Pew Study: Vast Majority of Whites Are Resisting Racial Mixing
ALTHOUGH THE NUMBER of Americans marrying people of different races and ethnicities is nearing 1 in 6 newlyweds — partly due to mass immigration and partly due to the largest propaganda campaign in American history — a massive majority of White Americans are resisting or opposing the trend, a new study released Thursday showed.
Currently, there are 11 million people — or 1 out of 10 married people — in the United States with a spouse of a different race or ethnicity, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data.
“There’s much greater racial tolerance in the United States, with attitudes having changed in a way where it’s much more positive toward interracial marriage,” said Daniel T. Lichter, an anti-White professor who is the director of the Institute for the Social Sciences at Cornell University, and who studies interracial and interethnic marriages. “But I think that a greater reason is the growing diversity of the population. There are just more demographic opportunities for people to marry someone of another race or ethnicity.” Jewish groups have been a key force in opening US borders, and indeed the borders of all Western nations, to mass non-White immigration — while simultaneously taking a leading role in the academic and media promotion of racial mixing as positive good and characterization of White opposition to racial mixing as “hate” or “racism” — a pathology or an actual crime, in their view.
Asians were most likely to intermarry in 2015, with 29 percent of newlywed Asians married to someone of a different race or ethnicity, followed by “Hispanics” (a vague, non-racial category that includes a statistically significant number of Whites) at 27 percent, Blacks at 18 percent and Whites at 11 percent. Whites have resisted the decades of pro-mixing propaganda more than any other race and remain the least likely to mix of any measured group. The White rate of intermarriage is higher than two decades ago, but only slightly so. One wonders what the numbers would really be if White Hispanics — and Middle Easterners misclassified as White — were factored out of the equation.
There also were differences between men and women.
Asian and Hispanic women were the most likely to marry someone of a different race or ethnicity in 2015, while Hispanic and Black men were the most likely among men, the data showed. Thirty-six percent of Asian women and 28 percent of Hispanic women intermarried in 2015, while 26 percent of Hispanic men and 24 percent of Black men married someone of a different race or ethnicity.
Contrary to the perceptions of some racialists, White women are the most resistant to the Jewish racial-mixing drive. White and Black women were the least likely to consider someone of a different race or ethnicity in 2015. Only 10 percent of White women married outside their race or ethnicity, while only 12 percent of Black women were involved in intermarriage — half the rate of Black men.
Whites as a whole, whether racially conscious or not, are largely — by a vast majority — acting in accord with the natural drive to mate only within one’s own race. White men were the least likely (among males) to consider intermarriage, with only 12 percent involved in interracial or interethnic marriages.
Distressingly, a few Whites have become more accepting of intermarriage, with the rates increasing from 4 percent to 11 percent since 1980. The rise in racial mixing started to level off at near the ten percent mark in the 1990s, however, suggesting that a large core of Whites are utterly resistant to the “trend” the Jewish groups started and constantly try to reinforce.
Interracial marriage became legal throughout the United States in 1967 when Richard and Mildred Loving — a White male, Black female coupling — took their case to the U.S. Supreme Court with Jewish legal help. The Lovings were prosecuted in Virginia in 1958 for violating the state’s ban on interracial marriage. The Supreme Court struck down the Virginia law and those in roughly one-third of the states in 1967. (Virtually every state in the 90-plus percent White US that had a significant non-White population also had statutes forbidding interracial marriage. The other states were considered to have little need for such laws.)
The Pew study also found that the most common intermarriages were between an Hispanic (some of whom are genetically White) and a White spouse; the next most common was between a White and an Asian spouse; followed by a multiracial and a White spouse at 12 percent.
White resistance to interracial and interethnic marriages was even stronger in rural areas.
Interestingly, even counting all races, among Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents, a majority — 51 percent — did not believe that intermarriage was good for society. Among the (nearly all-White) Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, a full 72 percent did not think intermarriage was a good thing.
Extrapolating from these figures, roughly 72/89ths or 81 percent of those Whites who did not engage in racial intermarriage did so out of conviction, the other 19 percent evidently either by coincidence or unthinking instinct.
The fact of such huge White resistance to interracial marriage should give us strength as we fight to awaken racial consciousness among our people. But they should not lead us into complacence: Though the core of our folk is sound, the trend is ominous, and the increasing number of racially-mixed Americans — who may not sexually repel the average White as much as those more distinctly alien, and who in some cases may appear White while carrying a huge percentage of non-White genes — will make resistance to the Jew-induced trend both more difficult and more necessary.
