Bringing White Men and Women Together; Object: Matrimony
An interview with Liv of WhiteDate.Net
Q: Who are you? — tell us a little bit about yourself, your life, and your team if you have one.
A: I am a German gen-x woman, a farmer’s daughter, a musician who studied business, an introvert fascinated by the abstract, a recent, therefore late, but all the more deliriously happy mother, an information and Internet addict (not proud of it), a stubborn defender of my people, the Global White Nation (very proud of it).
I am also a project manager for Web sites and work with Indian webmasters for budget reasons. I would have preferred to work with White engineers, alas they are out of my financial reach.
Q: How did you become racially conscious?
A: Having grown up in a very homogenous, rural White area in Germany, I have lived for many years in diverse Paris/France, and witnessed its systematic ethno-cultural destruction. When I left, many areas of the city, by looking at the street life, were completely non-White, and the so-called privileged areas displayed already 20-30% “diversity.” Vital jobs such as cashiers, bus drivers, vendors, nurses, government employees including most guards and policemen/women had been given to non-Whites who revealed a less and less subtle anti-White attitude. Only a few elements beside the Parisian architecture remind the tourist of a former high culture built by White people. My personal interaction with several hundreds of non-Whites over the years finally woke me up to the fact that races are hell not equal and that this equality principle imposed on us by government, education and media is a lie.
Q: What inspired you to start WhiteDate.Net?
A: I started to question the system due to my online research about health issues which also were the reason why I changed profession to become a project manager for Web sites working from home. In December 2016 I heard for the first time the term ‘White genocide’ in a video that had (miraculously) been suggested by YouTube. Knowing about J-Date, Arabic Date, and Indian Dating sites, I instantly thought that Whites could need a Europid-only dating site to bring awakened White men and women together to build families and make White babies. Soon after, a Web project ended and I started with WhiteDate.
Q: How do you dispel people’s fears about sharing their personal information? How do users know you’re not working for the System?
A: We encourage our members to add as a location in their profile a public space close by and to use a pseudonym. I was surprised that some members just don’t care and put out their real names and exact address. In this case I delete the street number. Despite our strict vetting process we are not immune to infiltration and we do not want to attract Antifa or BLM to our member’s front yard. However, the revelation of personal data is a personal decision made by each Internet user on any online platform.
My Twitter and Gab posts as well as the ‘Why & How’ blog section on WhiteDate make it pretty clear that I am real as I talk openly about race and sometimes even the JQ, but I avoid symptom lamentation to focus mostly on solutions such as healing the White psyche (especially our men’s), promoting traditional gender roles, new modesty and femininity for the ladies, neo-patriarchic structures, homesteading, inter-generational lifestyle, building of White communities and pro-White business, refusing degeneracy to rediscover wholesome values and practices.
Q: What kind of results can users expect?
A: At 5000 members, the gender ratio is very imbalanced; right now our database includes one female member to every 12 male members, which I expect to even increase as White men worldwide are waking up faster to the anti-White agenda and have the courage to pave the way for White women to follow later. Our members are scattered all over the Western nations, but first couples have formed and some first marriages and babies are the successes we are most proud of. The forum and group section is free to use for all members in the hope to help them create offline circles and, if online, at least be able, in a protected pro-White environment, to share their pro-White thoughts and ideas freely. Singly one-to-one private messaging is reserved for paid members, the monthly fees for women being lower than for men.
Q: What kind of public outreach, advertising, or promotional activities have you tried? What was the reaction?
A: WhiteDate has been blocked from advertising on Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Reddit; the WhiteDate YouTube channel was deleted last year as well as our Instagram account — that only had five posts! Twitter shadow-bans WhiteDate in a shamelessly obvious manner. Google has buried WhiteDate in its search results for all obvious keyword combination such as ‘White dating site’ or ‘dating site for Whites.’ However, Bradley Horowitz, VP for Product at Google is following me on Twitter. It took me six months to find a bank and payment platform to start monetization. My second French accountant just abandoned me without giving a clear reason. This information alone should wake up any White in doubt about the reality of the anti-folkish war against White people waged by big corporation and tolerated by most Western governments.
