Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

The Germans Weren’t Brutal Enough

by Dr. William L. Pierce

WE WESTERNERS have had it pretty easy these past few centuries. Our superiority in the arts of war and peace has been so overwhelming that we have met no serious challenge from other races. Accordingly, we have vented our aggressiveness almost exclusively on one another. The bloodshed has been enormous, but we have, nevertheless, generally exercised certain restraints. We developed a code of proper behavior in fighting one another, which, although it was often violated, still has had a generally beneficial influence. At least, its intent was thoroughly admirable.

But we are faced with an entirely new situation now — and, in fact, have been since World War 2, which was our first really major conflict in a long time in which the West was opposed by a non-Western enemy (although most Americans didn’t realize that at the time, and still don’t). We are now in the era of race war, and we had better learn a new set of rules pretty damned quick.

With the exception of the Pacific theater, the two primary forces in opposition in World War 2 were Europe and Jewry. The Germans fought for Europe, and the Americans, the British, the Russians, and the various Communist partisan groups fought for Jewry. Europe — and the West — lost the war, and one of the reasons we lost (though certainly not the only reason) was that the Germans just weren’t brutal enough. They were mentally and morally unprepared to wage war Jewish-style.

When the Germans encountered guerrilla opposition in France and in the occupied eastern and southeastern territories, they just couldn’t cope with it — much as Americans found themselves unable to cope with guerrillas in Indochina more recently. The Germans took hostages, and they even shot a few, but that was just what the guerrillas wanted them to do. The Germans never were able to solve the guerrilla problem, and they were obliged to devote a major portion of their military effort to it throughout the war.

The Red Army, on the other hand, had no such problem, for they knew exactly how to deal with guerrillas. They were perfectly prepared to depopulate a thousand square miles of occupied enemy territory — to kill every living thing, guerilla or otherwise — at the first sign of civilian resistance. Even in the Soviet Union itself, entire national groups (the Volga Germans, for example) who were considered to be a potential threat to the Soviet war effort were uprooted en masse and deported to Siberia — millions of people — with enormous suffering and loss of life. In Poland the Reds nipped any anti-Communist resistance in the bud by simply exterminating, in the Katyn Forest and elsewhere, practically the entire Polish officer corps, which , during wartime, comprised most of Poland’s leaders.

When the Red Army stormed into Germany they were egged on by the Soviet-Jewish propaganda commissar, Ilya Ehrenburg, who exhorted the Communist troops to use mass rape and murder as means to subduing the civilian population: Kill! Kill! In the German race there is nothing but evil; not one among the living, not one among the yet unborn but is evil! Follow the precepts of Comrade Stalin. Stamp out the fascist beast once and for all in its lair! Use force and break the racial pride of these Germanic women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill! As you storm onward, kill, you gallant soldiers of the Red Army!

A great many people are evidently of the opinion that it’s better to lose a war than to sully one’s honor by stooping to Jewish tactics in order to win it. Perhaps that is so, when White people are the only ones in the arena. Then the consequences of a lost war are a loss of territory, a change of politicians, perhaps more taxes and a lower standard of living for a few decades.

But in the struggle we are now facing, infinitely more is at stake. We lost the last round, and the consequence for that loss has been more catastrophic for us than any other war in history. If we lose the next round, we lose everything forever. If the White race goes down, then the whole meaning — even any memory — of honor, of chivalry, of fair play goes down also.

Anyway, Americans are no longer entitled to make such a fuss about playing by the rules. What we have already done at the behest of the Jews — in World War 2 and since — has made a mockery of any claim to national honor we may have once had. What we flatter ourselves with by imagining as chivalry or decency is really hypocritical squeamishness. We are dangerously soft, not dangerously decent.

The fact is that we are up against an enemy who thinks nothing — absolutely nothing — of cutting throats, of gouging eyes, of liquidating prisoners by the millions, while the very thought of having to use a knife — or a crowbar — to kill an enemy is terrifying and abhorrent to the average White American. He is simply not mentally prepared to survive in the jungle which racial integration is making of America.

It is no longer a matter of preserving his principles, but of preserving his race and all its posterity, to the end of time. The average American, as already mentioned, does not seem to understand this — or to be prepared to make the necessary adjustments if he did understand it. But we in the National Alliance are not average Americans. We are people who, more that anyone else except the Jews, know exactly what is at stake. So, let us make up our minds. Are we going to do whatever is necessary to win the struggle for control of the future of this planet in which we are now engaged, or are we not? The National Alliance is no place for persons who are not sure of the answer.

