Tulsi Gabbard and the Browning of America

by Andrew Hamilton
TULSI Gabbard? I learned of her existence because some White racialists are touting her for President. A 37-year-old Democratic Congresswoman from Hawaii, she recently threw her hat into the ring for 2020.
Why is she being ballyhooed? Because she made some arguably “noninterventionist” comments about U.S. meddling in the Middle East.
I do not favor Gabbard or any other non-White or Democrat for public office, so I’m unmoved by any of that. She is anti-White and philo-Semitic like the rest of the evil crew in Washington. I do not believe she will become president, but that’s up to Jews and the Left. Nobody else has any say about it.
Gabbard does present an interesting case study in the browning of America, however.
To America’s elite she represents “the first”—as they label their daily milestone “achievements”—Samoan-American and Hindu member of the U.S. Congress.
But it turns out Gabbard’s “Hinduism” isn’t quite what it’s cracked up to be. She inherited it not from her non-White father, who is Roman Catholic, but her White mother, a product of the Sixties generation.
The Gabbards adhere to a Hare Krishna offshoot that some people call a cult. Hare Krishna itself (the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, or ISKCON) was founded in the United States in 1966 by an Indian swami and spread predominantly among Whites.
Next, what do Establishment publicists mean when they call Gabbard “Samoan-American”?
Given her dark complexion, black hair, brown eyes, and place of birth, the term unquestionably suggests non-White ancestry (in this case, Polynesian). (On the Polynesian race, see the end of article.) This feature is implicitly played up when the term is used.
Gabbard does have non-White ancestry. She is a racial hybrid, the product of race mixing, born in American Samoa in 1981.
The Samoa Islands in the Pacific Ocean are separated into American Samoa (also known as Eastern Samoa) and Western Samoa, which have different histories.
The Islands were discovered by a Dutch explorer in 1722, but ruled over by native Polynesian chiefs until 1860. Between 1889 and 1899 they were ruled jointly by the U.S., Germany, and Great Britain.
The U.S. then acquired sole title to Eastern Samoa, whose population is much smaller than Western Samoa’s. Today administered as a territory by the U.S. Department of the Interior, since 1960 American Samoa has had its own Constitution, governor, legislature, and judiciary.
Meanwhile, Western Samoa went to Germany, but in 1919 was transferred to New Zealand under the Versailles Treaty. It became independent in 1962 in the mass decolonization wave orchestrated by globalist elites who opposed White power after WWII. Today those same elites are flooding White homelands with Third World migrants and violently oppressing Europeans in the process of biologically and culturally exterminating the White population worldwide.

Ironically, Gabbard is more White than Polynesian.
Her Indiana-born mother, Carol (née Porter), is White (in fact, three-quarters German), and even her Samoan father, a Hawaii State Senator (D.) and former Honolulu city councilman, is reportedly one-quarter European, though he does not look it.

Abortion and contraception weren’t issues in Carol Porter’s case. Reproductively speaking, she left the gene pool and contributed five non-White and no White children to the population of the globe and the United States.
Michael Gabbard’s father looks White in an old black and white photograph, but had some Samoan ancestry.
Like her parents, Tulsi’s interracial grandparents did not stint when it came to offspring. They had eight mixed race children altogether.

Race crossing such as this generation after generation blurs boundaries and means that more Whites in the future will intermarry with increasingly indeterminate hybrids.
Assimilation also eliminates barriers that formerly kept people apart. Tulsi Gabbard displays no language, dialect, clothing, or similar cues that would sharply differentiate her from Europeans.
There is her Hinduism, but that’s in the context of an anti-Christian society where even the vast majority of “Christians” are anti-Christian, and seemingly exotic Hare Krishnas arose among Whites, not foreigners.
The father’s and daughter’s looks demonstrate how quickly the White phenotype, developed over millennia, vanishes. That’s why Jews and government push miscegenation so hard in their propaganda, including pornography, now society’s primary source of sexual norms and education, mediated from the shadows by the Sex Establishment, a vast government- and oligarch-funded bureaucracy and legal system employing thousands of people at generous salaries.

