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Crisis in Ukraine: A Win for Putin’s Russia, or a Catastrophe for Us All?

It’s truly a crazy world these days. The pandemic. Runaway debt. The culture wars. Constant media lying. Institutional corruption. The war on Whites. Lawlessness, inflation, chaos. Systemic instability on a global scale. And now Cold War II? While I am no foreign policy or geopolitical expert and am very busy with other work, I feel compelled to chime in on the present conflict in Ukraine as the U.S. seemingly careens from one disaster to another in a manner so reckless as to endanger all life on the planet. The way I see it, the current conflict in Ukraine ends in one of two ways: Victory for Putin’s Russia, or catastrophe for us all. Ukraine is screwed either way. All freedom-loving people should be demanding a ceasefire immediately to stop the bloodshed. Below are excepts from two articles which provide much-needed perspective on this unfolding drama. — Dissident Millennial

WWII redux: The endpoint of US policy
by John Walsh | February 21, 2022

“This is not going to be a war of Ukraine and Russia. This is going to be a European war, a full-fledged war.” So spoke Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky just days after berating the US for beating the drums of war.

It is not hard to imagine how Zelensky’s words must have fallen on those European ears that were attentive. His warning surely conjured up images of World War II when tens of millions of Europeans and Russians perished.

Zelensky’s words echoed those of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on the other side of the world at the eastern edge of the great Eurasian landmass:When elephants fight, it is the grass that gets trampled flat.” We can be sure that Duterte, like Zelensky, had in mind World War II, which also consumed tens of millions of lives in East Asia.

The United States is stoking tensions in both Europe and East Asia, with Ukraine and Taiwan as the current flashpoints on the doorsteps of Russia and China, which are the targeted nations.

Let us be clear at the outset. As we shall see, the endpoint of this process is not for the US to do battle with Russia or China, but to watch China and Russia fight it out with their neighbors to the ruin of both sides. The US is to “lead from behind” – as safely and remotely as can be arranged.

To make sense of this and react properly, we must be very clear-eyed about the goal of the US. Neither Russia nor China has attacked or even threatened the US. Nor are they in a position to do so – unless one believes that either is ready to embark on a suicidal nuclear war.

Why should the US elite and its media pour out a steady stream of anti-China and anti-Russia invective? Why the steady eastward march of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization since the end of the first Cold War? The goal of the US is crystal clear – it regards itself as the Exceptional Nation and entitled to be the No 1 power on the planet, eclipsing all others.

This goal is most explicitly stated in the well-known Wolfowitz Doctrine drawn shortly after the end of the first Cold War in 1992. It proclaimed that the United States’ “first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet union or elsewhere….”

It stated that no regional power must be allowed to emerge with the power and resources “sufficient to generate global power.” It stated frankly that “we must maintain the mechanism for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global power” (emphasis mine).

The Wolfowitz Doctrine is but the latest in a series of such proclamations that have proclaimed global domination as the goal of US foreign policy since 1941, the year before the US entered World War II. This lineage is documented clearly in a book by the Quincy Institute’s Stephen Wertheim, “Tomorrow, the World: The Birth of US Global Supremacy.

Target No 1: China

China’s economy is No 1 in terms of PPP-GDP (gross domestic product based on purchasing power parity) according to the International Monetary Fund and has been since November 2014. It is growing faster than the US economy and shows no signs of slowing down. In a sense, China has already won by this metric, since economic power is the ultimate basis of all power.

But what about a military defeat of China? Can the US with its present vastly superior armed forces bring that about? Historian Alfred McCoy answers that question in the way most do these days, with a clear “no” . . .

Target No 2: Russia

If we hop over to the western edge of Eurasia, we see that the US has a similar “problem” when it comes to Russia. Here too, the US cannot defeat Russia in a conventional conflict, nor have US sanctions been able to bring it down. How can the US surmount this obstacle?

And as in the case of East Asia, the US faces another economic competitor, Germany, or more accurately, the European Union with Germany at its core. How is the US to deal with this dual threat?

One clue comes in the response of President Joe Biden to both the tension over Taiwan and that over Ukraine. Biden has said repeatedly that his administration will not send US combat troops to fight Russia over Ukraine or to fight China over Taiwan. But it will send materiel and weapons, and also “advisers.”

