansing of Whites because quite a few of us resist or refuse forced vaccinations. “We’ll just get rid of all the Whites,” she says. “It is immigrants who want to be vaccinated.”
On 24 May, the former Secretary of Homeland Security, the ultra-Zionist Jew Michael Chertoff, glibly remarked that all public schools in the US should remain closed until a vaccine exists and students are injected with it. Should Aryans expect anything less from this son of a rabbi, whose wife has held high positions in the anti-White ADL?
The board of directors of the Cosmotheist Alliance Church (CAC) has, on 26 May, 2020, passed a resolution declaring that its faithful followers may resist forced vaccinations, if they so choose, and refuse altogether to have anything to do with this despicable plot by the federal government, Bill and Melinda Gates, Pfizer and other big pharma companies, and the Sabin Vaccine Institute, etc. This refusal will be backed by the Cosmotheist Church and by the National Alliance. Who are they to question our faith? Expect more resolutions by the CAC that are in line with our Nature-based world view. These resolutions are likely to appeal to our kinsmen who have had a bellyful of their increasingly oppressive government — and their current anti-White churches.
Should Cosmotheists Serve in the US Military?
A disillusioned, disgruntled White soldier offered the following commentary earlier this month:
I see the reality of decline and decay reflected most alarmingly here in the military; it’s a miracle the military can even semi-function; the people you eat with at lunch might, for example, include a “Latino” nationalist who thinks that Whites “had their turn”; an obese Black female with an inferiority complex who will reflexively defend the rioters and bash Trump no matter what; an Arab who secretly applauds the atrophy of the West; a few guilt-ridden White male homosexuals; a feminist White female who says she only dates Black men; and, most disappointing of all, a rural White boy whose ideas come from his Tucker-obsessed parents who still ardently believe, against all facts to the contrary, that Trump’s election was indicative of some Republican Party renaissance that will include Blacks, Browns, Yellows, and everyone else. It is a joke, and I wonder every day whether I should just walk away — if a dishonorable discharge, in these times, is actually a sign of life, of the Faustian spirit — rather than become a credulous, diversity-touting cog in this giant bureaucratic mess. The billions in taxes which is stripped from working class White Americans each year goes solely toward the manufacturing of ever more technologically-advanced super-weapons and an excessive amount of diversity-friendly advertising towards millennials, while normal soldiers receive less than minimum wage and can’t even receive student loan repayment for the thousands they were swindled out of at Jewish-dominated universities. — Alexander H. (via nationalvanguard.org)
Chairman Williams responded: Alexander, your description of America’s military today is spot on. It has become, among other deadly things, a giant Jewish social experiment. If Trump wants to send in the military to quell the ongoing riots, good luck with that. It’s less than 50% White male now, and those White males are mostly either queer, as you describe, or lobotomized to be “anti-racist.” Federal troops will toe the federal line and will not effectively put down the anti-White rioters. I could see this coming 50 years ago after my four years of service in the then still mostly White male Army. I wouldn’t last a week in this new Army — not a day. Don’t desert and risk doing time in the brig and being handed a dishonorable discharge. Do the honorable, truthful thing: Go to your company commander, tell her that you have become a conscientious objector due to your deeply held religious beliefs (Cosmotheism), and, as a man of your race — a racist! — you want out of the military and want nothing to do with its immoral policies promoting racial mixing, sexual equality, and homosexuality that run counter to your beliefs. Stick to your guns. Hold your head high. There is nothing dishonorable about telling the truth as you see it. In fact, a racially responsible White man taking that path out of military service today is a morally courageous act. What will the military do then but cut you loose? Then you can work for your people. Join the National Alliance if you haven’t already.

Cosmotheists, as racial separatists and strict loyalists, have no opposition to bearing arms in the service of their race. But, should they be conscripted against their will to serve in armed forces that oppose the interests of their race and their religion, they will hold a firm, fixed, and sincere objection to serving in such armed forces on moral, ethical, and religious grounds. The Cosmotheist Church will back up your decision if you are a Cosmotheist and choose to conscientiously object.
