Douglas MercerEssays

The Law of the Blood, part 2

by Douglas Mercer

IN 1907 Indiana passed the first sterilization law in the world, aimed at culling the unfit from the gene pool; within two decades a total of 33 states had followed suit.

Unlikely allies Margaret Sanger and Madison Grant worked together to lower the birth rate of non-Whites.

Woodrow Wilson said of eugenics: “The whole nation has awakened to and recognizes the extraordinary importance of the science of heredity as well as its application, the ennoblement of the human family.”

Oliver Wendell Holmes famously said that “three generation of imbeciles is enough.” He was off by two generations.

The term “race suicide,” as applied to the White race, was coined by Edward Ross in 1901 and was soon taken up by Theodore Roosevelt and spread far and wide through the ruling class.

Both federal and state governments set up commissions regarding eugenics. Marriage restrictions between the fit and unfit were put on the books; 32 states outlawed marriage and sexual intercourse between Whites and Blacks, thus turning this race crime, this crime against Nature, into an actual statutory crime as well.

* * *

Then of course there were the Germans, who soon began to make the rest of the world look like rank amateurs when it came to saving the White race. Just when other nations were slowing down their pursuit of race survival they were putting it in high gear. By the middle of the 1930s the National Socialists had laws on the books that protected Germans from malign alien influences; had prohibited Jews from teaching in German universities; had banned Jews from working on German-language newspapers; made it illegal for Jews to marry Germans or to have sexual intercourse with them; banned Jews from employing German women under the age of 45 for any reason; defined a Reich citizen as a person of German blood; nullified existing marriages between Jews and Germans; and much more. These I call the Laws of the Blood. A righteous movement to cleanse the fatherland. The SS itself had such strict marriage laws for its members that Josef Mengele had to put his upcoming marriage on hold for a time while his wife-to-be obtained information about a paternal grandparent. (Mengele at one time reportedly worked on a way to determine a person’s race from a drop of blood, something later scientists did discover — which would have obviated the problem altogether.)

At one point the National Socialists made the swastika flag the official flag of the Reich. They also prohibited Jews from flying it; but in the actual law they said that, if the Jews wanted to fly their own Jewish flag, they were more than free to do so. This was a rare instance of sarcasm and merciless mockery finding their way into the statute books.

* * *

Historians often wonder why, after the Black Plague killed off one third of Europe, the continent rebounded so quickly and created the Renaissance a few centuries later. But they are looking at it backwards. A plague will disproportionately kill off the dull, the weak, and the unfit. So the Black Plague, horrible as it was, culled the herd — and left the strongest and the healthiest to reproduce themselves, and form a far larger percentage of the new generation than they otherwise would have. And, with a smaller population to feed, these better and brighter children were getting better nutrition and had more space in which to live. Nature may be crueler than we would wish at times, but she teaches important lessons to all who are capable of understanding them.

* * *

Every form of sexual mixing between a German and a member of a foreign race is to be punished as race treason. Causing dishonor to the race must also be made criminally punishable. It scandalously flouts the sentiments of the volk when, for example, German women shamelessly consort with Negroes.

Recently some scholars have caused much consternation and hand wringing by arguing that not only was National Socialism (always referred to as “Nazism”) not ad hoc madness, but that they had a program, a coherent world view, a morality, and a conscience. That is, as much as the world would like to think otherwise, they firmly believed they were doing the right thing. (It is really hard to tremble too much when our adversaries are not only such slow learners, but such big babies.)

Of course the National Socialists had a coherent world view. It began with racial science, racial hygiene; it was, as Alfred Rosenberg so simply put it, applied biology. It was the belief that evolution was the master staircase that White people were destined to ascend. It was the pursuit of our special path.

It will be the duty of the Peoples’ State to consider race as the basis of the community’s existence. It must make sure that the purity of the racial strain is preserved…. In order to achieve this end the state will have to avail itself of advances in medical science and it must proclaim that in regard to all those who are unfit for procreation, the state must adopt practical means of making them sterile.

So said Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf — and he ought to know.

With the mass production of food and the rise of medicine, and the means and will to distribute them both nearly indiscriminately, came the irony of dysgenics — the proliferation of the most unfit and the dullest, who begin to constitute a larger and larger share of the population. When man had mastered Nature, his own nature began to degenerate.