And here too the US has other peer competitors, most notably Germany, which has been the target of US tariffs. Economist Michael Hudson puts it succinctly in a penetrating essay: “America’s real adversaries are its European and other allies: The US aim is to keep them from trading with China and Russia.”

Postwar Rise to Power

Such “difficulties” for the US were solved once before – in World War II.

One way of looking at that conflict is that it was a combination of two great regional wars, one in East Asia and one in Europe. In Europe the US was minimally involved as Russia, the core of the USSR, battled it out with Germany, sustaining great damage to life and economy. Both Germany and Russia were economic basket cases when the war was over, two countries lying in ruins.

The US provided weapons and materiel to Russia but was minimally involved militarily, only entering late in the game. The same happened in East Asia, with Japan in the role of Germany and China in the role of Russia.

Both Japan and China were devastated in the same way as were Russia and Europe. This was not an unconscious strategy on the part of the United States. As Harry Truman, then a senator, declared in 1941: “If we see that Germany is winning the war, we ought to help Russia; and if that Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany, and in that way let them kill as many as possible.”

At the end of it all, the US emerged as the most powerful economic and military power on the planet. . .

The US was able to become the dominant power on the planet because all peer competitors were left in ruins by the two great regional wars in Europe and East Asia, wars that are grouped under the heading of World War II.

If Europe is plunged into a war of Russia against the EU powers with the US “leading from behind” with materiel and weapons, who will benefit? And if East Asia is plunged into a war of China against Japan and whatever allies it can drum up, with the US “leading from behind,” who will benefit?

It is pretty clear that such a replay of World War II will benefit the US. In World War II, while Eurasia suffered tens of millions of deaths, the US suffered about 400,000 – a terrible toll certainly but nothing like that seen in Eurasia. . .

And with the economies and territories of Eurasia, East and West, in ruins, the US will again emerge on top, in the catbird seat, and able to dictate terms to the world. World War II redux.

But what about the danger of nuclear war growing out of such conflicts? The US has a history of nuclear “brinksmanship,” going back to the earliest post-World War II days. It is a country that has shown itself willing to risk nuclear holocaust.

Are there US policymakers criminal enough to see this policy of provocation through to the end? I will leave that to the reader to answer.

The peoples of East and West Eurasia are the ones who will suffer most in this scenario. And they are the ones who can stop the madness by living peacefully with Russia and China rather than serving as cannon fodder for the US. . .

Given the power of modern weaponry, this impending world war will be much more damaging than World War II by far. The criminality that is on the way to unleashing it is almost beyond comprehension.

* * *

Source: Asia Times

Putin’s War
by Gilad Atzmon | March 13, 2022

Putin is not a military general. He is a modernist leader, a trained spymaster and strategist who understands that war is a continuation of politics by other means (Clausewitz). Accordingly, if we want to grasp Putin’s motives we should refrain from trying to assess Russia’s military campaign in terms of ‘strict military objectives.’ We should instead look at the military campaign as a political instrument that is set to mobilize a global and regional geopolitical shift and on a mammoth scale.

It is clear that Putin’s army is doing its best to avoid civilian casualties. It uses siege tactics as opposed to the barbarian American ‘Shock and Awe’ doctrine. Furthermore, the Russian military works hard not to dismantle the Ukrainian military. Instead it encircles cities and is cutting out the Ukrainian army in the East and South of the country. The Russian military has dismantled Ukraine’s ability to regroup, let alone counter attack. Western military analysts have agreed that clear evidence of the Ukrainian army’s growing disability is that Ukraine’s army didn’t manage to seriously damage the 60 km Russian convoy on its way to Kyiv despite the fact that the convoy stood still for more than 10 days. In the last 24 hours, Russia has made it clear to the West that any Western military supply to Ukraine will be treated as a legitimate military target. In other words, the elite Ukrainian army in the East is now a defunct military force; it can defend the cities, it can mount guerrilla attacks on stretched Russian military logistics but it cannot regroup into a fighting force that can alter the battleground.

