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The Pope Calls for National Suicide
by Douglas Mercer THAT SENILE OLD CODGER the Pope is at it again, visiting the stalwart nation of Hungary and trying to wheedle and shame them into committing national suicide. You see, Hungarians love Hungary and they like being Hungarians and, just as there have been Hungarians since time immemorial,…
In Praise of White Purity, part 2
Orban by Douglas Mercer VIKTOR ORBAN’S SPEECH on race immediately drew outrage from opposition parties and European politicians. Cseh addressed mixed-race people in Hungary by saying, “your skin color may be different, you may come from Europe or beyond, but you are one of us, and we…
In Praise of White Purity, part 1
by Douglas Mercer JUST THE OTHER DAY the ruling elite fainted in unison when Viktor Orban had the unmitigated temerity to state the obvious: Racially homogeneous countries are strong, “diverse” ones are weak. For all the fanfare and unholy screeching, you’d have thought he just…
Hungary versus Sodomite Evil
THE MOST heroic action the contemptible bar codes in our kosher globalist bodega can engage in is having their rectums annihilated while blasted out of their minds on narcotics. This is bravery; this is “love.” A reprobate freakazoid who has to wear a diaper (down there, not on your face)…
Hungary: Jewish Group to Get State Funding
THE HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT has signed a special agreement with an Orthodox Jewish group, granting them a status in the country enjoyed only by a small number of churches. The accord, for example, provides the Unified Hungarian Jewish Congregation’s institutions, such as schools, the same financing…
Trump Not in Charge? — US Agency to Transmit “Overthrow Orban” Propaganda to Hungary
PERHAPS NEVER in American history has there been such an utter disconnect between the words of the President and the policies pursued by his administration. President Donald Trump appears to have almost no control or awareness over what the American government does. Hungary’s Viktor Orbán…
Czechia, Hungary, Serbia Fight ‘White Plague’ of Low Birthrates with Pro-Family Policies
PROCREATE or face extinction: that is the message from central European leaders to their shrinking populations, as across the region right-wing governments implement so-called “family first” policies to incentivise childbearing. Hungary’s government is holding an international summit on…
Hungary Rejects Migration, Chooses More White Children
Lullaby by Anna Rose Taking steps to address the real existential threat. UNDER Viktor Orbán’s new pro-family budget, married couples who have three children will eligible to receive 30,600 euros by the Hungarian government. The government offer would come in the form of a 30,600 euro loan to couples…
Russia Joins Hungary in Pro-Natal Subsidies for Families
IN RUSSIA’S RECENT State of the Nation address, President Putin evidenced a serious attitude toward the goal of turning his nation’s birthrates positive again, increasing state subsidies for Russian families having more children. Hungary’s Orban announced similar measures…
Hungary’s Answer
WE ARE IN the midst of a critical “people race,” just ask any Jew. 300 million mostly worthless humanoids is not nearly enough, we must bring the entire population of the African Heart of Darkness and the Latin American sewer into our dying nation. There is a tremendous need for uneducated…