Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

The Pope Calls for National Suicide

by Douglas Mercer

THAT SENILE OLD CODGER the Pope is at it again, visiting the stalwart nation of Hungary and trying to wheedle and shame them into committing national suicide. You see, Hungarians love Hungary and they like being Hungarians and, just as there have been Hungarians since time immemorial, they want there to be Hungarians into the long future. The Pope considers this a sin and thinks that anyone who espouses it will be consigned to the most inner circle of Hell, there to roast in eternity alongside the other nativists, patriots, and xenophobes. Lately Hungary’s leader Viktor Orban called for racial purity for Hungary — and his words set off a rending of garments all over the “cosmopolitan” world. Lately the Pope has been kissing the hands of the indigenous (as long as they’re not White; White indigenous peoples get kicked, not kissed) and denouncing the Doctrine of Discovery, essentially saying that the European presence in the New World is illegitimate. Mr. Orban has said that no matter what he will not allow Hungary to become an “immigrant country” which is unrecognizable to its own people; whereas, the Pope has said that migrants should be welcomed with open arms into Europe so they (the Europeans) can be “enriched.” One wants to close the door against the rising tide of color; the other says nail it open. So it’s not surprising these two men would be at loggerheads. The one loves Europeans and wants them to live; the other hates them and wants them to die. And never the twain shall meet — except on the final battlefield.

Pope Francis, starting a trip to Hungary on Friday (April 28 2023) pointedly warned of the dangers of rising nationalism in Europe and told the Budapest government that accepting migrants along with the rest of the continent would be a true sign of Christianity. Francis also urged a rejection of self-referential forms of populism and strictly nationalist interests. The Pope urged the Hungarians to open the doors.

A true sign of Christianity? By this sign we shall be conquered! That seems to be his motto. This is a communist Pope who in his youth was steeped in the reprehensible doctrine of “Liberation Theology.” That was when the “radical priests” of Central and South America continued to push Christianity in the direction of becoming an anti-White juggernaut. That was when we got those homely and bespectacled nuns on the bus who pleaded for dark-skinned migrants to stream into America on an unending basis. The worst thing for these around-the-final-bend Catholics is a country that wants to remain itself and be like no one but themselves. This is what their critique of “self-referential populism” (a term no one has ever heard before) really means: they are adamantly against White people who want a country of their own.

Pope Francis called for open doors and inclusivity during a visit to Hungary on Sunday. The Hungarian government has long faced criticism over anti-immigration policies and rhetoric that has stoked xenophobia at home. Concerns about Budapest’s treatment of minorities were exacerbated on the eve of the pope’s three-day visit when Hungarian President Katalin Novák unexpectedly pardoned a far-right terrorist.

That pardon right before the visit of the pusillanimous Pontiff was a thumb right in his eye. And it must have been message received after “right wing terrorist” (Gyorgy Budahazy) left jail on nothing other than a horse. The man on a horseback, of course, recalling everything the international parasites hate. It was a golden moment, one that will hopefully stoke and foment “xenophobia” in everyone by whom the image is seen.

Speaking to a large crowd in central Budapest on Sunday morning before wrapping up his trip, the pope did not directly address the Hungarian government’s policies but was blunt about the need to embrace outsiders.

In fact the speech about embracing outsiders is a direct addressing of the Hungarian government’s policies. They have downgraded “gender studies” in the universities and have in no uncertain terms said migrants are not wanted. These are the most telling signs of not embracing outsiders. Indeed not embracing outsiders is the sum and substance of Hungary’s policies. Orban has said that he wants to keep Hungary “Christian and Hungarian.” So if someone tells you that Jesus Christ is the son of God, the lord of light, and the ruler of the Universe, the only proper response is: That’s all well and good, but what’s his position on immigration?

“How sad and painful it is to see closed doors,” the pope said at an outdoor mass, pointing to “the closed doors of our indifference towards the underprivileged and those who suffer; the doors we close towards those who are foreign or unlike us, towards migrants or the poor. Be open and inclusive,” the pope added, then, “and in this way, help Hungary to grow in fraternity, which is the path of peace.”