Putin’s army, as military experts agree, enjoys massive firepower. It is hardly a secret that Russia’s artillery is a deadly force and there is no force that can match it anywhere in the world. The military rationale for this is plain. The USSR never trusted the quality and the loyalty of its foot soldiers. While it counted on the soldiers’ mass impact, their sheer numbers, it also invented the means, the technology, the tactics and the doctrine to win the battle from afar in preparation for the masses to move in. It was Red artillery that knocked down the 3rd Reich Army. Similarly, flattening enemy cities is something the USSR and modern Russia are famous for. Russia enjoys this power, but it has refrained, so far, from deploying this ability in Ukraine. Russia has displayed this capability rather than deploying it. According to military analysts, Russia hasn’t even begun to utilize its superior air power other than assuring its total air superiority over Ukraine.

The Russian army’s tactic has been to mount pressure on cities’ outskirts, demonstrating Russian military might and then opening corridors for humanitarian convoys. And this is the trick. Russia is creating a flood of refugees to the west. Due to the Ukrainian government ban on men 18-60 leaving the country, we are talking about women and children. So far there are about 2.5 million Ukrainian refugees but this number could increase dramatically. And the question follows: will Germany be happy to accept another million refugees that aren’t a working force? What about France and Britain, the USA, Canada, all those countries that pushed Zelensky and Ukraine into a war but were quick to leave the Ukrainian people to their fate?

Sooner or later, Putin believes, Europe will accept his entire list of demands and will lift the list of sanctions, and may even compensate him for his losses on oil sales all in a desperate attempt to stop the tsunami of Ukrainian refugees. By the time the guns cool down, many Ukrainians may actually prefer to stay in Germany, France, Britain and Poland. This will lead, at least in Putin’s mind, to a demographic shift in the ethnic balance in favor of the Russian ethnic groups in Ukraine. Within the context of such a shift, Putin will be able to dominate the situation in his neighbour state by political and even democratic means. . .

The main question is how is it possible that our Western political and media elite are clueless about Putin and Russia’s moves? How is it possible that not one Western military analyst can connect the dots and see through the fog of this horrid war? The reason is obvious: no gifted people see a potential career in military or public service these days. Gifted people prefer the corporate world, banks, high tech, data and media giants. The result is that Western generals and intelligence experts are not very gifted. The situation of our Western political class is even more depressing. Not only are our politicians those who weren’t gifted enough to join the corporate route, they are also uniquely unethical. They are there to fulfil the most sinister plans of their globalist masters and they do it all at our expense.

* * *

Source: Gilad Atzmon’s Webpage

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24 March, 2022 9:36 pm

Chinese generals in the recent past have coveted racial based biological weapons to eliminate America’s population the whole hemisphere. They have said they want us all gone so they can then colonize. Are those generals lying? Is the report true the other week when russia surfaced a sub carrying 160 nuclear warheads off of VA true? Russia could survive a nuclear war america probably not. As for this guy by Gilad Atzmon’s opinion at the end? Hog wash he is a jew. Primarily only jews benefit now and stand to benefit at this present time from the covid lie and putin’s war and any war between USA,RUS,CHINA,EU,INDIA.Ukraine. He should know this as it is jews who are leading the charge as it appears for changing mankind’s dna without informed consent.… Read more »

Reply to  cas
30 March, 2022 2:39 pm

Chinese equivalent of Secretary of Defense made a speech, I’ve seen it on the internet (and the translation), openly boasting of just what you said: They openly plan to genocide American and take the land — for the HAN. What should we do with traitors who are letting them buy up American land for advance bases, or transferring bio-technology to them — hmm, I wonder… Delightfully racist speech it was, and very “scrutable”: They intend to murder us all – that’s clear. Anybody who has helped them rise or helps them now is accomplice to this intended action. Disagree about Russia surviving a Nuke war. They’ll get wiped as a State. Some distant peasants will survive, but the Americans who survive in certain areas of the North American continent are… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  b.smith
2 April, 2022 2:47 am

I think you are grossly off target with your analysis. Anyone old enough to understand what is going on in this country is too old to fight or really do any hard work. Among people who are between 18 and 26, the primary ages for entry into military service, probably seventy percent are either too stupid, have criminal records, are addicted to drugs, or are simply too fat, lazy or sickly… besides the fact they have grown up with their minds pickled in Jewish propaganda and have no concept of right or wrong or what to fight and die for. Type II diabetes is rampant among the US population, along with high blood pressure and heart disease. This isn’t the same people who tamed Wyoming, Montana and the rest of… Read more »

Nat Sosh
Nat Sosh
Reply to  Old Aardvark
6 April, 2022 12:13 pm

Excellent analysis of the physical and mental state of the average Amor-icon.
Completely poisoned by a lifetime of spiritually corrosive Jewish poison.