Cosmotheism Just Makes Sense
Without a firm set of moral principles to guide our actions and determine our goals and plans for the future, we are just like driftwood aimlessly floating in the sea. And that is what we as a race, as a nation, have been for a century or more.
What moral principles have we held in recent decades? Our dominant religion has devolved into little more than a call to “be nice to everyone, especially if they aren’t White.” And we see where that is leading us.
What goals have we tried to attain in recent decades? Spread “democracy”? Look at the Hell on Earth we’ve made of the Middle East in pursuit of that chimera. Look at the farce of American politics and the money-fawning slimeballs who are the only ones allowed to be nominated, with the additional requirement that they renounce any loyalty to White people, even in their secret thoughts. We see where that is leading us, too.
We have stopped believing in these things, though we may still mouth the slogans and platitudes. We are demoralized in the true sense of the word. The pursuit of private, selfish gain and pleasure to which too many of our Folk have turned does not satisfy. Worse, we have stopped believing in ourselves.
Cosmotheism now breaks above the horizon like a bright new star to guide our people upward. It is for our people alone. It reveals to us again what our best minds have been telling us for 2500 years. It draws back the curtain on our transcendent mission as a race. It sets high goals for us and expects high standards of us. It guides us upward. It guides us back onto the path we thought we had forgotten, toward the goal we must attain.
Cosmotheism guides us home again. And, as Chairman Williams told you today, it provides a vehicle, a way, to regain our freedom and shape our lives on a very practical level, too.
What We Are Doing About a Broken, Stolen World
We can have a clean, orderly, progressive, safe, and incomparably richer and more beautiful nation if it becomes a proud White nation again.
To do that we must begin by restoring White community and White racial consciousness among our people. We at the National Alliance are doing that by building media — and a spiritual foundation — for Whites and expanding their reach to hundreds of thousands — soon millions — of our Folk; and by getting out on the street and meeting our neighbors and showing them what we’re all about.
We’re going to help our people. We’re going to educate our people. We’re going to come up with creative ways to awaken our people. We’re going to make a future that will be like nothing ever seen before. We live the cause of White awakening every day. We’re going to do what it takes.
Be a part of what we’re doing. Join the National Alliance today. Receive our monthly BULLETIN. Put your shoulder to the wheel. For further information on our program, write to Box 4, Mountain City TN 37683, or visit natall.com/join. We appreciate your support.
Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you of the words of Richard Berkeley Cotten: Freedom is not free; free men are not equal; and equal men are not free.
* * *
You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the reconstituted National Alliance membership organization, founded by William Luther Pierce in 1970. This program is published every week at whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your support, your inquiries, and your help in spreading our message of hope to our people. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to keep on thinking free.
https://audio.nationalvanguard.com/programs/ADV 2020-0711 – Our Faith Our Bodies Our Lives.mp3
Can Jews join the National Alliance???
Of course not. But if some Jew, his mixed, perhaps even part-Aryan blood calling him to reject the evils of his tribe — and help those with the best chance of ending those evils –, wants to anonymously send us several 55-foot trailers full of Krugerrands, we will not reject them.
Jews have an interest in survival of the White race because no other race will have them now, at least not in their numbers, at anywhere near the standard of living they’re used to in the West. While the NA platform, if implemented, will mean all jews are permanently ejected from White living space, wherever they land – or pay their way into – will likely benefit from the technological advancement particularly in earth sciences, medical advances, and promotion of human rights, that the future White homelands provide the world.
I don’t agree with this. I think this is the biggest mistake that can be made. Even if he has a Jewish DNA of 0.01 percent, he is a Jew. They are not humans. They are not us. They act with their instincts and impulses. And we have no reason to keep them with us. With Jews, we are bound to this cycle. We have lost in the past because we have always ignored this and did not take them seriously.
I suppose my response wasn’t sufficiently clear. My answer to whether or not Jews should be accepted in the Alliance was, “Of course not.” So I am in agreement with you, Tigris.