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Source: Associated Press and National Vanguard correspondents
Well, all things considered, it’s nice to hear some good news. “One wonders what the numbers would really be if White Hispanics — and Middle Easterners misclassified as White — were factored out of the equation.” –Yes, indeed. Excellent point in the closing paragraph. I believe our biggest threat comes not from those who are clearly racially different, but from those who are racially ambiguous, especially as people become more and more mixed instead of just being biracial. I know it contradicts the article’s stats, but in my personal experience, it’s overwhelmingly White women that I see with men of other races. I could probably count on one hand the number of White men I’ve ever seen with non-White mates. I also lived in Los Angeles for many years and… Read more »
This is well known. We have something called a Census. :) As of the 2020 Census, 61.6%, or 204,277,273 people, were white alone.71.0%, or 235,411,507 people, were white alone or combined with another race. 57.8%, or 191,697,647 people, were Non-Hispanic whites.3.8%, or 12,579,626 people were White Hispanic and Latino Americans. I find it interesting that Black Supremacist groups are now making the claim that they are the only “pure” humans on the planet, because most South sub-Sahara Africans don’t have Neanderthal or Denisovan DNA. Everybody else on the planet does; different regions vary in their pollution of Neanderthal and Denisovan blood. Its amusing because many Black people used to complain about White Supremacy. “Et tu, Brute?” It is well known that Israeli Jews strongly discourage their women from sleeping with other peoples, particularly Arabs.… Read more »
We are to appear in the Equality Court in Ubombo, South Africa on 20/6/2017 for contravention of the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act 4 of 2000 for refusing to accommodate Blacks in Our former Sodwana Bay Guest House. We will apply for the matter to be judged in the Constitutional Court, and We WILL PROVE Blacks were made as servants of Men and that they are not the same kind as Homo sapiens (Caucasian); they come from Homo erectus kind and still remain animal (literally meaning living soul or having life). In recent history it was punishable by death to sleep with a beast, and The Bible, the family book of Sumerians confirms it. I have been evaluated mentally healthy by Psychiatric Hospital Fort Napier where… Read more »
I understand that you’re opposed to inter-racial marriage but is there any actual harm in inter-racial relationships? My boyfriend is Jewish and I’m white caucasian. I’ve never been exposed to any propaganda encouraging me to date someone of different ethnicities. I’ve had past boyfriends of ranging ethnicities, it’s not that I purposefully go out looking to date people who ‘aren’t white,’ but rather I judged them by their character, values and personality rather than by their genes or color of their skin. This was an interesting article, but I’m just confused or can’t find any information as to what the harm of inter-racial marriages are? Unless this another backward article about white supremacy? Please let me know.
Grace, There is a spiritual harm in inter-“racial” relationships because sex means simultaneous exchange of energy, so if you are created as a being with high spirituality, you are not allowed by The Creator to defile your purity by mixing with animalistic energies (energies of low or no spirituality). The Bible’s commandment to honour your parents is literal and very logical: it tells you to preserve what you got from your parents; you need to trade your heritage (pure genes) to your offspring. If everyone would have obeyed this Commandment, there would be no inter-“racial” mixing. The Bible is not a religious book, but Israel’s Family Book; it has just been hijacked and edited by the Roman Catholic Church (Satan), which We are suing at the moment for Crimes against… Read more »
Grace there is plenty of data that supports the assertion that interracial relationships are negative for those involved and for the children. The degree of biological similarity is a factor of course; I doubt you’ll find too many problems with a Jewish man as you would a West African. White-Black relationships are typically short lived and have higher rates of violence than white-white relationships for instance. Bi-racial people have certain psychological and physiological challenges non-mixed people don’t. I could also go on about the long term effects on our society as well (India, Brazil the middle east for instance).
He considers you cattle
He will date you and have sex with you then when he wants to marry he will marry a jewess. After marrying a jewess he will seek a gentile to have an affair. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Excellent article and I fully agree. I wonder though, while it’s true that whites have the lowest percentage who are intermarrying compared to other races, isn’t that because white Americans have the largest absolute population compared to other races? After all, 10% of say 100 million is still a lot more than 40% of 10 million. In the end, we should remember that in 1950, 0% of white Americans were marrying outside their race and now, 10-12% of white Americans are marrying outside their race so while we’re more resistant perhaps than other races, we’re still racemixing more and more as time goes by.
Your all full of it The further apart genes are the healther the outcome. And Jews are a religion not race. Bye
Bob – if you are not being facetious, then you are the most despicable kind of race traitor cuck – a moron. Much data exists confirming significantly more medical as well as psychological problems for mixed race children when compared with traditional same race offspring. And certainly the White race is the most obvious example of sufficient and even tremendous variety WITHIN our race. People like you should be given a one way ticket to the non-White paradise of your choice. And “jews” as you put it are ‘things’ > people, not a religion. And not very desirable ‘people’ to boot as it turns out. Judaism is a ‘religion’ but some of the best scholarship and commentary I’ve heard suggests jews use judaism as a convenient cover for an ongoing… Read more »
dude, this kind of sh** right here needs to end… whites need to stay around along with the other races. we can all co-exist if non whites would stop talking about slavery and what happened to the natives.. stuff that happened over a century ago. white people don’t need to mix with other races. we have stuck with our own for a while now and many whites I know of and have met are not any more or less unhealthy than any other race. you also don’t need to race mix to have “more intelligent offspring”. My brother is full blown white and was ranked the top 20 of his class (he was number 13). His I.Q is 143.. the media is trying to get rid of whites and it’s… Read more »
You’re ignorant . Jew is a race. Ask a Jew.
thank Christ!
keep it that way, please. the white race needs to start repopulating.
bring back the blue eyes and green eyes, along with the blonde and red hair, traits back..