We need more American men to shake off the pernicious effects of filthy Jew indoctrination…..and once and for all realize that water is indeed wet.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Nat Sosh
7 April, 2022 12:33 am

“We need more American men…”
Needs, needs, Chairman Williams would say, there’s plenty of people saying we need this or we need that, but where are the men who will provide these needs? Mr. Sosh, what can you provide the National Alliance with in order to meet our needs? Have you thought of making a commitment and applying to join us? I’ll make it easy for you, go here: and

and read and if you find that agreeable, then proceed to the next link:

It is not enough to believe, you must also contribute towards Our Cause.

Reply to  Old Aardvark
21 May, 2022 3:01 am

As an (older), warrior I’ve seen what you see but you miss the point. It isn’t statistics or democracy that is gonna matter when the going gets tough. In fact the hard times will get rid of (tragically some good and tough young white americans), mostly the weak and foolish ones you describe. The dross will be blown away but what you are missing is that the steel will remain. And there is steel, I know, and I’m helping to forge it. The Russians will not do as well as you think, their civil defense and general robustness is as inflated the punctured balloon of their much vaunted army hissing its death rattles now on the plains of Ukraine. Tough white american country-folk will survive in numbers — the question… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  cas
2 April, 2022 2:33 am

It is obvious the Jews and Israel are hedging their bets. Israel has not joined the US sanctions against Russia, and has not directly criticized Russia for the war in Ukraine. It is neutral. Of course, nobody on CNN, MSNBC or Fox News points this out.

Reply to  Old Aardvark
2 April, 2022 7:26 pm

The “Jews” are not hedging any bets dear Sir. The own both sides of the coin. They are financing both sides of any conflict. Getting trillions of dollars for white people to do their bidding genius?
They want, indeed need east and west to destroy each other for them to “rule”
I have read many times much of Israel’s population come from russia.
There are many roads named after rothschild in Israel.
Russia is spilling possible its best fighting blood in Ukraine and the Chinese are licking their chops.

G.H. Kerkhofwillems
G.H. Kerkhofwillems
Reply to  Old Aardvark
17 February, 2023 12:20 pm

Israel werkt samen met Amerika in het geheim, samen bepalen ze de macht in de wereld, Er zijn 2 soorten Joden in de wereld, echte en niet echte Joden, de zionisten. Niet echte Joden hebben geen Joods dna, dit is bewezen door bloedonderzoek. In Israel zelf wonen nog maar weinig Joden. Kijk naar de geschiedenis van de KHAZARIAANSE MAFFIA en Operation Paperclip.

25 March, 2022 12:53 am

Excellent articles. And this is another one, especially the first half of the video:

25 March, 2022 7:46 am

In 2nd article above, ‘dissident Jew’ Gilad Atzmon says a major goal of the Ukraine war is depopulation, indeed happening, millions departing … curiously this fits in to the Jewish project of establishing a 2nd Jewish state inside Ukraine on the lands of ancient Khazaria, ongoing since 2017, with an openly Jewish agenda of reducing Slav presence, to make way for ‘5 million Jews’ to arrive there by 2029 … Klaus Schwab apparently having a Jewish mother Emma who left him as a baby in 1938, Schwab hiding this, but Klaus’ older brother Hans admitting they were Jewish … Schwab’s WEF signing a special agreement with Russia on 13 Oct 2021 just 4 months before the war started

new Khazaria project.jpg
Reply to  Lohengrin
30 March, 2022 3:52 pm

I’ve seen that too.

“Thanks for dying for us in that war Ukrainian goyims, now give us the land you fought and bled for!”

I wonder how that will sound to those now fighting for their folk and land?

Have the Jews poisoned their punchbowl?

