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Beyond Hate
Matt Koehl Nowhere has the National Socialist position been more distorted and misconstrued than in the field of race relations. Not only has this poisoned the well of public discourse and prevented meaningful dialogue and understanding, but by creating a climate of falsehood and deceit, it has encouraged…

Love Your Race 2022
Blanket your neighborhood with our Love Your Race fliers this week! Visit for even more printable images. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 12 February, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom…

Choosing One’s Spouse
A view from National Socialist Germany THE DEMOCRATIC state saw marriage as a completely private matter that did not concern the Volk or the state. Whether the marriages were happy, or engendered no or few children, the leaders did not care. And the result was reaped thereafter. We look at marriage in…

Bringing White Men and Women Together; Object: Matrimony
An interview with Liv of WhiteDate.Net Q: Who are you? — tell us a little bit about yourself, your life, and your team if you have one. A: I am a German gen-x woman, a farmer’s daughter, a musician who studied business, an introvert fascinated by the abstract, a recent, therefore late, but…

Love Your Race!
Click on the picture to download this Love Your Race flier (one of many different versions and languages available) in high resolution — then print in mass quantities to distribute and post in your community this month. The original classic flier — download the full size version by clicking on the image.…

Our Love and Our Hate: Both Are Necessary
by Simon Lindberg
Nordic Resistance Movement LOVE OR HATE — what really drives a Nordic Resistance Movement activist? In this article from 2012, Simon Lindberg gives the answer. We in the Resistance Movement are often attacked for not being “tactical”, for occasionally using tough rhetoric,…
Nordic Resistance Movement LOVE OR HATE — what really drives a Nordic Resistance Movement activist? In this article from 2012, Simon Lindberg gives the answer. We in the Resistance Movement are often attacked for not being “tactical”, for occasionally using tough rhetoric,…

Nietzsche as Spiritual Warrior — Twilight of the Idols (Part 1 of 4)
Everyone familiar with the world of ideas has heard the term “Nietzschean” invoked as an allusion to the purported beliefs of the great German philosopher, but what does this term really mean and why does it matter? Well, to answer this question, below I’ve posted some …

Real Socialism and the Origin of Love
Kinship-based socialism can work; class-based socialism cannot. by David Sims MARXISM ISN’T the only kind of socialism. Marxism is class socialism, based on the idea that socioeconomic class is the fundamental division of mankind. The tragedy of the commons leads easily to Marxist societies…