The pansy Pontiff is boo-hooing for the coloreds. Perhaps he is looking at the dwindling number of White Christians, and seeing how the Catholic faith seems to be holding firm among the superstitious Africans who have exchanged the albino bone for the chalice of blood. On a practical level he knows his institution needs “asses in the seats,” and there are whole hosts and hordes of them in the non-White world, just waiting to set up shop in the capital cities of Europe. They certainly will “enrich” his coffers.

“Please, brothers and sisters, let us open those doors! Let us try to be — in our words, deeds and daily activities — like Jesus, an open door: a door that is never shut in anyone’s face, a door that enables everyone to enter and experience the beauty of the Lord’s love and forgiveness.”

Open the doors means opening the gates. It means welcoming the invaders. It means letting that Trojan Horse in and permitting all the dark-skinned race aliens to stream into our nations. Open the door? Open the gates? Welcome the invaders? Why, he must be insane or perhaps crazy like a fox — doing the bidding of his Jewish masters, and doing it the name of the “lord of hosts.” In point of fact, we should shut and seal the doors and make them impossible to pry loose. And consign the likes of the Pope to the very last circle of Hell.

“I say this also to our lay brothers and sisters, to catechists and pastoral workers, to those with political and social responsibilities, and to those who simply go about their daily lives, which at times are not easy. Be open doors.”

Always with the open doors is this traitor. Although in his weekly Wednesday address (3 May 2023) he switched it up a bit and conjured up the image of the bridge, saying that the particular vocation of Europe is to be a “bridge of peace,” and to “include differences” and to “welcome those who knock on its doors.”

Bridges and open doors, no; locks on them all, yes. A total securing of borders is more like it, to protect the race. Nothing is more important; nothing else will do. We need to shut the doors and burn the bridges and pull up all drawbridges, and stand straight on the ramparts and guard our White homelands. Orban is imperfect and seems to like and trust Jews, or at least that’s what he says. How much he’s compromised, if he is, we don’t know. But he also speaks some heavy truths. He has warned that there is no guarantee in the book of time that there will always be Hungarians, and he’s right. The same goes for all our precious White nations. Nothing is assured unless we assure it; no future for our people is secure unless we secure it. And the time of the test is coming. Will we pass it?

* * *

Source: Author

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
5 May, 2023 10:24 am

Anyone anywhere after all this time who still
cannot see Christianity for the swindle that
it has become, is just plainly too stupid to

charles zilich
charles zilich
Reply to  Walt Hampton
12 May, 2023 4:52 pm

orthodox christianity and papal roman empire are two different things. all roads lead to rome. check out the khazar askenazi and rodhanites sometime.

charles zilich
charles zilich
Reply to  Walt Hampton
19 May, 2023 4:53 pm

vatican roman catholic serpent is christian in name only. just like most identifying as jewish are in name only. the edomite radhonite khazars jesuits pharisee own these and more. enjoy the big ugly normie. orthodox christianity is at war with the dragon roman empire papacy.

Steve Carlson
Steve Carlson
5 May, 2023 1:23 pm

When has this pope ever given this message in a non-White country? When has he ever told Filipinos that they should “open their doors” to people from other parts of the world? When has he ever said this to Paraguayans or Koreans? The only comfort I can take when I hear about him is that, at 86 years old, he’s probably not going to be pope for much longer.

Robert Ferrara
Robert Ferrara
5 May, 2023 9:07 pm

Of course this fool won’t tell YHWHs chosen ones to open their borders. The prat.

10 May, 2023 5:23 pm

Catholic Biden said that we do not have an open border. He is right. We, along with all White nations have NO border so there is nothing to open or close.
The second coming of our nature based ancestral veneration religion and the utter rejection of Christendumb will be our only salvation.

George Adamski
George Adamski
14 May, 2023 7:11 pm

I remember the contemptuous line from the movie, The Vikings: “Step aside, holy man!”

Steve Carlson
Steve Carlson
18 May, 2023 8:51 am

In future, Hungary should ban this man as an undesirable alien. The government certainly has adequate grounds for it.