
Canada: Nationalists File Suit Against Anti-White Tyrants

Travis Patron, leader of the Canadian Nationalist Party

The Canadian Nationalist Party has filed a civil lawsuit against the City of Saskatoon, claiming an infringement of constitutional rights to peacefully assemble and freely express themselves during the recent 43rd Federal Election

by Travis Patron

THE RECENT 43rd Federal Election has fundamentally demonstrated that our right to self-determination, as Canadian Nationalists, is being suppressed by the current administration. Under these circumstances, our ability to assemble publicly and speak our policies to Canadian voters has, and continues to be, denied to us.

The right to self-determination represents the ability for a people to form their own state and choose their own government. Under the current conditions bestowed upon us, this is essentially impossible, as our ability to assemble publicly and communicate our policies as a federal party has been prohibited to us before and during general elections. Therefore, we will not acknowledge the authority of the Federal/Provincial/Municipal Governments involved given that they have violated these constitutional rights as well as suppressed our self-determination as a unique nationality.

Since we began our campaign in 2017, our candidates have been physically attacked, have faced a concerted attempt to sabotage our efforts to attain federal registration as a political party, a systemic effort to censor our ability to communicate policies to the voting public, and a coordinated effort to tarnish our reputation from a number of media outlets.

Our supporters have been called into the offices of their workplace and school, questioned on why they support our movement, and in some cases, have been dismissed from employment.

We have been falsely accused of violating hate speech legislation and trademark infringement.

Public institutions such as City Halls, University Campuses, Public Libraries, and Convention Centers which operate from our tax dollars have been prohibited to us (since 2017) for reasons never justified.

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

Fundamental Freedoms:
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:

(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly

The institutions in Canada which have prohibited us from accessing them without reason include, but are not limited to:

Every one of these institutions receives operating grants from various levels of government. These operating grants are enabled by the tax codes we as citizens abide by. Canadian citizens abide by tax laws because we trust that these institutions, which we fund, will be made available to us when we wish to assemble and express ourselves.

This desire to utilize public resources and exercise our constitutional rights has been violated consistently and without reason, including after the drop of the writ during the 43rd Federal Election as we were actively nominating candidates. The exclusion of our political party from public spaces and prohibition from booking publicly-funded venues has directly affected our ability to both nominate candidates and inform the public of our policies. Even today, we consistently come across Canadians who have never heard of our party. We believe this ignorance of us as a viable political option would be less pronounced if we were able to access the same democratic channels as other political parties.

The City of Saskatoon has consistently denied us a permit to assemble despite the fact they have granted one to competing political parties in between our requests for access. The stated reason of denial has been that our organization is ‘denominational’ in nature, something we find baseless because the City Of Saskatoon regularly allows ethno-religious groups to use the same space. Our organization does not explicitly endorsing any particular religious orientation. We are not a denominational group. At least once we were denied a permit after the writ had dropped for the 43rd Federal Election.

After the Ontario Provincial Government mandated free speech at universities, only 1 event was not allowed to go ahead: ours. It seems the idea that Canada is a unique nation is an idea too dangerous for the public to handle. The University Of Toronto claims the ideology of Canadian nationalism poses a “significant safety risk to their students”.

The Toronto Public Library refuses to grant us space on the grounds that advocating “maintaining our European-descended demographic majority” is discriminatory and therefore unacceptable.

Both the Toronto Metro Convention Center & TCU Place cannot honour our booking request due to concerns that our opposition might vandalize their property. These are issues outside our control, but our tax revenues do indeed go towards funding law enforcement that is tasked with keeping the peace at such events. When even basic services such as constitutional rights and protection on behalf of law enforcement are not permitted, the financial return on our tax dollars is non-existent.

A number of the venues which we request space from justify denying us access by referencing “media reports” which negatively portray our party. One such example is a recent event we held in Winnipeg at the Belgian Club where local media presented a blatantly one-sided narrative of the event and the masked hooligans who attempted to disrupt it. These “media reports” cannot be used as grounds to disenfranchise federal parties from campaigning, as they lack any accurate or balanced reporting of our activities.

To date, our constituency has violated no hate speech legislation and initiated no violence. Yet, from the very outset of this campaign in early 2017 to the end of the 43rd Federal Election we have experienced systemic discrimination on the basis of nothing more than our political stance of Canadian nationalism. This denial of the Canadian Nationalist Party, a federally-sanctioned political party, to receive publicly-funded services demonstrates that our government is engaging in taxation without representation.

The message to us is clear: the current government in Canada is opposed to the nationhood of our country and does not support the constitutional rights of a federal political party to assemble on public property and communicate their policies to Canadian voters. This is a political ideology that resonates with millions of citizens, yet our government continues to deny our requests for public permits. It seems in Canada, we have (quite literally) no rights to speak of.

These types of transgressions are intolerable to us and paint the picture of a democratic channel that is made available only to political narratives which support the “post-national” dictatorship our current Prime Minister has vocally endorsed.

If the injustices and complete lack of self-determination afforded to us by the current government administration is not corrected, our very livelihood will suffer.

We encourage supporters of our party to join us in non-compliance. We have no interest nor obligation to obey an authority so brutish it collects tax revenues from the populace while simultaneously violating their constitutional rights. Not permitting a federal party to assemble publicly and communicate its policies to voters only demonstrates that our democracy in its current state is an illusion.

If the Canadian Government prohibits a federal political party from exercising their ability to assemble and speak then it only follows that that federal party prohibit the Canadian Government from speaking on its behalf.

* * *

Source: Canadian Association for Free Expression

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16 February, 2020 2:00 am

What currently exists in the West is an anti-white Zionist plutocracy, it will be necessary to redefine it and re-establish it as an ethnocracy for a white ethno-state.

16 February, 2020 3:11 am

Regarding “We have been falsely accused of violating hate speech legislation and trademark infringement.”, falsely accusing someone of a crime is usually a crime.

16 February, 2020 3:22 am

Anti-patriotism is the first refuge of today’s scoundrels!