** blue eyed and green eyed**.
Had to correct myself.
The text above must be a fraud. From about 1990 forward, White people in North America have carried out one of the largest race mixing campaigns in all the pages history. And it continues to run wide open. I don’t see the Saturation Point.
Modern White racism has become a curiosity to the world. Mr. Orwell might have called the essay above ‘backward speak.’
A distinction needs to be made between marriage and just “coupling,” which doesn’t necessarily mean marriage. I would suspect that a very high percentage of mixed-race children are born out of wedlock.
Seems unreal, but I read on a credible website that in 97% of black male-white female relationships that result in offspring, the couple is not married and usually the black male runs, and is not a part of the child’s life.
As far as I’m concerned, the white women in these relationships are so dumb their heads must hurt.
Marriage: In the natural world it’s cohabitation. It’s high-time White people stop walking into the courthouse to buy a marriage license. First red flag is that it’s a license. The instant a couple buys the license, their marriage enters into a contract with the state. The government has no business interfering with cohabitation between a man and woman. Oftentimes the couple returns to the same courthouse to support the Kabillion dollar divorce industry. Stay out of the courthouse.
A sterile government paper with flowing art and font doesn’t sanction marriage. Marriage is blood based.
Whites still have a huge population advantage in the US. There are still many areas where whites have little or no contact with other races and this keeps mixing rates low. I don’t think whites are somehow especially resistant to mixing compared to other races; One would think Asians would be resistant but they are not, due to a smaller population and fewer marriage choices. I would expect mixing rates among whites to increase as the white percentage decreases. There are still reasons to be optimistic; Whites are the most attractive of all races so there will always be a natural attraction to other whites. Whites who mix are typically not the finest of our race so even a mixing rate of 50% would act as a selection process that… Read more »
This is great news. Because people have been conditioned to forget that by the very definition given in the Geneva convention for genocide, moving one population in to breed out another is a clear war crime, and imo the Jews responsible and thier allies, especially race traitors, should be held to account! And NOT in courts they control, but in one by, of, and for our OWN people! Although thier propaganda has people convinced that anything for our own is “white supremacy” (never mind every OTHER racial group have organizations for thier own representation, especially Jews) and thats a perspective we need to reverse. Their anti-white lies have gone on long enough, and done more damage, including the loss of children, then the average person might know due to thier… Read more »
Perhaps an even greater problem than interracial marriage is the lack of an instinctive desire by many white men to father children. I have a beautiful niece who is married to a handsome white man. They are both past 30, have been married for at least a half dozen years — and no children! Interestingly, they both attend a conservative Christian church regularly. This is even more of a problem in non-religious whites. White men show little interest in building a family. If whites couples do have children it’s often only one and rarely more than two children. If whites do not get our birthrates up soon, then we are done for. Nothing the National Alliance or anyone else can do will save us.
I have noticed that even in Conservative circles or the ‘far right,’ there is reluctance to have a family. This is much less the case with Eastern or Southern Europeans.
Seems like the rise of the “dog culture” has become a substitution for producing children for white people. Everyone has to have a dog as some manner of completeness for their existence, to be doted upon and pampered. I’ve seen people with half-million-dollar homes, and the sole beneficiaries seem to be several dogs, sometimes even large outside-breed dogs: bulldogs, Great Danes, you name it. No children. Just damned dogs lying about on the polished hardwood floors and expensive couches.
What has become of us?
You are quite correct; white men have a low interest in fathering children. However, American culture (I can’t speak for any other) has infantilized them; they’re very selfish and preoccupied with childish things like video games and often exhibit childish behavior, even after marriage (throwing tantrums when things don’t go their way, unable to properly express adult emotions, tendency towards anger while rejecting other emotions, etc.). Small wonder that they don’t want children; children would compete with them for the partner’s/wife’s attention and care. I’ve noticed the dog thing too. I don’t have much hope for white people if their men can’t get it together. Couple that with the fact that, in my city, there has been a huge rise in white male/black female pairings…. While it is the tendency… Read more »
Unfortunately, I have to agree with everything you say here, Crow. Bad news. No other way to put it. The Chamber of Commerce types have been all for open borders since the early ’90s because the declining white birthrates have not been able to supply the workers needed to keep the productive economy going. If white birthrates were still as high as they were a hundred years ago, the Jews would still be yammering for open borders, but white businessmen wouldn’t. The ultimate blame for all this are the Christian churches who supply whites with an utterly misguided set of values and purpose for life. We have gone from being the greatest country in the world to a total collapse now being inevitable all in the course of my lifetime… Read more »