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
25 March, 2022 8:14 am

Not only are our politicians those who weren’t gifted enough to join the corporate route, they are also uniquely unethical. They are there to fulfil the most sinister plans of their globalist masters and they do it all at our expense.” That pretty much sums it up except for the money content. The whole show is run by those who print the money and there is no end to their supply of funding. Add to that, people who have no other value in life but money, and what do you come up with? The USA of course!

Reply to  Patrick Pappano
3 January, 2023 11:37 pm

Right on spot, Patrick.

Wars aren’t mean to be won, they are meant to last the longest.

No common man truly wants these kind of wars, but the USA government has made sure that nobody else has the means to prevent or stop them.

They truly are despicable.

Natman Whyt
Natman Whyt
25 March, 2022 8:01 pm

so basically the US becomes the dominant power with Israel and the Jews pulling the strings while everyone else sees the American flag waving?

Reply to  Natman Whyt
26 March, 2022 3:43 am

“America” was hoodwinked almost from its inception via jew’s freemasonry (outer circle of them ignorant of inner circle’s doings). The wrote america’s downfall right into the constitution via the contract clause. Only jew’s operate like that.

Diversity is Genocide
Diversity is Genocide
Reply to  Natman Whyt
2 April, 2022 7:25 pm

Yes. These flag wavers just can’t figure it out. They don’t realize the cancer which that flag now stands for. They are frogs in a slowly warming pot.

30 March, 2022 12:18 pm

First of all the Russian Forces are a bad joke. Ukrainians are defeating them. Their only forte is looting convenience stores for food and fuel, and murdering civilians with indirect fire (and the Ukrainians are pushing them back out of artillery range around Kyiv now, and getting close to encirclement on more than one large Russian formation that is immobilized by lack of logistics and superior Ukrainian tactics — That is why the ever dishonest Russians are pretending they would kindly like to pause the war — where they are losing and about to get annihilated – lol). Even rainbow-tainted Nato can obviously mop the Eastern plains with the pathetic Russian Army all the way to Moscow, to the Urals if they want. All Puty has is nuclear terrorism: “let… Read more »

Greg Hart
Greg Hart
Reply to  b.smith
2 April, 2022 4:03 pm

It sounds like you have been duped by the jew media you claim to despise. The “russian army” is mostly still sitting sipping vodka in the motherland. And the tiny expeditionary force they sent into Ukraine is actually doing quite alright considering they are operating under strict restrictions to not destroy the place and to try and help civilians, who are being used as human shields by Ukrainian forces. The article above is correct in saying that Putu seeks a political resolution to the saga. People who assume the US forces are unsurpassed are sadly mistaken. An assumption typical of American arrogance. As much I despise the thought of Commy China becoming the major world power, I will nevertheless laugh long and hard when the petrodollar crashes and the disgustingly… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Greg Hart
2 April, 2022 10:59 pm

We’re not waiting to rebuild anew, Mr. Hart, the National Alliance is building new institutions to be as ready as we can be when a crash or implosion occurs as we speak. One thing slowing us down is lack of committed, sincere people to pitch in and help do so. Funding is another. Wherever you’re at, you can help by joining us and bringing other like-minded folks such as yourself into our ranks. Visit and and if you agree with our goals, principles, values and so on presented there, I highly recommend you join us.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Greg Hart
4 April, 2022 12:01 am

Greg, I agree with your point that b.smith is getting all his dis-information from cable news and other mainstream propaganda sources here in the US. I believe EVERYTHING I read or hear in the mainstream US press to be a LIE unless I see convincing evidence to the contrary. For example, the charge that the Russian Army is guilty of murdering civilians is false on its face. Why? The Jewish president of Ukraine, Zelensky, immediately closed the borders of Ukraine and ordered his border guards to NOT allow any Ukrainian male between the ages of 18 and 60 to leave the country; instead, they were all conscripted into military service, given an AK-47, instructed how to make Molotov cocktails, and ordered to fight the Russian Army. So any male between… Read more »

Reply to  Greg Hart
5 April, 2022 4:49 pm

Russian army has to fight with Bandera neo-nazis, who violate all laws of war, kill and torture prisoners of war and hide behind civilians. These neo-nazis do not consider the population of the east and south of Ukraine to be Ukrainians and destroy everything. Jewish leaders of Ukraine do not think about total devastation of this country and will fight to the last Ukrainian on the orders of same Zionists from Washington.