* * *

Source: Action: Internal Bulletin of the National Alliance, No. 47, January 1976

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Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
23 April, 2021 1:08 am

Make no mistake. You are in a battle for survival against an implacable and insane opponent. These Jews are a superstitious lot. They believe that Satan has promised them World Domination if they kill off the smart and productive. It doesn’t matter if you believe in Satan or not, because they absolutely believe in the supernatural. Observe their media. Witches, magic and supernatural programs abound. This is not an affectation or a mere storyline. They firmly believe in the supernatural. They believe in human sacrifice and magickal powers. This makes them MORE dangerous. They are not a rational opponent that can be reasoned with or parleyed to, they are an insane fanatic. They truly believe that killing you off will create a world where dark skinned slaves will serve them… Read more »

Reply to  Judge Dredd
23 April, 2021 9:19 am

‘Witches’ – from the Saxon Wicce – wise ones.
Healers, knowledgeable about nature, herbs and their medicinal properties.
In a nutshell, all those ‘supernatural’ shows, books, etc. are essentially Abrahamic falsifications of Pagan mythology, which is the lore of nature.
Sagas and fairy tales are coded ‘lessons’ about nature.
And ‘Satan’ is just nuddah Semitic fantasy figure, a demon from the Middle Eastern desert.

Reply to  Judge Dredd
23 April, 2021 8:44 pm

Greetings Judge Dredd. Their “dark skinned slaves” will eat them. Good servants need to be intelligent.

23 April, 2021 9:12 am

While I certainly don’t disagree with the article, it seems to me that the no. 1 reason the Germans lost was MASSIVE Allied superiority in numbers and materiél. The Polish army was one of the largest in the world in 1939, the Germans were able to defeat them only because of vastly better quality and tremendous speed. Similar applies to the Soviet adventure until the Germans had stretched themselves WAY too thin and ground to a halt at St. Petersburg (‘Leningrad’), Moscow and Volgograd (‘Stalingrad’). The things that most traumatized the men in my family during that time were lack of warm clothes – especially underwear and socks suitable for -45° Celsius were in very short supply as of late ’42 – and lack of ammunition. (My Kriegsmarine uncle, to… Read more »

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
23 April, 2021 6:00 pm

Greetings PrinzEdelhart. Germany had no intention or preparation for war with the JewSSR. Suvorov, in Icebreaker, stated that Russian spies in Germany studied the wads of paper that the German Army used in rifle practice to determine whether they used special low-temperature grease in their guns that would be suitable for an invasion of Russia. They found that the Germajn army was using ordinary grease and was therefore unprepared for an invasion of Russia. Stalin however had made preparations to invade Germany then the rest of Europe that were commenced even before WW2 started (e.g. 23,000 high speed rubber wheeled tanks that could not have been used on any Russian roads).

Reply to  Truthweed
24 April, 2021 1:28 pm

Are there any documents on the German spy side mentioning that Russia was preparing for an invasion of Europe? I do recall that the Finnish secretly recorded what was allegedly Hitler’s voice during a meeting they had with him in the early 40’s. If it was Hitler talking he seemed to be suggesting that the Russians were way ahead of the Germans in the speed of armament production and that there was no possible way that the Germans would be able to keep up. It isn’t clear if he was referring to before the war or during. But it wouldn’t surprise me that he was mentioning this as information obtained before the outbreak of WW2.

Anthony Kimball
Anthony Kimball
23 April, 2021 10:15 am

In my admittedly not-so-humble opinion, the only people who should be allowed to or even have the right to post comments on websites such as this are those (exceedingly rare, as it’s becoming depressingly clear) individuals of our race who have either. A) actually done verifiable damage to the enemy (besides hurling words) or B) can prove that they themselves have been either physically injured or severely (and I mean severely) economically injured by the enemy. The utterly worthless musings of keyboard warriors who have no experience whatsoever with actual warfare, have done (and will do) ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to advance our cause. I have less than zero interest in reading any further comments from people who have done (or who are unwilling to do) anything more than cheerlead (or pay… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Kimball
23 April, 2021 7:13 pm

Wow Anthony. Lighten up, man. Your desired regulations on commenting would ensure this section would dry up to nothing. Also, you are not taking into consideration how any of your requirements would be proven by the would-be commenters. For example, over the years I have contributed money to many White advocates. Can I prove it? No. And without elaborating, I support but cannot now join formally. Don’t alienate folks who comment here and are on our side but don’t measure up to your expectations vis-a-vis actions rather than words. Sometimes it is enough that people are aware of the problem(s), and live their lives accordingly and for now, protect their families, livelihoods, and stay out of prison. Eventually we will sink into some sort of civil war or breaking up… Read more »

Anthony Kimball
Anthony Kimball
Reply to  Iceman
24 April, 2021 9:25 am

@Iceman…..fair points. Occasionally my impatience with the way our people are appearing to do nothing in response to the increasingly obvious actions of the enemy pushes me to say things like the above. I appreciate the feedback.

