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Hungary’s Answer
WE ARE IN the midst of a critical “people race,” just ask any Jew. 300 million mostly worthless humanoids is not nearly enough, we must bring the entire population of the African Heart of Darkness and the Latin American sewer into our dying nation. There is a tremendous need for uneducated…

Hungary: Government Announces New Plan to Pay Women to Have Children
THE HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT has announced a new plan to provide significant financial incentives for Hungarian women to have more children as an answer to mass Third World immigration — with part of the plan being a move to grant total and lifelong exemption from personal income tax for any woman having…

Orbán, Morawiecki, Kurz, and Salvini Call for New “Axis” in Europe
Viktor Orbán joins right-wing leaders’ plan to take over EU — and predicts there will be “two civilisations” in Europe in the future Unfortunately, these leaders do not — in their public statements, at least — acknowledge the Jewish power structure as Europe’s main enemy,…

Italy: Beyond Strange — “Anti-Immigrant” League Party Fielded First Black Senator in Nation’s History
Toni Iwobi, an immigrant from Nigeria, is far-right League’s spokesman on immigration ITALY HAS ELECTED its first ever Black senator, a Nigerian immigrant who is a member of the anti-immigration Lega (League) party. Toni Iwobi announced “with great emotion” he had been elected in Brescia,…

Hundreds of Sicilians March Against Migrant Flood as Terror Hits
Sicilians have taken to the streets in an effort to have a migrant centre closed down. The march coincided with a terror attack authorities tried to downplay. HUNDREDS OF Sicilians held a protest march in an attempt to encourage the authorities to close down a migrant centre in Siculiana. Mayor Leonardo…

China: We’re Not Going to be Accepting Refugees
This article, from an official Chinese Communist English-language news site, indicates that China has every intention of staying Asian and staying overwhelmingly Chinese. But the reasons given are weak and non-racial, similar to the reasons American “conservatives” give for opposing…

“Big Tent” UK Independence Party Imploding
THE DYING United Kingdom Independence Party faces an imminent split as hundreds of Islam-obsessed EDL supporters have joined the party in recent weeks, supporting the leadership campaign of former Labour Party activist Anne-Marie Waters, who is an ally of EDL founder ‘Tommy Robinson’. Her campaign…

AfD Leader Petry Wants to Strike Right to Asylum From German Constitution
Introductory Note by Kevin Alfred Strom: Though AfD is moving in the right direction, it’s far too slow and far too little. We should not exclude Middle Easterners because they espouse their primitive religion (which they can change at a moment’s notice). No. We should exclude them because…

Hungary Passes “Tough” New Laws Against Border Violators Amid Invader Surge
This controlled media piece says these measures are “tough” — but they are not one one-hundredth as tough as is needed. What is needed is a racial definition of citizenship: No non-Whites in Europe or any European homeland — not a single one! And invaders to be met with instant…

Our Task
EVERY WEEK I tell you that America is in serious trouble, that our race is in serious trouble. And I’m sure that most of you who are regular listeners believe that and also understand why we’re in trouble. But it’s clear that many White Americans don’t believe we’re…