
Hungary: Government Announces New Plan to Pay Women to Have Children

THE HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT has announced a new plan to provide significant financial incentives for Hungarian women to have more children as an answer to mass Third World immigration — with part of the plan being a move to grant total and lifelong exemption from personal income tax for any woman having four children.

The pro-family policies were announced by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Sunday February 10 at a packed auditorium at Budapest’s famous Castle Garden Bazaar center during his annual state of the nation address.

Orbán told the crowd that the seven-point “family protection action plan” was “Hungary’s answer to immigration” and consisted of the following:

1. Every woman under the age of 40 will be eligible to a preferential loan when they first get married;

2. The already existing preferential loan for the purchase of a family home will be extended for any couple having two or more children (previously the figure was three or more);

3. The government will repay one million forints of any mortgage loan taken out by families with two or more children;

4. Women who have had and raised at least four children will be exempt from personal income tax payment for the rest of their lives;

5. The government will launch a car purchase subsidy program for large families, with those families having at least three children becoming eligible for a grant of 2.5 million forints to buy a new car which can seat at least seven people;

6. The government will create 21,000 new crèche places over three years to allow parents to work if they choose; and

7. Grandparents will also be eligible to a child-care fee if they help to look after grandchildren.

Orbán revealed that the developments were possible because of continued economic progress by Hungary. He noted that in 2009, “towards the end of left-wing rule,” almost all the reserves of the state had been frittered away.

“Today, the number of marriages is increasing, infant mortality has been reduced, employment has grown from 55 percent to 70 percent, unemployment has been reduced to one-third of its earlier level, incomes are growing, and the minimum wage has more than doubled,” he said.

“Thanks to the joint efforts of the past ten years, Hungarians have faith in their future again. Hungary is a place where everyone will benefit from being Hungarian, and step by step, with persistent hard work, we will eliminate poverty.”

He promised that “everyone will have work and a home, every child will have access to a crèche, kindergarten, school, school dinners and textbooks, there will be support for young people, and a a respectable old age for seniors.”

Turning to international affairs, Orbán called the European Union a “the citadel of new internationalism” and said that “immigration is the instrument of this internationalism.”

“There are once again forces that want to see open societies and a world without nations,” and the creation of a “supranational global government which is controlled from abroad.”

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Source: New Observer

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