Reply to  Anthony Kimball
24 April, 2021 9:01 pm

“appearing to do nothing” The flat-footed fact is that there is no vehicle for anyone to do anything. The jews have compromised all the political/legal/economic means of resistance and we are a nation of atomized individuals with no other way to fight back. Since the political system is corrupt, there are no other organizations or mechanisms to resist, except for maybe small groups or lone wolves, committing criminal acts, and that won’t work. The formation of a national political party on a national socialists platform to get a large group together, then you’ll get something done. Atomized individuals cannot do anything. You must get a group together first! Until you get a group, nothing will happen.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  stan
25 April, 2021 8:55 am

Part of the point of introducing the system we mistakenly call ‘democracy’ was to make such groups or parties illegal and therefore very difficult to get off the ground.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  stan
25 April, 2021 6:20 pm

stan: The flat-footed fact is that there is no vehicle for anyone to do anything… Atomized individuals cannot do anything. You must get a group together first! Until you get a group, nothing will happen. — You make me sick, stan, whoever you are. You come on this National Alliance site to tell us there is no vehicle to “do anything,” and that until “you,” whoever that is, get a group together, nothing will happen. I’m sick of Iceman and Anthony Kimball, too. None of you have joined our Alliance and never will. As hard as we work with what we’ve got, you just like to come onto our site, make your defeatist comments and pretend like we’re “doing nothing,” Why don’t you fellows accept that you do not have… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Anthony Kimball
24 April, 2021 9:23 pm

There is also the issue of people not wanting to ‘out’ themselves as being active, which may have some ‘legal’ (whatever that may mean these days) repercussions.
Even many of the most outspoken critics of The System often make a point of saying that they do not advocate or condone…..well, you know, action.

Reply to  Anthony Kimball
24 April, 2021 9:13 pm

Greetings Anthony. I would like to tell you what I have done and do but that would prevent me from doing more or anything else. Not everything can be achieved openly.

Reply to  Anthony Kimball
25 April, 2021 8:42 pm

All some people can do for NV is donate or pay membership dues. How will you verify who did such damage to the enemy? I don’t think NV could have the current level of reach and bandwidth if its ISP saw that people were anonymously posting evidence of their currently illegal activities, which likely would filter out to poorly drawn swastikas on synogogues or shooting hassids with paintballs or letting a piglet loose in the kosher meat market. If “keyboard warriors” here have no experience with “actual warfare”, what about the articles written by William Pierce and others on NV without such experience?

bryan o'driscoll
bryan o'driscoll
23 April, 2021 12:37 pm

I’ve always believed that if the Germans had been even half as diabolical as they were accused of being that they might have had a better chance of winning. The jew is a monstrous, parasitic life form with not an iota of honour or nobility. It is primarily motivated by avarice and hatred and has a real talent for survival. If we can ever again organise ourselves to physically resist this ultimate enemy we will need to be prepared to behave like Genghis Khan and his hordes would have when dealing with it.

Reply to  bryan o'driscoll
23 April, 2021 6:31 pm

Bayoneting babies, raping nuns, throwing people – children, even – into ovens, turning them into soap and lampshades….
Having grown up in that part of the world, I can assure everyone that those are NOT things Germans – or White Europeans, for that matter – do.
Asians or Africans might.
Jews are, originally, Asians and accusing others of things they are guilty of themselves has always been one of their mostest favoritest hobbies…..

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
24 April, 2021 8:59 pm

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We eliminate the white race along with their too high and thus for us dangerous intelligence through multicultural societies!” Henry Kissinger

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 Before you read the shocking revelations from Major Jordan’s Diaries about the billions of dollars, airplanes, tanks, munitions, foodstuffs, whole factories, blueprints and material for building the Atomic Bomb, personal luxuries for despotic Bolshevik Talmudic Communist rulers, as well as the paper and plates enabling them to print U.S. Federal Reserve Notes — all this sent to the U.S.S.R. from UN Depot No 8, Newark, N.J., U.S.A., — let us set the scene. 