It was racially irresponsible for the Whites in Tulsi Gabbard’s family tree to intermarry and have children with Polynesians. Although it is not my concern, Samoans did not benefit either. From a conservationist standpoint both groups were harmed.
From a strictly empirical point of view Tulsi Gabbard is more White than non-White: three quarters European and one-quarter Polynesian. She could have been classified as “White” instead of “Samoan.” In a way it would make more sense. Fortunately that did not happen. It is vital that hybrids be directed away from what remains of the White community and gene pool, not into it.
Gabbard’s ancestry, like Obama’s, is conceptually “clean” in the sense that it combines only two identifiable racial stocks. Increasingly this will not be the case, and phenotype, usually all we have to go by, will become less and less reliable as a racial indicator. This is exactly what Jews want for Gentiles.
Tulsi Gabbard’s two husbands apparently were not White.
For four years she was married to Eduardo Tamayo, about whom little is known. He is reputedly the son of a Filipino military officer, Colonel Antonio Tamayo, Jr.
Her current husband, Abraham Williams, seven years her junior, keeps a low public profile. His paternal ancestry is unknown, but his mother Anya F. Anthony is (or was) employed as Tulsi Gabbard’s office manager. Apparently Anthony is the woman in this YouTube clip, which means she is not White. She speaks with what sounds like an Australian accent but is apparently from New Zealand, so if not part-Maori must derive from some other race or mix.
I have no information about the racial-reproductive patterns of Tulsi’s many hybrid uncles and aunts or four brothers and sisters. But at least Tulsi herself hasn’t had children, and at 37 is approaching the point where she will not, as long as she doesn’t resort to the expensive and complicated services of a fertility clinic.
So much for the race and religion of the Establishment’s “first Samoan-American and first Hindu member of Congress” and candidate for president.
Women in the Military
Tulsi Gabbard’s recent statement in a 30-second campaign ad filmed by her cinematographer husband that “As your Commander in Chief I will . . .” caused a visceral negative reaction in me.
She should not be Commander in Chief because a) she’s not White and b) she’s a woman.
She should not be a member of Congress for the same reasons. As a congresswoman she wields power over both Whites and men.
What that statement immediately conjured up was the mental image of a photograph published in National Vanguard tabloid in 1979—40 years ago. Talk about prescience!
Tulsi Gabbard exemplifies this feminist, anti-male development. She holds the rank of major and served two tours of duty in Iraq and Kuwait.
Gabbard says military service is what caused her conversion from early opposition to homosexuality and the sexual agenda to current proud recipient of a 100% rating from the largest, most powerful homosexual lobby in the United States, the so-called “Human Rights Campaign.”
Do the armed forces match or exceed the Catholic Church in moral degeneracy? They must come close.

If Gabbard flipped 180 degrees on such a vital issue, under equal or greater pressure she will jettison her current critique of Middle East foreign policy, just as Trump and Obama did. Even the hastily-granted carrot of a Nobel Peace Prize couldn’t pry the Kenyan away from the Zionists.
Note on the Polynesian Race
Jewish anthropologist Stanley Garn classified Polynesians as one of the nine major geographical races of mankind:
The Polynesian Geographical Race occupies a vast territory in the Pacific, ranging from New Zealand to Hawaii and Easter Island. Many now uninhabited islands of the Pacific bear relics of these hardy, seafaring folk, some of whom were still on their eastward migration at the time of Captain Cook’s voyages [1768-1780].
Polynesian polymorphism is marked for hair form, skin color, nose form, and body build. In years past, a tri-hybrid explanation was given as the most likely explanation. But we know now that . . . the Polynesians are more or less typically “Pacific,” quite unlike mainland Asia and certainly quite un-European. So while linguistic evidence may indicate ultimate Asian origins, it is apparent that natural selection has [made] . . . Polynesians what they are today. – Stanley M. Garn, Human Races, 3d ed. (Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas, 1971), pp. 156-157.
Human Races is a useful little book.
