
UK: Revisionists and Patriots Speak, Defy Violent Mob

Professor Faurisson’s last public statement and Vincent Reynouard’s illuminating speech are highlights.

A Telling Films production: Historical Exactitude Private Gathering, October 2018

by Lady Michele Renouf

THIS HISTORIC gathering records the triumphant swan song (against all obstacles) of the world-renowned (and now legendary) scholar, Professor Robert Faurisson, who died the day after his October 20 presentation in this film. His tenacious “detective method” of historical research and his critical “exactitude” achieved many forensic victories, allowing historical revisionism to bring history into accord with the facts — and correct the falsehoods of Jewish exceptionalist dogma.

Vincent Reynouard (an exponent of Faurissonian exactitude [and, unlike Professor Faurisson, a National Socialist]) outlines the pivotal relevance of “Holocaustianity” in the world and the typical violent and ruinous personal persecution experienced by revisionists. In fact, the disruption midway of the private meeting by the self-described “meth-fuelled” Antifa terrorists (who enact “Jewish mafia” tactics to close peaceful speaking venues) is captured in this video. Here is proof of their hatred of peaceful, open debate. Here is the tyranny encapsulated in what Jewish groups are pushing as the “new definition of anti-Semitism” made manifest for all to view.

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Source: Margaret Huffstickler (music played by Canadian violinist Monika Schaefer)

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