When man acquired the power to protect all members of society from cruel Nature or their own inabilities, he substituted his own will for that of Nature — with disastrous results.

The National Socialists believed there was no going backward, only forward, but that man had to take the final step in the process — to not only control Nature itself, as men had learned to do, but also to consciously re-impose Nature’s Will to cull the herd. This could be done through eugenics with far less cruelty and terror than Nature had required for the same purpose. Thus, since civilization had for all practical purposes put an end to natural selection — conscious selection would be made instead, and in this way Nature and man could reach their zenith together.

If to the weak-minded this seems demonic it is only because the unleashing of Nature’s primal forces through industrialization was in some ways itself demonic — myths from Prometheus to Frankenstein tell us as much. And the only way to fight fire is with fire itself. To quail at this necessity is cowardice, and proof that you are not fit to survive.

In Mein Kampf Hitler freely admitted that the German people taken as a whole were not perfect, pure Aryans. Which is why it is a mistake to say that Hitler declared the Germans the perfect master race. A perfect master race was not what he found — it was what he was trying to create.

One of the chief German racial theorists in National Socialist Germany, H.K. Gunther, said: “The question is not so much whether we men now living are more or less Nordic; the question put to us is whether we men now living have the courage to make ready, for future generations, a world that is cleansing itself racially and eugenically.”

When it came to the problem of the Rhineland bastards, those half-Black and half-White children, the unholy result of the African soldiers that the French had unconscionably put in the Ruhr, they simply sterilized them so that the infection might not spread. No racial blemish must be allowed to persist.

They sent the Jews packing east, and ingathered Germans from nearby territories into the Reich proper.

The National Socialists were concerned with purity of all kinds. In addition to race, they pioneered measures for food purity, banned smoking in public spaces, promoted a clean natural environment, and had even stripped all buildings of asbestos by the beginning of the war.

In addition to negative eugenics the National Socialists also worked on positive eugenics. They were well aware of what Lothrop Stoddard at nearly the same time was referring to as “social sterilization.” This is when housing becomes overcrowded, depression or inflation decimates families’ purchasing power, and conditions seem so bleak and miserable that good quality White couples stop having children, or have fewer than they otherwise might have, and the birthrate plummets. This was the main reason for seeking the famous “living space.” It was also why they gave tax incentives to racially sound couples who had more children; why they would make non-usurious loans to such families — and cancel 25 per cent. of the money owed for each White child that was born.

For the Germans, then, there were no half measures, no Umweg — no “devious legal means” as in America. Everything was done for the sake of the race, it being the priceless inheritance, the most precious possession.

This was the high water mark of our race — so far. The evolutionary pathway has been diverted, but not broken.

* * *

The National Socialists formulated a new decalogue, one to replace the old, Jewish one. We might substitute “European” or “White” for German, but the advice is sound and the morality is light years above that of the Jewish “ten commandments.” In abbreviated form, it read:

1. Remember thou art German!
2. Thou shalt maintain purity of mind and spirit.
3. Keep thy body clean.
4. Being of sound stock, thou shalt not remain single.
5. Marry only for love. Money is perishable stuff and ensures no lasting happiness.
6. As a German choose a mate only of thine own kindred blood.
7. In choosing a mate consider ancestry.
8. Health is the prerequisite for outward beauty.
9. In marriage seek not a plaything but a helpmeet.
10. Thou shalt desire many children.

* * *

Evolution is the master staircase but, once human history began, a counterforce to our upward evolution emerged. This countervailing force elicited a defense against it, necessitated it; this counter force wove its way through the fag ends of the Christian religion, through every revolution, and soon presented itself with its leering, gibbering face to the world in the form of egalitarianism and tolerant “humanitarianism.” And this is the sheep’s clothing that the wolf still wears. If since 1945 it has seemed to be marching toward an inexorable and final victory, this is only a trick of the light. In the long run, Nature is always jealous of its best and always purges its most worthless bastards. The river that flows to our future at times seems to lose its way and even disappear, but there are underground courses and springs which will always rise to return it to its natural way. It is our destiny that is inexorable.