Anthropologist Roger Pearson described the Polynesians as follows:
The main body of Malayo-Polynesians who settled the South Pacific probably comprised a substantial Indian or non-oriental component, which was less mixed with indigenous Negrito and Australoid elements in the case of the Polynesians than were the Micronesians (who reveal Negrito admixture) and the Melanesians (who show strong Australoid admixture). The Western Polynesians include the Samoans, the Tongans and Ellice Islanders; the Eastern Polynesians include the Marquesans, Tahitians, and Easter Islanders; the Southern Polynesians include the Maoris of New Zealand; and the Northern Polynesians who settled in Hawaii. Other Polynesians include the Tikopians (actually located geographically in Melanesia) and the Ontong-Javanese. – Roger Pearson, Anthropological Glossary (Malabar, Fla.: Robert E. Krieger, 1985), p. 212.
Polynesia, which includes Hawaii and Samoa, has been subjected to extensive race mixing for a long time. It was already far advanced by the 1930s and ’40s. See, e.g., Earnest Beaglehole, “The Mixed Blood in Polynesia,” Journal of the Polynesian Society, 58 (June, 1949): 51-57 (the first page can be rea) .

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Source: Author
What we really need it a reliable DNA testing services. I have heard that existing companies like “23andMe” deliberately distort results in order to “***k with racists”.
A friend of mine was upset when his granddaughter’s test at “23andME” came back as 22% Japanese. There are no non-Whites in his family.
You can download the raw data and get free or inexpensive different analyses. Gedmatch uses both your raw SNP data from any of the big services, and a Gedcom genealogy file if you have one. Genomelink gives really interesting results about health, personality, and iq results tied to specific SNP’s.
I know 4 white people personally who had theirs done on Ancestry, and all the results came out 100% European, right in line with family genealogy and obvious appearance. 23andMe seems to be the worst offender in finding non-white results for white people.
I’m very happy with Ancestry DNA. I received refined DNA results in 2018 and based on that I’m even more Northern and Northwestern European than the original results.
Absolutely no negro, Amerindian or Jewish DNA as leftists always try to claim that most whites have at least some. That’s false and my DNA results proved it.
“Brace Up, Plebe! Eyes in the Boat! Don’t look at my breasts! ” Makes me wanna puke. But girlies in the Navy, and especially at Boat U. (the U.S. Naval Academy) are as Amurrikan as apple pie. The “Last Class With Balls” argument was all the rage when I was there. It was quite the contest between the USNA Class of 1975 (last year before any women were in the building) and Class of 1979 (last graduating class with no women in it). Each side had its merit! Now forty years or so later, women are so ingrained into USN that, literally, there’s nobody left on active duty who remembers the all-male American military. Submarine duty used to be the last bastion of all-male USN environment but that’s all gone… Read more »
Thanks for your observations. (By the way, that’s a BIG dormitory Mr. Hall!) With respect to the woman in the photograph, is it someone you came across personally? An important statement: “Now forty years or so later, there’s nobody left on active duty who remembers the all-male American military.” This applies not only to females in the military, but to many massive changes imposed by tiny Jewish and Left-wing cliques. It helps explain their success and continuously pushing the goal posts in new, sick directions. Based upon the 1975-1979 dates you provide, National Alliance founder William Pierce was on the issue virtually as it happened. His ability to perceive was almost uncanny. Several years ago on a different blog National Alliance Chairman Will Williams posted a portion of an old… Read more »
ANDREW HAMILTON: … [Y]ears ago on a different blog National Alliance Chairman Will Williams posted a portion of an old NA Bulletin written by Dr. Pierce about Chris Christie when the latter was still a college student.
Fresh out of high school in 1966 I was stationed at Fort McClellan, AL, taking AIT (Advanced Infantry Training) prior to Infantry Officer training at Ft. Benning, GA. McClellan was the headquarters for the Women’s Army Corps then: the WACs. That Army base was later closed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fort_McClellan and in a giant social experiment, formerly segregated and protected female soldiers were “mainstreamed” with men with questionable consequences.
“Nearly all of them utterly relish their ability to rub a Man’s nose in it, at every opportunity”.
Thankfully when I served in 69-70 I didn’t have to put up with any of that from “wimens” but there was plenty of anti-white sentiment to go around.