The myth that the Red Army would have won without Western aid in the form of Lend-Lease

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Reply to  ulysses freire da paz jr
26 April, 2021 1:34 am

Greetings Ulysses. Did any American ever vote for Kissinger? Regarding Patton, he redeemed himself by eventually understanding that he had been deceived about the Germans, by the Jews, just before he was murdered.

bryan o'driscoll
bryan o'driscoll
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
16 May, 2021 3:38 am

Throughout the war the Germans were always reacting to the savagery of their opponents rather than initiating it. Hitler chose to follow the generally agreed upon methods of waging war by civilised nations. The Germans behaved ruthlessly with some of the Poles as a reaction to the savage murder of thousands of German civilians by the Polish army and jews in 1939. The bombing of British civilians was in reaction to the bombing of German civilians by the RAF and was what Churchill had hoped for. Neither Churchill nor Roosevelt felt any constraints about incinerating hundreds of thousands of German civilians in their cities and homes. They revelled in it. When the Germans surrendered in May 1945 Oppenheimer and his jew atom bomb buddies became all depressed because they knew… Read more »

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  bryan o'driscoll
16 May, 2021 9:09 am

I knew a man from Ohio who, for years, wouldn’t speak, even to his family, of his service in World War 2 as part of an Army-Air Force crew over Germany. Near the end of his life, he told me that he and his men, after finishing a bombing run that was quite horrific in itself, were told to fly low over the German countryside, shooting at anything that moved, including schoolchildren and wives hanging out their wash.

bryan o'driscoll
bryan o'driscoll
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
16 May, 2021 12:32 pm

Because the jew has always controlled the narrative the vast majority of whites have no idea of what was done to Germany and the Germans during and after the war.

Reply to  bryan o'driscoll
17 May, 2021 7:35 am

Hitler did have some blind spots and was, in some ways, a little naïve.
Examples: underestimating the ABSOLUTE STRANGLEHOLD Jewish finance had on the governments of especially the UK and US, not taking advantage of French naval forces – and other allied vessels – having fallen into German hands, ignoring the lessons of history regarding Italy (and southeastern Europe), believing that an ‘indomitable will’ could overcome MASSIVE manpower- and materiel disadvantages, etc.
But yes, playing by the rules while your opponent is willing to use even the dirtiest tricks in the book will put you on the backfoot defensive Every. Single. Time.

Reply to  bryan o'driscoll
15 May, 2021 9:17 am

The truth of the matter is the Germans did outfight the allies under almost all conditions. They were, as others have said overwhelmed by a vast superiority of men and materiel. Over the years I have read, watched a lot books and documentaries about the war and have concluded the war was not winnable by Germany after America entered it, the same can be said about the first great war, which led to the second one. The first war was meant to destroy the old order of monarchies, the second to destroy Europe itself.

bryan o'driscoll
bryan o'driscoll
Reply to  archer
16 May, 2021 3:50 am

I believe that Germany did have a brief opportunity in which they could have won. That was in May and June 1940 when Hitler could have crushed the BEF and invaded and occupied Britain. Had that happened the entire strategic position for the Reich would have improved immensely. The western seaboard of Europe would have been either in the hands of German forces or those allied to it and Britain would not have been available to Roosevelt as a bombing base and springboard for invasion. The Mediterranean would have become an Axis lake and access to the Suez Canal and the oil of the Persian Gulf would have been open, solving the energy needs of the Reich. With all resources available for the war against the Soviets victory would have… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  bryan o'driscoll
16 May, 2021 10:14 pm

Many problems with that. Hitler never wanted war with Britain, in fact, he found the idea of two Germanic peoples fighting one another to the death abhorrent in the extreme. As late as Spring of 1945, he still clung to the hope that the western Allies would see the light and join forces with Germany against Bolshevism. It was probably a mistake to let the BEF escape from Dunkirk, many of the Rothschild empire’s best soldiers as POWs might have worked wonders, but Hitler treated the Brits with kids gloves for as long as he possibly could – and beyond. Invasion of a well-defended island or coast is notoriously difficult and costly, the Kriegsmarine was at no time anywhere near a match for the Rothschild Navy and the Luftwaffe strategy… Read more »

bryan o'driscoll
bryan o'driscoll
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
18 May, 2021 4:54 am