Diversity is Genocide
Diversity is Genocide
Reply to  b.smith
2 April, 2022 7:33 pm

I feel very bad for the Ukrainian people, but any outsider volunteering to defend their government is fighting for rule by jews, and all the “pleasantries” that come with it.

Wolf Stoner
Wolf Stoner
Reply to  b.smith
4 April, 2022 4:25 pm

Thank you very much for this commentary. You are absolutely right on all points. It is laughable to read articles where Russian army is presented as something mighty and able to compete against European armies. Yes, RT propaganda is really good. They were able to create this image from nothing. To demonstrate the reality of service in Russian army I need to present only one fact: in two years’ time of my compulsory service in Russian army I had shot 10 rounds from AK-74. It is all; nothing else. There were neither tactical exercises, nor training with weapons. The whole time was devoted to all kinds of manual labor, sometimes totally meaningless (like painting withered autumn grass by green paint in order to please a visiting general). This kind of… Read more »

Reply to  Wolf Stoner
5 April, 2022 3:39 pm

“It is laughable to read articles where Russian army is presented as something mighty and able to compete against European armies.” If that were So, why haven’t those “European Armies” just not Rolled Over those Evil Ruskies who are “Invading (the) Ukraine”?
Here’s a List-
and a bunch of other stuff, all the most Modern and Effective Weapons in any Military right now. Not to Mention the Electronic Warfare Systems that have Cut Off the GPS System in most of Eastern Europe, and let EW Units Locate and Identify Cell Phone Users by Country of Origin, and call in Cruise Missile Strikes on the foreign (read NATO) ‘mercenary’ Troops in the Ukraine.

4 April, 2022 9:54 am

Here’s a novel concept ; how about the US, Russia, and China all becoming the greatest of allies ? Personally, I love the Russians and have always been fond of Asians. Both of these peoples are intelligent, hard working, and have no urge to take over the entire planet. We all just want to live in peace. Imagine us all working together to help each other survive instead of this selfish, self-serving, and ego-maniacal stance that we all presently have. I’m not talking globalism, cause globalism is centralization with one group in charge ; the Khazarians/Jews. They can kiss our asses. There is only ONE way forward, and that is FREEDOM FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD. Putin is a hero. He is hulk-smashing the Jew/KM stronghold in Ukraine and defeating these… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Cheops
4 April, 2022 10:36 am

No thanks, Mr. Cheops. Those entities that currently head Russia, the U.S., and China already allied in one way or another to destroy our race. Your fondness of Asians coupled with Russia’s and the U.S.’s thoroughly Jewed governments/institutions may as well be an endorsement for our destruction. I prefer the New Order for Whites everywhere as the National Alliance explains here at and and our continuing efforts to make it reality. It beats hoping that these other entities will come to being on our side which they never have and never will do.

4 April, 2022 4:25 pm
4 April, 2022 4:26 pm
4 April, 2022 4:27 pm

“Thanks to the power of our International banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for us Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars, and the end is not yet. “- RABBI REICHORN, 1869.

7 April, 2022 3:52 am

Atzmon the Jew who went back to his rabbi in a ghetto? I can see through his duginist like rhetoric.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
10 May, 2022 8:19 pm

World supports Russia against
USofA perverts ruining Ukraine! 


G.H. Kerkhofwillems
G.H. Kerkhofwillems
17 February, 2023 12:42 pm

Kijk uit mensen met oordelen, doe onderzoek!
Er zijn namelijk 2 soorten Joden echte en onechte die het Joodse geloof zomaar hebben aangenomen en echt geen Joods DNA hebben! Bewezen door bloedonderzoek! Dezelfde zogenaamde valse Joden, (ZIONISTEN) zijn nu de baas in de wereld al decennia lang. Kijk naar de geschiedenis van de voormalige Oekraïne, de KHAZARIAANSE maffia en Operation Paperclip. Kijk naar wat ze bv 100 jaar geleden aangericht hebben in Rusland op NATIONAL VANGUARD enz.