Posts Tagged
Vincent Reynouard

Arrested for His Opinions in Scotland: French Scholar Vincent Reynouard
FRENCH REVISIONIST SCHOLAR Vincent Reynouard was arrested in Scotland last month, on 10 November 2022. He is presently in an Edinburgh prison cell, where he will remain until 23 February next year, when a court will determine whether he should be extradited to France, where he would be jailed under…

On Oradour
Betrayed French children, and the replacements for those French children, listen while Emmanuel Macron and his fellow employees of the Jewish power structure preen themselves and boast about how morally superior they are at Oradour. Introduction by Hadding Scott THE TRADITIONAL war-propaganda…

UK: Revisionists and Patriots Speak, Defy Violent Mob
Professor Faurisson’s last public statement and Vincent Reynouard’s illuminating speech are highlights. A Telling Films production: Historical Exactitude Private Gathering, October 2018 by Lady Michele Renouf THIS HISTORIC gathering records the triumphant swan song (against…

The “Holocaust” Exposed in 30 Minutes
video by Vincent Reynouard (pictured)
VINCENT REYNOUARD, born in 1969, is a French historian specializing in the Second World War and more particularly in the tragedy of Oradour-sur-Glane, an urban battle between a German Waffen-SS unit and the French Resistance in 1944 where many civilians died…