I agree with most of that. I still believe that there was a brief window of opportunity had the BEF been captured. With the loss of their army and all its equipment the British would have been hard pressed to prevent an invasion even with their RN and RAF. Indeed, Hitler was quite naive with regards to Britain. It’s all a moot point now anyway. Yes, the Irish chumps here are enthusiastically lining up for their kill shots and most of them wear their slave muzzles all day. They really do believe what they see on their televisions. I’m seen as a wild ‘conspiracy theorist’ when I try to tell them different. What worries me is that the scum in Dublin will soon try to force the kill shot on… Read more »

Doug Provenzano
Doug Provenzano
Reply to  archer
17 May, 2021 12:18 am

Good observation!

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
23 April, 2021 7:05 pm

At least in the immediate term, the situation
does not look good. The American Goyim are
so afraid of their own shadows, that they are
willing to go to any length (such as a “Covid-
19 ‘vaccination'”) to relieve them of the
responsibility of generating a thought of their

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Walt Hampton
25 April, 2021 10:31 am

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Yearly in Germany alone, 21,000 people die of vaccines. VACCINATION IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE FORM OF POPULATION REDUCTION Bill Gates

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How much faith may we have in a medical profession that routinely perpetrates hoaxes on its patients?

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Pandemic of lying

“Where everyone thinks the same way, nobody thinks much”.


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Spanish Flu did not kill 50.000.000. Vaccines did

In the US, 17 states have now lifted all restrictions and have returned to normal life without masks, lock downs or closings of schools, churches, restaurants and shops. The media prophesied the catastrophe and mountains of deaths – none of it happened. President Joe Biden had even spoken of a “Neanderthal” decision as Texas and Mississippi lifted all restrictions.

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24 April, 2021 12:48 am

Armies need staging grounds and no white patriot who is enrolled in the current society will be able to be engaged in a proper war if he is still a cog in the jew run machine. Parallel societies have to be organized first. This will take leadership and planning. The individualist prepper hoarding guns and ammunition will not make a difference. We have about nine more years before the globalists lock us all down for good. In those nine years we need to collectively organize into our parallel societies. We need to be shrewd about this. The enemy cannot be allowed to undermine that effort. It has to be completely innocuous from suspicion.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Jmac
24 April, 2021 9:35 pm

Parallel societies- comin’ right up.
Allegedly, half of the population of my state’s capital have received the sterilization killshot – which I believe to be fake news, but, considering the very peculiar demographics of said city, wouldn’t be too big of a surprise if true.
Ireland has apparently passed legislation prohibiting contact between the VAXXXed and the unVAXXXed to some degree or another.
DeValera should have let German ships and subs in instead of remaining ‘neutral’ (read: Rothschild’s little lap dog)

Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
25 April, 2021 11:28 pm

Personally not a fan of the interventionist mentality of the worlds medical community. And with the trajectory they are on it would makes sense that Covid vaccines are not going to be a one off sort of thing. I predict it will be a perpetual booster shot routine where they try and normalize regular booster shots to counter alleged new virus strains. So they are going to boil the frogs slowly so to speak.
By the way, ever heard of the book Germany Must Perish. Made the New York Times best seller list in the early 40’s. The book basically details a plan to kill off Germans by sterilizing them through injections. Pfizer’s CEO and Chief Medical Officer both jews. Germanic people should be concerned.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Jmac
29 April, 2021 2:24 pm

A syringe full of death!
What it is all about: Jew
power and Jew money!

And now something I thought
to be impossible: a little
humor on this issue:

Reply to  Walt Hampton
4 May, 2021 7:08 pm

Agreed Walt. And would it surprise you that Bill Gates is half jewish on his mothers side? His mother was a Maxwell. The Maxwell name was a top choice name for jewish immigrants to America to adopt. The fact that his mothers family line were all bankers including a Federal Reserve banker tells you that Bill Gates wasn’t self made. His mother who chaired the largest bank on the west coast made sure that her son would become a tech giant by convincing the CEO of IBM to foster his company. It’s no different a story as how jew Zuckerberg became the face of the largest social media company. They are hand picked from the jewish woodpile. So the pattern fits. A half jew named Bill Gates is key to… Read more »