When I said at the end “we will not reject them,” I was not referring to Jews, but to semi trailers full of Krugerrands being left anonymously in the National Office driveway, with no message and no way to trace their origin. I was merely suggesting a method by which a man of mixed blood, who sees the righteousness of our cause, could help without having the slightest hint of influence on our program. So far as I know, this has not happened.
Are you not acting on your impulses for white societies etc ? Hypocrisy has no color . i 100% believe in separation , but to avoid hypocrisy which runs deep in the jew is essential . i know this brotherhood of the snake which is jew headed will be put down .
You’re dreaming
This “mask” BS is just a lead-in to get the
sheeple conditioned to accept mandatory
“flu shots” so that Big Jew Pharma can rake
in even more profits from the shorn sheep.
So far, every indication is that the sheep are
blindly trampling over each other to line up
for their “vaccines.” Only a few short steps
away from where they will all love Big Brother.
Yes ! And once that interspecies RNA and DNA hits their systems, their bodies will never be the same again, all sorts of autoimmune diseases cropping up, all of which will take endless ineffective treatments by the Jew-owned Pharma industry so that they can rake in their billions, send it all to IsraHell, and FILL the Golan Heights with settlements for the world’s ugliest and evil criminals so that their populations can rise and rise until their armies can provide all-encompassing ruthless surveillance the world over, anyone stepping out of line to be immediately shot in the head.
Nope, ain’t happenin’ here, sorry fagboys, not takin’ it !
“Chairman Williams responded: Alexander, your description of America’s military today is spot on. It has become, among other deadly things, a giant Jewish social experiment.” How true. We know that from at least WWI our military has been in the service of the international Jews, those who have been the only ones to have really profited from it: “WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small ‘inside’… Read more »
Longer than that i’m sad to report . the jews seem to always hoodwink the white man into discord . i’m the 11th generation on this continent came over from a english/scots “civil” war . Even their solomon said to sow discord among brothers is so evil
There are arguments in favour of whites joining the military. If they boycott it, only non-whites will have professional combat training with the best equipment. People can train in their own free time, but this is not practical for many whites who may have to work long hours, not to mention the time with their families they would have to sacrifice. Also, army life may be an education. William Pierce once said he got many letters from servicemen and ex-servicemen telling how they only got to know the true nature of racial differences by being up close to non-whites in the military. For a young man from a homogeneous white community whose only education on race comes from the media and public school system, a couple of years in the… Read more »
Rob, we are already in a war to the finish for either us or for them. It may not be a shooting war just yet, but it is a war nevertheless. Generals Patton and Butler didn’t see the big picture about the business of war until they had served for 30-plus years in Jew wars that were destructive to their race. By then it was too late for them. Read again current soldier Alexander H’s letter to us about today’s Army and carefully weigh his warning to young Whites about joining the multi-racial, unisex military and becoming another “credulous, diversity-touting cog in this giant bureaucratic mess” against any and all arguments in favor of joining. More about problems with the new military, here: https://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=824 Since I had joined the Army… Read more »
Join NA here: What is the National Alliance? | National Alliance (natall.com)
Where can I find the proof of their resolution against the vaccine? I was hoping to find it on cosmotheistchurch.org but didn’t find anything. If I could get some proof I might be able to use that as a religious exemption against the vaccine.
The actual shooting war has
begun in Australia:
Should young, White, racially-aware men register for the selective service, as is required? This is not the same as joining the military, but is the same idea.
National Alliance members are more valuable outside of the System’s prisons than within, so mind their military conscription laws while they can enforce them.
I went ahead and did so today. Thanks for the advice.
You’ve met your statutory obligation, John. Now, when JOG wants to actually put you in uniform to “fight for your country,” don’t give them some weak excuse for why you won’t — tell them you are an unreconstructed White racist and that you despise Jews, Negroes, Mestizos, and other non-Whites, and LGBT freaks. That should do the trick these days.