* * *

Jewish anthropologist Franz Boas feared that, in America, those “hard men in top hats” would come in wave after wave, though it turns out they were the last of their kind, or at least the last who had the ears of presidents.

The core of the problem, as always, was a lack of courage. Before he died in 1937, even Madison Grant worried that the close association between the American and the German eugenicists was becoming problematic; as the 1930s progressed, many former stalwarts of the eugenics movement quit the field. Jewish intimidation, Jewish money, and Jewish propaganda had their effect on “public opinion,” and a coward fears public opinion. In 1933, at the height of the euphoria, H.P. Lovecraft was sure that a regeneration of European man was at hand, but only a few years later he expressed concern that the “extremity” of Hitler’s policies would lead in the end to the opposite of what he was intending; in 1936 leading eugenicist Harry Laughlin was happy to be given an honorary degree from the University of Heidelberg for his contributions to eugenics, but thought it prudent for his career not to appear in person to receive it.

* * *

The famed visionary Adolf Hitler remarked in the 1920s that in the United States of America the Jews had found themselves a new “hunting ground.”

And that egalitarianism that the National Socialists rooted out of Germany bore its evil fruit in America on an unimaginably nightmarish scale. It started before the war with the “melting pot,” with “pluralism,” with Franz Boas sending out his minions to capture anthropology departments across the nation. It happened during the war with An American Dilemma: The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy, Gunnar Myrdal’s Jew-subsidized attack on White America. Then, with Hitler gone, the dam broke: Brown v. Board, bayonets, troops in Little Rock, “integration,” “a nation of immigrants.” And you know the rest.

* * *

Spencer Tracy was that laid back, wise, and folksy icon that America loved to love. In the film Inherit the Wind, his character badgered small-town, rural America for its backwardness in not accepting evolution. While they were right on the merits of that one, their real point wasn’t about evolution itself, but the desire to stigmatize normal Americans as cultural relics. And the reason you know that evolution was not the real point of the whole affair is that at the very time of the Scopes trial, Jewish “social scientists” were busy taking Darwin out of their “discipline.” In the words of Madison Grant, they were turning anthropology from what it had always been, the study of the human races, into the study of pottery shards and the peculiar mating habits of far-away and obsolete peoples. That is, they liked it when evolution was a cudgel to topple traditional mores — but when it was rightly used to make crucial distinctions between the races, some ascending, some stagnant or descending — well, that was a bridge too far.

Choosing not to let it rest, actor Tracy then slandered the German nation in the execrable and predictable yarn Judgment at Nuremberg. At one point they have a hapless moron take the stand to recount the lachrymose tale of how he was sterilized for the sake of the future. The director of the film was Stanley Kramer, who, not surprisingly, has an early life history which begins with “His parents were Jewish…”

Then, just before his death, Tracy teamed up with Kramer again for a movie in which he plays the befuddled father of a beautiful White girl who for some reason has decided to betray her race by marrying a Black. That is, when choosing a mate she did not consider ancestry.

You can see what he was hired to do — and was quite willing to do.

* * *

Evolution is the master staircase, but retrograde “revolution” seeks to destroy it. Jews, they say, are the possessors of a “revolutionary spirit”; in the Protocols revolution is their watchword. The American, the French, the Russian, all were revolutions which ushered in the poison of “equality,” even though in the American the effect was delayed somewhat. The industrial, the sexual, the cultural, all of these revolutions dislocated the people and their traditions. Revolution is often devolution, especially when egalitarians or Jews are involved.

A writer once said in horror that the racial policies of the National Socialists were “landscaping the human garden.”

But such time-honored, natural wisdom should not inspire horror. Remove the weeds, keep the invasive species out. Result: health, abundance, and beauty. Revolution seeks to divert and disrupt, and import and implant invasive ideologies, invasive species and subspecies; while evolution seeks the natural, true path — toward our unique destiny.

It was not for nothing that Francis Galton called eugenics the religion of tomorrow.

* * *

Even the great Jean Raspail quailed at the prospect of doing what is necessary. He said that the men who will save the White race will need to put their souls in the balance.