One more thought on the “Women in the Military” business: Despite its obvious Hollywood, Jewish and Political Correctness nature, the “Star Trek Next Generation” series, the one with ‘Jean Luc Picard’ as the Captain of the Enterprise, intrigued me. This was because it developed many hundreds of scenes depicting the Bridge of a Warship, and the behaviors of Officers working therein. Having spent countless hours in such a Pilot House (another name for the Bridge), I knew a few things about how people act while on watch. Captain Picard’s bridge, and the behaviors of the various Officers serving at watchstations, was peculiarly accurate when compared to the Bridge of a USN Ship – ESPECIALLY with the newly INTEGRATED Navy ships complete with Women and Blacks fully integrated into the Wardroom… Read more »
You are probably right about Picard, he must have run a tight ship, I don’t remember the Enterprise ever running into a space tanker.
Her mother Carol looks jewish.
It’s probably more likely that she’s just relatively homely.
So, according to this logic, Trump, a white male, is a better choice than Gabbard due to his innate racial characteristics?
A chimpanzee randomly hitting nuclear launch buttons to get bananas would be a better choice than Trump.
The last thing we need is a white male as fake president; we need to accelerate the terminal phase of the US empire not the extend it.
AIPAC is opposed to Gabbard, a fact conveniently not brought up in this article, and that fact is the only important one.
So, according to this logic, Trump, a white male, is a better choice than Gabbard due to his innate racial characteristics?
Yes. 100% better.
The last thing we need is a white male as fake president; we need to accelerate the terminal phase of the US empire not the extend it.
The worse is better approach is a recipe to do NOTHING. Go back to reading Siege instead of posting such nonsense here.
In my view Gabbard is right about the evils of the Endless War for Israel (the ones she’s noticed, anyway), but is unlikely to understand that that war is an operation of the Jewish power structure. She’s also 1) very, very unlikely to care about the fate of Whites and would probably be just fine with accelerating our genocide and 2) incapable of being loyal to something to which she does not belong, our race. Even assuming the very best about her opposition to the warmongers, how likely is it that she could stand up to them? (I think both Trump and Obama resisted the Bolton-types of this world to some small degree, but somehow the bloody-handed bastards keep their power no matter who is President and no matter what… Read more »
Among the commenters here, I find your views the most accurate. The best (and only) policy that Gabbard advocates is that the US stay out of the Middle East. Trump, while campaigning, was very forceful in asserting that the US should stop engaging in endless, un-winnable wars. And that engagement with Russia was the only sensible foreign policy. And some blah-blah about repairing US infrastructure. ALL of these promise have been broken. If even Trump could not resist the Israel lobby (and instead has strongly shown how much he supports Israel), how will Gabbard?
Too true that what the country needs cannot be achieve by elections. Certainly no state on either coast (the west coast is lost, Georgia and Florida will soon be blue).
Racial mixing in the U.S. is becoming a big problem. Some mulattoes and quadroons are deemed light enough and therefore as acceptable mates by white females which is polluting the gene pool. Then you have the white males that are fine men but don’t meet the high standards of extremely fickle white women. They are forced to take asian, hispanic and mulatto wives and girlfriends. Most white males still don’t find black women desirable. When I was growing up in the 1970’s and 80’s there was a lot of peer pressure on women NOT to mix. A black and white couple was a rare spectacle and usually invited stares in public. Today it’s a weekly occurrence. This nation is on the road to becoming a racially mixed pigsty just like… Read more »
As a former resident of Hawaii (Oahu) who worked in Honolulu but lived out in the country (Kaneohe – which was mostly white at the time) and reflected small town mainland America, their was a racial hierarchy in the islands: 1 – Whites and Japs at the top, although Japs outnumbered Whites 2 – Chinese 3- Koreans 4 – Native Hawaiians (Polynesians) 5 – Samoans (at rock bottom – even Native Hawaiians hated them) At the time I was there, groids were so unusual that you thought of them as more like an escaped zoo creature than anything else. So few were they, they simply didn’t factor in to the racial stew that made up Hawaii back then – or probably even now. Anyway, Samoans in Hawaii were something Whites… Read more »
I was a member of the book of the month club starting in 1970 and got started reading books by James Michener. Looking back to that time, I think his book sent me in the wrong direction. Especially a book called The Covenant.
