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Marriage and Survival
More White men and women must form successful families. by Dr. William L. Pierce YET ANOTHER FRIEND OF mine recently went through a very traumatic marital breakup. The breakup was worse than most because my friend and his wife have three small children. When I took an inventory of all of the people I know,…
Choosing One’s Spouse
A view from National Socialist Germany THE DEMOCRATIC state saw marriage as a completely private matter that did not concern the Volk or the state. Whether the marriages were happy, or engendered no or few children, the leaders did not care. And the result was reaped thereafter. We look at marriage in…
Bringing White Men and Women Together; Object: Matrimony
An interview with Liv of WhiteDate.Net Q: Who are you? — tell us a little bit about yourself, your life, and your team if you have one. A: I am a German gen-x woman, a farmer’s daughter, a musician who studied business, an introvert fascinated by the abstract, a recent, therefore late, but…
Eugenics and Anti-Eugenics
Touching the future THE WORD “eugenics” as currently abused by Jewish propaganda agents is actually being used to convey the very opposite of the intended meaning of that word, in that the Jews viciously represent the intent to produce beautiful, healthy, and intelligent people, who…
Feminism versus Marriage in Virginia Van Upp’s Honeymoon in Bali (1939)
by Andrew Hamilton FEMINISM IS A major destructive force. Anti-male, anti-family, and anti-White, it is today a key ideological pillar of the ruling class. It is therefore necessary to look to the past in an attempt to identify healthy folkways associated with male-female relationships, sex, marriage,…
Coalition of the Fringes: Diversity, Feminism, and the Rape of the White Race
The War Against White Women: How Feminism & Diversity are Harming Them by R. Houck Feminism, the sexual revolution, open borders, advertising, and the anti-white media have coalesced to create a barren hellscape for white women in the postmodern world. Society endlessly inundates women with…
Ten Commandments for the Selection of a Marriage Partner
Issued by the World Union of National Socialists (1982) AS RACIALLY-AWARE Aryans, our lives are not ours to squander and waste as we please. Rather, they belong to the greater racial community of which we are a part. In all things great and small, our duty to our Race must take precedence over our own narrow,…
Should Lauren Southern Be Married?
Plus, the story behind the pretty face by Andrew Hamilton THE QUESTION in the title applies to all young White women roughly Lauren Southern’s age. (She’s 22.) I’m playing off her recent YouTube video “Why I’m Not Married” (November 23, 2017; 315,000 views) because it offers a useful hook. Southern…
Pew Study: Vast Majority of Whites Are Resisting Racial Mixing
ALTHOUGH THE NUMBER of Americans marrying people of different races and ethnicities is nearing 1 in 6 newlyweds — partly due to mass immigration and partly due to the largest propaganda campaign in American history — a massive majority of White Americans are resisting or opposing the…
Worse Than the Black Death? The “Second Demographic Transition”
This article should be read in conjunction with my brief essay “On Family” (2014). by Andrew Hamilton IN THE 1300s, the Black Death (bubonic plague), possibly history’s greatest demographic catastrophe, killed between 30 to 60 percent of the earth’s White population within a few short years.[1]…