
George Soros and His Billions Are All In for Hillary Clinton


HEAVYWEIGHT Democratic donor George Soros (pictured) is back in the game — and he’s coming out swinging.

Politico reported that the 85-year-old Soros, who had by and large withdrawn from the political stage after failing to unseat President George W. Bush in 2004, has committed more than $25 million to support Hillary Clinton and a whole slate of Democratic candidates in November.

Since the start of the year, Federal Election Commission records show Soros has given more than $4 million to progressive super PACs like American Bridge PAC and to Democratic candidates like New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan who is tied up in a close Senate race.

Sources also told Politico that Soros, who Forbes estimates is worth nearly $25 billion, will likely commit even more as the election draws near.

Other Jewish donors have not been shy with their contributions to the Clinton campaign and pro-Clinton super PACs. At least eight of the top 12 donors to the major pro-Clinton group Priorities USA are Jewish, and donations by Jews comprised more than half of the $41 million raised by the group as of February.

While bigtime Jewish donors like Haim Saban have already donated millions this year to support Clinton, some insiders say a dramatic move by Soros may trigger a slew of donations by Jewish and other Democratic donors.

On the other side, Jewish Republican donors have largely frozen out GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. Though the Republican Jewish Coalition has stood by their party’s candidate, their money has not. Earlier this month, the Wall Street Journal revealed that board members of the RJC had collectively donated just $5,400 to Trump in May — a far cry from the nearly $17 million RJC members had donated to candidate Mitt Romney in 2012.

Jewish GOP kingmaker Sheldon Adelson, who endorsed Trump in May, has promised $100 million to the Trump campaign. However, there is no sign that Adelson’s millions will end up in the Trump war chest any time soon, which has led to questions about how strongly the megadonor will support the GOP candidate.

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Source: Forward

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