Clayton, your story about Hawaii is spot-on. Visited Oahu many times in past 30 yrs for various corporate assignments. The great majority of “locals” whether Hawaiian or “Pacific Islander” that I encountered were ill-disposed to palefaces. Modern Waikiki beach at night is a good place for an unsuspecting White American tourist to get hit over the head and robbed, or worse
White people are indeterminate hybrids. You mixed so much here in America that most of you do not even know your own ancestry, and many white Americans are united by an anti-European form of whiteness, which rejects all European whites and their distinct ethnic nations as inherently inferior to the hybridized form of American whiteness. Europeans are viewed as innately weak for their divisions, and their cultures are viewed as inferior relics to the American way. This is why so many European American immigrants have changed their name and given up their culture in order to assimilate, even if they desperately didn’t want to. Some literally did so in order to survive. White America is White Europe’s worst racial and ethnic nightmare, and the same vice versa. Not to mention,… Read more »
RICHARD: White people are indeterminate hybrids. You mixed so much here in America that most of you do not even know your own ancestry… The problem is White American racialists… they want… to start a nuclear war to please the agenda of the Christian-Zionist-Wahhabist alliance that Pompeo, Bolton, Bloody Gina, and their enabler-in-chief Trump represent. — Do you mind if I call you Dick, Richard? We get it. You don’t like White Americans, describing us as mongrels, and you have no idea what the National Alliance, sponsor of NationalVanguard.org, stands for. You’ve been observing the wrong “White American racialists” to lump NA in with those for which you have such contempt. Is there any organization that advocates for White interests that has your seal of approval, Dick? If so, please… Read more »
Hate much?
>White people are indeterminate hybrids. You mixed so much here in America that most of you do not even know your own ancestry, European ethnic mixing took place in Europe too, albeit not to the American scale. >and many white Americans are united by an anti-European form of whiteness, which rejects all European whites and their distinct ethnic nations as inherently inferior to the hybridized form of American whiteness. Never once have I heard anything approaching that from American white nationalists. If anything, some of them are slightly jealous of Europe having such ancient ethno-cultural groups, compared to the Euro-American racial identity ,which is very young. >This is why so many European American immigrants have changed their name and given up their culture in order to assimilate, even if they… Read more »
Gabbard is a Democrat Congresswoman, not a Democratic one. There’s nothing democratic about her.
Those who speak of the Democratic Party don’t call the GOP the Republicanistic Party. Why not? One’s as bad as the other.
Mr. Hamilton clarified his opinion of Democrat Gabbard: I do not favor Gabbard or any other non-White or Democrat for public office… She is anti-White and philo-Semitic like the rest of the evil crew in Washington.
“Michael Gabbard, wife Carol (Porter), and newborn son Bhakti in 1971. The couple had five mixed race children together, including Tulsi.” All this is is disgusting race mixing. The outcome will be the destruction of us, and the resulting degradation of all of the human race. The technological and scientific achievements that we’ve seen in our world come out of our cultures-not others. Once we’re gone, we can see a world disintegrate into chaos and entering a final dark ages, from which the world will never recover. People outside of our beliefs will, of course, disagree-but they never offer any kind of future worldview, except some kind of unicorn fairytale utopia that is only present in some kind of fictional creation. God help us all! As far Tulsi Gabbard is… Read more »
Yesterday Tulsi Gabbard posted her morning exercise video on Twitter. She’s 38. Because she’s wearing tight exercise pants (I don’t know what that particular item of apparel is called) you can discern the Polynesian influence on her body type, in the shape and proportion of her solid, squat hips and thighs, despite her substantial White racial admixture. (Picture a full-blooded Samoan woman in your mind when watching it.) I’m not saying it would be possible to specifically identify this without knowing beforehand exactly what her ancestry was (as outlined in the article above), but once you do know it you can deconstruct to some extent the racial aspects of her appearance. One website claims that she is 5′ 8″ tall. I have no way of verifying this, but if it… Read more »
[D]espite her substantial White racial admixture… Miss Tulsi is emerging from the field of nutcase Democrat presidential candidates as the only one with any sense of what might appeal to otherwise normal Americans who vote. She may end up as the VP running mate, if not leading the ticket.