Reply to  Jmac
17 July, 2021 12:20 pm

“The individualist prepper hoarding guns and ammunition will not make a difference.” Oh it will but for the wrong side. The vast majority of these kinds are mental zogbot golems. Unfortunate and “blackpilling” hard truth that many do not yet realize but they need to quickly. I know for fact I could not trust one family member. Here in the upper south they are all hopelessly judaized and propagandized and certain they’re right. At this point I wish I had not once uttered a word to them about anything. It was all in vain. On top of wasted energy and frustration only negatives can come from it. These people would turn on me/turn me in in a heartbeat if/when their overlords send out a command from their churches, military zog… Read more »

24 April, 2021 12:52 am

Dr Pierce was a very perceptive and intelligent man. He was right when he said that most Americans (and I would say Whites everywhere in the world) were not remotely aware of what is going on and the horrific and vile nature of our enemies. Regarding the behaviour of the Germans during WW2 I think it was extremely correct and I mean that as a criticism rather than a compliment. Of course, it was not in the nature of the Germans to commit atrocities and I am not saying they should have imitated their vile and sadistic enemies but, sometimes, a certain brutality and ruthlessness are necessary as Machiavelli cleverly pointed out. I remember reading the WW2 memoirs of that obnoxious traitor called Ernst Jünger, the famous WW1 hero and… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Angelicus
24 April, 2021 7:41 pm

First and foremost in this group are Toronto’s
homosexual Jews – in particular those infesting
the Church Street area – for keeping the
slimeballs alive.

Reply to  Walt Hampton
26 April, 2021 1:40 am

Greetings Walt. I have absolutely nothing against Jews being homosexual. It should be compulsory for them. Heterosexuality by Jews should be outlawed!

Reply to  Truthweed
16 August, 2021 4:12 am

Hahaha! Tout a fait d’accord!

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Angelicus
24 April, 2021 9:30 pm

It does boggle the mind that the maroquade of the Saarland, Ruhrgebiet and other areas of western Germany as well as the treatment ethnic Germans received in the newly formed states of Poland and Czechoslovakia after WWI was so soon forgotten and forgiven……

24 April, 2021 6:45 am

To WLP’s point, the only reason that Germany lost the war, and the reason they still would have lost even if they had defeated the Soviets, was their failure to develop and deploy the most diabolical tactic of all, namely the development and deployment of a nuclear weapon.

25 April, 2021 7:08 pm

Germany didn’t want a World War. They wanted certain territories where Germans lived and to get back control of their economy. I blame FDR and Winston Churchill for escalating matters. I don’t think all Jews would have been made to leave Germany.

Reply to  Anon
16 May, 2021 5:50 pm

Greetings Anon. Hitler allowed many Jews to remain in Germany. I recall that there were 5,000 Jews in Berlin during WW2 and that there were 150,000 of them in the German military.

Geraint Pendragon
Geraint Pendragon
29 April, 2021 7:47 am

‘The Studebaker-US6 was a real lifesaver for the Red Army, which experienced a chronic shortage of vehicles throughout WWII. It was the most exported vehicle to the USSR under the Lend-Lease program — up to 200,000 were delivered to the country during the conflict.’
Fifty percent of German transport was horse drawn.

29 April, 2021 1:28 pm

First time visiting the site, need guidance. OK, I am a christian, a conservative, and hate the current destruction of America and despise the Marxist agenda. I am having trouble dicerning Israel v.s. these “evil jews” in America hell bent on destroying us. Can someone enlighten me? Are the Israel people not God’s chosen? So we should not help Israel?

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  McKinzie
30 April, 2021 10:53 am

I am a christian, a conservative, and hate the current destruction of America… Can someone enlighten me? Are the Israel people not God’s chosen? So we should not help Israel? — Welcome to National Vanguard, McKinzie. Stick around and read to inform yourself of things your church and the Jew-controlled media will not teach you about “God’s chosen.” The Jew claims to be chosen by his imaginary god Yahweh, or Jehovah to Christians. Why would you worship your enemy’s god, once you see he is your enemy? Without America’s support of Israel, her surrounding enemies will take care of that “shitty little nation.” The answer to your last question is “no,” White gentiles should withdraw any further support of Israel and their kinsmen in the U.S. who push their… Read more »

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  McKinzie
30 April, 2021 4:12 pm

In regard to your issues with
the “holy ghost,” here is a 
good thread for you to follow:

17 May, 2021 5:27 pm

Dr. Pierce is probably the greatest European to have been born after WW2-ironically, if Americans who still have gun ownership, relative free speech and the death penalty do not overthrow Liberal Democracy no one will and Europa will go extinct…the thing is to get traction in checking Jewry in the USA somehow…the NA needs to be millions.