It seems like that’s just the nervous Catholic in him talking; and it seems he has it the wrong way around. When the life of your race is in the balance you do what it takes, whatever it takes, for as long as it takes, and not by devious means but by all-out effort — even with total war when you can wage it successfully — until the future is secured. And without the lower races, and the lying race, dragging us down, our souls will more than take care of themselves.

* * *

As that great German mother Magda Goebbels said when about to make the ultimate sacrifice — without National Socialism there is no future. Something as true now as the day she said it.

On April 12, 1945, a large number of high-ranking National Socialists, including Albert Speer and Joseph Goebbels, gathered to hear the Berlin Philharmonic perform music from Wagner’s Götterdämmerung — the Twilight of the Gods. During the emotional performance one could easily hear the thunder of Soviet ordnance to the east, and some say that when it was over members of the Hitler Youth moved through the crowd, offering cyanide capsules to anyone who might have wanted one.

* * *

In their decades-long effort to demonize Hitler, the Jews made a mistake; they didn’t count on the eternal fascination that his life has had, and will always have, for the best and noblest of our people. For the cowardly many, National Socialism’s mighty war against our race’s enemies is a horror show, but for the sanest and wisest among us, it’s a sacrament.

When the grand aesthetics and sweeping vision of National Socialism takes center stage it commands the world’s undivided attention; and the Jews, in making Hitler forever the object of the world’s gaze, have done their unwitting part to keep the eternal flame alive. It can and will never die.

And now we gather to hear the Twilight of the Gods. Ordnance can be heard in the distance as terror blows in from the east, as invaders march from the south, as oligarchs and tyrants make war on us from above, and as riots well up from the undermen below. It is the final battle, the race to the center of the vortex, the race to the finish. But the music we hear — it’s the music of the future.

As for us here at National Vanguard, we are dreaming of something marvelous. And we will make it real.

When one begins thinking about the future — that is, when one begins thinking at all — one always begins to think of Adolf Hitler.

Twilight and night are followed by the morning sun. Always.

* * *

Source: Author

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Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
21 April, 2021 7:23 am

One might postulate that human beings have an innate sense of self-preservation, but that would be misleading. Jews have it in spades but the white American, not so much. European countries all have a history and tradition of their nation’s fight to emerge from the dark primeval forest as a finished, identifiable conquering people – they conquered the land they are living upon. That is probably why there are anti-masking and and anti-lockdown demonstrations that you don’t see here. They are a people. They are a people because at one time they were an organized people with king, clergy, nobility and commoners. We didn’t have that. Instead we were flattered with the pronouncement that we were our own kings, clergy and nobility. Well, humanity doesn’t work that way. Humanity needs… Read more »

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
21 April, 2021 10:41 am

As for us here at National Vanguard, we are dreaming of something marvelous. And we will make it real.

When one begins thinking about the future — that is, when one begins thinking at all — one always begins to think of Adolf Hitler.

Twilight and night are followed by the morning sun. Always.

Fascinating article, Douglas. So well researched, pulling together facts and expressing them as you do to wake our people up to the Truth. Thank you!

See William Pierce’s tribute to the Leader on his 100th birthday, and a current birthday card, here:

21 April, 2021 11:05 am

There is either eugenics or dysgenics.

The G Factor
The G Factor
Reply to  guest
26 April, 2021 3:05 am

And the modern welfare state is highly dysgenic.

Rodney Turner
Rodney Turner
Reply to  The G Factor
11 May, 2021 8:55 pm

By design…

Phil Keup
Phil Keup
21 April, 2021 3:03 pm

In the glorious age of white civilization before the dark times of Judeo/Christianity our ancestors prayed to our divine gods and goddesses not for intervention but rather courage to do what is needed to be done. In Asatru/Odinism the idea of conjuring up angels or demons to do our bidding was simply unknown. We had a great responsibility to our race and nations. Today television is filled with advertising for various drugs to help overcome problems that nature took care of. I can not remember the last time i saw an ad for the “jolly green giant” The enemy is trying to punish the greatest race that ever lived because they are sacrificing their own existence for the sake of the third world We used to be taught to build… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Phil Keup
21 April, 2021 9:12 pm

Our ancestors did not pray to the Gods and Goddesses for ‘intervention’ because they knew there wasn’t going to be any.
No cloud was going to sail down from the sky, no rain was suddenly going to fall on their crops out of the blue, no river was going to change its course for them.
They prayed to the forces of nature for understanding – which would then help them overcome whatever obstacles barred their way.

Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
1 August, 2021 12:30 am

I would say they didn’t “pray” at all. They’d simply focus on their own personal life experience, lessons and knowledge of Nature and their environment/habitats and remember the experiences and lessons of their forbears. When I say Hail Wotan I am not hailing a deity somewhere I am simply hailing the ancestors (and descendants!) of a certain race. Those people who go around literally worshipping a god/goddess are some type of half-Christian who haven’t yet gotten off an Abrahamic plantation. I do not even like the idea of ‘oracles’ from Greece. That is a good way to open the door to subversives and madmen. This to me has always come off like proto-Abrahamism or something picked up from Persia (where Zoroastrianism came from which is indeed proto-Abrahamism!). Augurs and the… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  victoria
1 August, 2021 7:04 am

Varg has made some excellent videos on the subject of prayer, saying that prayer beads represent seeds and the reason why we kneel when we pray is that it is easier to plant seeds that way.
I agree that our ancestors most likely didn’t think of the Gods as fantasy humanoids who live in the sky, but understood them as forces of nature, a concept which has been become obscured and falsified by the coming of Abrahamism and its’ various offshoots.
Also agree that ancient Greece – and, by extension, Rome – was probably quite heavily influenced by various Middle Eastern factors, which may be one of the reasons Abrahamic resistance to Pagan revival was somewhat less violent as long as that revival was limited to Mediterranean pantheons……

Reply to  Phil Keup
21 April, 2021 9:31 pm

Fine words, Phil. You mentioned ,”Let us seize the moment..”

By “us” do you mean those of our race who have committed to winning a future for our kind together using the program and life philosophy of the National Alliance, or something else? Please be specific.

Phil Keup
Phil Keup
Reply to  JM/Iowa
22 April, 2021 4:18 pm

I am speaking of those white Europeans who strive to elevante our heirtage and traditions for a higher purpose and to preserve our people materially, spiritually, philosophically, racially and culturally. Whether they are fortunate enough to have become a part of the National Alliance specifially is an entirely different issue. I am referring to our like minded people where ever they are who are our allies. I do not think we can limit our movement to a website anymore than we can reduce our cause to reading a book as our spiritual life has been reduced to for so many centuries. I look for truth where ever I can find it and I hope we can come together as brothers and sisters to cleanse our lands of the lies that… Read more »

Rodney Turner
Rodney Turner
Reply to  Phil Keup
11 May, 2021 8:56 pm

Absolutely, Kinsman!

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
21 April, 2021 4:45 pm

This is an excellent item! Especially so, during
this turbulent time of social and economic disaster.
This one will get me thru another score or so of

21 April, 2021 5:22 pm

We’re gonna lose this time.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  DG
21 April, 2021 8:09 pm

Who is “we’re?” I suppose in this context,
it would be “you” and some unidentified
others? Who are “the others?”

Reply to  DG
21 April, 2021 9:13 pm

Then lay down and die, DG. Defeatism has no place with us. Cull yourself if yorr mind is so weak as to spread your defective thinking to us.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
21 April, 2021 9:16 pm

Reading suggestion, not entirely on topic:
Otto Paust’s Deutschland trilogy – Volk im Feuer deals with WWI, Nation in Not with the Weimar years, Land im Licht with Germany under National Socialism.
You will probably have to order them from antique book dealers in Germany, and they are not only in German but in Fraktur font as well.

22 April, 2021 9:48 am

As says Jean Raspail in his book, The Camp of the Saints

Man has never loved the whole of humanity in one bloc, all races, religions, and cultures as one, but only those that he recognizes as belonging to his own kind, those of his group, no matter how vast it is. For the rest, he forces himself to love everyone and he has been forced to do so, and in the end, when the evil has been done, there will be nothing left of him.

Those who love their own kind the most are the ones that will come out on top. That’s the way it is my friend and there’s nothing we can do about it, it’s in our DNA.

Rodney Turner
Rodney Turner
11 May, 2021 7:46 pm

Hail our Gods and Folk!