She’s very attractive, and invariably projects a warm, appealing persona in Twitter and YT campaign videos shot by her non-White (thank goodness) cinematographer second husband, as well as in her TV appearances. I typed her name into a search engine (not Google) and the first autofill it presented after “Tulsi Gabbard” was “surfing bikini,” with a bunch of photos. Jewish countries are a joke. Her policy views with respect to military intervention sound better than anybody else’s. In general she comes across as more levelheaded than the overall Democrat field of out-and-out freaks and sociopaths. But I pay no attention to elections because, as they say, “If voting could change anything, they’d make it illegal.” The way they have freedom of speech and assembly. As noted in the article, Gabbard… Read more »
I agree with your sentiments about Gabbard, the rest of her sitting national politicians, and and about the folly of electoral politics on the national level. The research you’ve shared with us about her is appreciated. I didn’t know any of that.
Most uncritical Whites will be drawn to her “attractiveness,” when contrasted with the other Democrats, for sure. Senator Kirstin Gillibrand’s physical attractiveness was lost as soon as she opened her mouth and talked.
The last congressman I could admire for his honesty and courage was Ohio’s James Trafficant, and we know what happened to him, mostly for being so outspoken, claiming Israel had a stranglehold on the U.S. and used America like a whore.
It is heartening that off-white people like her don’t even try to pass as white anymore.
100 years ago, people like her would have claimed to be white, eventually trying to melt into the white genepool. (see the attempts by mestizos and arabs back in the 1920s to be officially classed as white).
To America’s elite she represents “the first”—as they label their daily milestone “achievements”—Samoan-American and Hindu member of the U.S. Congress. But it turns out Gabbard’s “Hinduism” isn’t quite what it’s cracked up to be. She inherited it not from her non-White father, who is Roman Catholic, but her White mother, a product of the Sixties generation. The Gabbards adhere to a Hare Krishna offshoot that some people call a cult. Hare Krishna itself (the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, or ISKCON) was founded in the United States in 1966 by an Indian swami and spread predominantly among Whites. Reading through an old issue (March 1981, p. 21–the month before Tulsi Gabbard was born) of Instauration magazine today, I came across this interesting tidbit about the Hare Krishnas: The Hare Krishnas… Read more »
I am from Florida and I enjoyed as neighbor two elderly ladies from Canada years ago , respectable , who had lived through the end of the world , intelligent and kind. They informed me without asking as if they had perceived my interest and wished to serve my youthful disillusionment that, Mahatma Gandhi was a Jew. I did not doubt it then nor now.
AH, quoting Instauration: Hare Krishnas… have one strong point. They are not afraid of the Anti-Defamation League, which in its routine inflammatory way accused them of authoritarianism, a code word for fascism and Nazism… one-fifth of all Hare Krishnas are Jews — Today I was listening to track 2 on our new Power of Truth CD series, volume 9: Dr. Pierce’s Authoritarianism and Oz from August 1999; — …Roughly half of all the hate mail I receive is explicitly Christian in some way. And if we look only at the mail from White haters, and don’t even consider the letters from Jews, the Christian hate mail may run as high as 60 per cent. So what does that mean? Does that mean that there is something inherent in Christian doctrine… Read more »
I think you just described what Dr. Pierce used to call “lemmings”, i.e. people who don’t think independently and critically but just follow authorities or whom they consider to be authorities. Sadly that is about 90% of humanity. Control the media and you control the lemmings. That is why the Jews everywhere conspire to control the media.
“Brown-fever in White Nationalist males?” Just a simple observation, but I have noticed more than just a trace amount of very friendly comments made about mixed race females by mainstream white nationalist males over the last few years. I did hear the seemingly harmless flirtatious comments about Tulsi Gabbard on other podcasts. I think there are a number of things going on. One being in regards to seeing a person with a face that looks racially familiar. We want whites to have respect, so our subconscious minds reconstruct them into “whites”….. “fixing them.” Another idea is that I believe that whites (and other true racial types) are inherently programed by nature to be attracted to a person of the same race, but with a slightly different manner. In other words…… Read more »