We now encourage our members to help us with guerrilla marketing by distributing fliers to be found for printout on WhiteDate. We also have a banner on Jared Taylor helped us develop WhiteDate in its early stages; I had the privilege to meet Mr. Taylor twice at European forums to thank him personally. Other pro-White content creators to be found on the WhiteDate page about ‘Articles and Projects’ helped as well, I am especially grateful to Jason Köhne of NoWhiteGuilt whose book Go Free! I also promote on WhiteDate. We still try to find more pro-White media and partners which was the reason for me to contact and
Q: How have you been treated by the media?
A: A slur article was posted after Reddit refused our advertisement banner in 2018. I commented on it on the WhiteDate Blog.
It is easy to point out the double standard of the anti-White press in their attempt to vilify in-group preference for Whites while at the same time they are encouraging pride and in-group-preference for non-Whites. My counterattack must have discouraged them from continuing their slurs. They have probably understood that their blatant anti-White hate rather helps on-the-fence Whites to wake up and take our side.
Q: Have you been attacked by any hate or pressure groups?
A: Only virtually, luckily, but don’t you worry, I take it as a compliment. Nevertheless, I am aware of the anti-White dangers in the real world and have taken self-defense classes. We are also a family of hunters, so I do not recommend breaking into our house. I suggest to the White reader to get prepared as well; more physical attacks against Whites will be coming no matter what we say or believe. Our light phenotype is our uniform.
Q: Tell us a bit about your new project, WhiteDeal.Net
A: WhiteDeal is a freelancer platform for White freelancers only who offer services to pro-White White — and pro-White non-White — customers. By the way, I am looking for a French pro-White accountant for my French company.
It is still in beta mode as it is also auto-funded by me and had to be put on hold last year due to the six months postponement of monetization for WhiteDate. Now we are working again to finish the processes but White freelancers and also customers who wish to support pro-White business can already sign up and start counteracting anti-White discrimination in the public and private sector. WhiteDate was an empty structure three years ago; today we have 5000 members, which is a start. WhiteDeal will grow slowly as well and we will continue to optimize its usability like we did, and still do, on WhiteDate.
Q: What are your plans for the future?
A: For the future, I would like to find more pro-White content creators to cooperate, grow the database, and help more of my people find each other to talk, meet, fall in love, recover, thrive, and build safe and prosperous White families and communities where we can become us again.
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Great slogan—-“Become us again!”
With that extreme gender disparity, it doesn’t leave much hope for 9 out of 10 guys. So, in the mean time, I like to frequent A Foreign Affair. Lots of pretty Aryan girls on there with more traditional attitudes and greater intelligence (and openness to family) than girls where I live here in the Midwestern US. If a language barrier is the worst thing you have to deal with, then you’re pretty darn lucky.
Dating for the unvaccinated!
I would like to point out that dating platforms have now been set up for the unvaccinated. This is exactly what I requested two years ago. Yes, my readers. It has come to this.
Although my dating days are behind me and I have a good high quality White man in mind after my divorce is final, this Liv woman kinda lost me when she came out and said that she works with Indian webmasters “for budget reasons “, which sounds so typical of most employers, who sponsor H1-B visas, hire wetbacks, or altogether outsource, or worse, offshore jobs that could go to White people Sure, her heart’s in the right place otherwise, especially regarding j-date and others. When I tried online dating, I advertised seeking a single White male, but most who messaged me were definitely *not* White, and it made my skin crawl. I went to India once and there were all these ads about BPOs, (business process outsourcing), showing East Indian… Read more »
Milady, please do not be too hard against Lady Liv of White Date for being practically forced to hire non-White professionals. I cannot blame her for that, I am currently living in South America and I can perfectly understand her situation. In the monster city where I live there are people of every race imaginable. As much as possible I try to deal with Whites, from tasks of professional work (I am a translator, interpreter, tour guide, studio speaker and other language-related activities), to my looking for White attendants in a shop or market. However, it is not always possible to deal exclusively with Whites, there are times when non-Whites exist in a group or team, or when Whites are simply not available. I do not socialise with non-Whites, but… Read more »