Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

The Ghetto-Folk

by Revilo P. Oliver

GOD’S PEOPLE whine about being persecuted as automatically as a mosquito whines about your ear before he alights to suck your blood. Whenever the Middle Ages are mentioned, we are told how the bigoted Europeans cruelly confined the righteous Jews to those awful ghettos. The truth of the matter is that the Master Race is like bees, which as individuals fly far afield, but return to hives in which they instinctively huddle together, seeking in common a warmth they do not have singly. That is why Jews always set up ghettos for themselves wherever they are sufficiently numerous to indulge their antipathy to goyim.

In Mediaeval cities in which the Jews had planted large colonies, they took over part of the city for their ghetto, in which they brought together and displayed to each other their accumulated wealth and could swarm without being observed by the population on which they were parasitic. The opulence of the ghettos was naturally combined with the squalor and filth in which the race seems at home.

In ancient Alexandria, the New York of the Classical world, the Jews appropriated a quarter of the city for themselves as a ghetto into which no goy would want to enter, and from which they issued in swarms to harass the Greek and Hellenized populations and push them around, because, the Righteous Ones said, old Yahweh objected to such wicked things as gymnastic contests and theatrical performances. And whenever the civilized people resented their pests, the Yids ran yammering to the Roman governor, lamenting how unjustly they were persecuted.

In the land the Jews have taken from the Semites in Palestine, they, instead of establishing families and homes, as Aryans would do, swarm into kibbutzim, in which they all huddle together and crawl over each other, like bees in a hive, and enjoy their common vulgarity and filth.

In their North American colony, as the honest Jew, Samuel Roth, admits in Jews Must Live, the Jews set up their own clubs and districts, in which no self-respecting goy would want to be seen, but when they hear that the despised White Americans have dared to have a club or village from which God’s Own are excluded, the Jews, screaming they are persecuted, push their way in and take over until they have succeeded in stinking the place up so that goyim abandon it, whereupon they return to their own exclusive lairs and “togetherness.”

And now the Jews are making progress toward establishing real, officially defined and recognized ghettos for themselves in what used to be our country. They are fencing off districts in cities in which they have acquired the land and houses. See the Los-Angeles area Daily News, 11 May 1985.

The proto-ghettos are called erubim and for the time being will be fenced off by “heavy-duty fishing lines” strung around the occupied area on the lamp posts provided by the goyim. The effect of the boundary thus fixed will be to make the delimited area a holy enclave in which the Jews will be as much at home as inside their own houses. It will become a huge kibbutz, covering acres and square miles, and, needless to say, goyim who had the hardihood to remain in homes they didn’t abandon when the Jewish influx started, had better remove their offensive presence from the communal home of their betters.

The Jews say they need to convert the entire district into a communal “home” because only thus can they avoid the inconveniences their god imposes on them on Saturday, the Sabbath. When Jews have to live like the nasty Aryans, who have only their house as a home, Yahweh’s surveillance of his Chosen on their Holy Day can be quite a burden, they say. If, for example, he saw a Jew carrying an umbrella out in the rain, he would have a fit, just as he would, if he caught sight of house keys in the pocket of a Jew who is out of doors. But when the whole district is made into a ghetto (erub), the Jew with the umbrella or keys in his pocket is deemed to be still inside his home, and old Yahweh either doesn’t know the difference or doesn’t care.

That, the Jews say, is why they already have more than 300 erubim spotted through this hapless nation, and are now setting up an erub of eleven square miles in the vicinity of Los Angeles, appropriating to themselves parts of the suburbs of Van Nuys, Sherman Oaks, and North Hollywood. The new holy land will supplement the now crowded erubim near Los Angeles, one of which takes in parts of Fairfax and Hancock Park, while the other encloses parts of the Beverly Hills and Rancho Park.

As a rabbi candidly told the press, “Enclosing the area [with a fishing line] makes it a private domain in a sense. It’s like a symbolic wall around a city.” Eventually, of course, the symbolic wall can be replaced with a real one, as in most of the Mediaeval ghettos, and policemen can be stationed at the gates to make sure that none of the Jews’ dogs and cattle, whether Americans or of some other lowly race, get in and see how God’s People huddle together when not out fleecing or bleeding their subjects or just having fun, kicking them around.

The Jewish flag will naturally be flown from the synagogues in the sacred enclaves. And old Yahweh will chuckle with satisfaction as he floats on a cloud above the ghetto, keeping his eye on the superior beings he chose to own the world.

* * *

Source: Liberty Bell magazine, April 1986

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Saxon Day
Saxon Day
16 December, 2020 1:46 pm

As early as the 1890s it was said that parts of Greater Boston had become so Jewish that even the Negroes were fleeing the area, which is saying something

16 December, 2020 3:02 pm

The only problem I have with the concept is with its implementation. A fishing line is too flimsy. They need to have a proper Kevlar fishing net set around them permanently so evil goys will not disturb them. Similarly, we need a net around our stuff so they can’t disturb us.

16 December, 2020 3:47 pm

The heebs are taking over an entire state. If you reside in Florida you can purchase a vehicle license plate that declares that “Florida stands with Israel”. Am I missing something or isn’t this a violation of the separation of church and state?

Reply to  Karen
17 December, 2020 8:54 am

I remember a cartoon in Time magazine in the 1970s that showed a map of the Occupied Territories that included the Sinai Peninsula, West Bank, Golan Heights as well as NY and FL. Today that would spark major outrage and that issue might not be allowed to be distributed on college campuses.

Most of their presence is in South Florida but their influence over the entire state is very heavy. The FL governor convened a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem a few years ago as a demonstration of his subservience to the jews. Could you imagine such a meeting in the Vatican to appeal to all the hispanics?

Reply to  guest
17 December, 2020 9:36 am

The North Shore of Chicago (my original home territory) is very jewish, too.

Ron DeSantis (Florida Governor) will probably make a run for the White House at some point, so it only makes sense that he would bend over backwards for jews and the Israel lobby. It is truly sickening what this once great country has become.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Karen
17 December, 2020 9:06 pm

Running for the White House has lost a LOT of its luster recently…..

Reply to  Karen
17 December, 2020 9:01 am

The “Separation of Church and State” crowd is very selective in applying their standards. Most religious-affiliated refugee resettlement organizations get over 90% of their funding from the taxpayers but you won’t hear any objections from the SC&S people because the movement is dominated by jews and the gentiles are too stupid or too afraid to see the hypocrisy.

brian boru
brian boru
17 December, 2020 7:17 am

The most highly evolved parasitic life form, responsible for more human suffering and death and cultural and environmental destruction than all people on earth combined. Yet, amazingly, is still considered by many an innocent victim!

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
Reply to  brian boru
19 December, 2020 3:12 pm

they are filth brian

fully conscious people realize this

you are not alone sir

21 December, 2020 11:08 pm

They buy land then threaten and sue the township into building multi-family housing where they move in and out vote everyone

19 February, 2021 2:32 am

It amazes me how gullible the goyim are! They can only grow with the goyims ignorance

LH Collins
LH Collins
22 July, 2022 2:27 pm

Behold, the first photo in this article. The insolent sh33nster makes an obscene gesture at his detractors. Notice the childish look of glee on its squalid face. Sticking its viperous tongue at better-folk. So lacking in strength; self-assurance and honour. IT makes me sick!