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Malta: MEP Candidate Norman Lowell, Friend of William Pierce, Receives Nearly Half of Third Party Votes
Norman Lowell Radical pro-White candidate’s vote, while still too small to gain a seat, has multiplied by almost five times since his first run. The controlled media expressed alarm; we see hope. OVERALL RESULTS from the European election indicate that third parties have only marginally increased…

Czechia, Hungary, Serbia Fight ‘White Plague’ of Low Birthrates with Pro-Family Policies
PROCREATE or face extinction: that is the message from central European leaders to their shrinking populations, as across the region right-wing governments implement so-called “family first” policies to incentivise childbearing. Hungary’s government is holding an international summit on…

The Collective Racial Immune System
by Racial Consciousness 1 YOU, individually, are the product of your parents. Everything, collectively, is the product of Nature. In the same way that you inherit the qualities of your parents, so too do you inherit the qualities of Nature, of the natural order. 2 The microcosm reflects the macrocosm,…

Russia Joins Hungary in Pro-Natal Subsidies for Families
IN RUSSIA’S RECENT State of the Nation address, President Putin evidenced a serious attitude toward the goal of turning his nation’s birthrates positive again, increasing state subsidies for Russian families having more children. Hungary’s Orban announced similar measures…

Hungary’s Answer
WE ARE IN the midst of a critical “people race,” just ask any Jew. 300 million mostly worthless humanoids is not nearly enough, we must bring the entire population of the African Heart of Darkness and the Latin American sewer into our dying nation. There is a tremendous need for uneducated…

Hungary: Government Announces New Plan to Pay Women to Have Children
THE HUNGARIAN GOVERNMENT has announced a new plan to provide significant financial incentives for Hungarian women to have more children as an answer to mass Third World immigration — with part of the plan being a move to grant total and lifelong exemption from personal income tax for any woman having…

UN: Criminalization Is Not Enough; Pro-White Web Sites Must Be Shut Down
MORE AND MORE White people are becoming aware of the fact that if present political trends continue, the destiny of their descendants will be to live as a persecuted minority dominated by people who see them as racial adversaries. Resistance to this is mobilising, largely via the Internet. The United…

Building Social Structures
by Oleg Malzew STRUCTURES MUST BE created for our new, emerging people. Racially-conscious White people need opportunities to meet, to communicate, to organize, to work, to plan, and, with a view to a balanced sex ratio, to celebrate all aspects of life with members of the opposite sex. A truly organic…

Wisconsin: Pro-White Paul Nehlen Leads Republican Race for Ryan’s Seat
A WHITE NATIONALIST, Paul Nehlen, is now the front-runner in the GOP primary in Paul Ryan’s district, and Vice magazine is apopletic about it, along with other controlled media outlets. Nehlen, a pro-White candidate whose proposed “Shall Not Censor” regulations have been featured…

The Best Thing You’ve Ever Done and the Best Words You’ve Ever Spoken
by Insitor Messor DON’T BE servile. Always be ready to act in the interests of our people, and act with quiet, assertive confidence. I took a woman on a date to a restaurant on New Year’s Eve. In the back was a group of our beloved African-American equals, making enough noise to be, well, distasteful.…