
The FreeTommy Rallies are Orchestrated and Funded by Jews

Jew Daniel Pipes surveys with approval the protest he has paid for

ON 14 July, another FreeTommy rally was scheduled in London. If you watched the last one, you may have wondered how they could afford that big screen where Lauren Southern’s face appeared so fetchingly.

Wonder no more. It is now admitted that these protests are orchestrated and funded by Jews.

The Middle East Forum (MEF) is helping Robinson in his moment of danger. It does so in the context of its Legal Project which since 2007 has defended activists, journalists, politicians, et al. who face harassment, fines, or imprisonment because of their views concerning Islamism and related topics.

MEF is sponsoring and organizing the second “Free Tommy Robinson” gathering in London on July 14. MEF previously provided all the funding and helped organized the first “Free Tommy Robinson” event held June 9 in London.

MEF, along with a coalition of UK advocacy groups and international figures will assemble to advocate for Mr. Robinson’s release and demand greater protections for freedom of speech and freedom of the press in the United Kingdom. MEF is arranging for U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar (Republican of Arizona) to travel to London to speak alongside the Dutch political leader Geert Wilders, and others.

The Middle East Forum is a Zionist outfit run by the Jew Daniel Pipes.

The Middle East Forum is aiding Mr. Robinson’s defense in three main ways:

Legally — By using Legal Project monies to fund his legal defense.

Diplomatically — By bringing foreign pressure on the UK government to ensure Mr. Robinson’s safety and eventual release.

Politically — By organizing and funding the 25,000-person “Free Tommy” London rally on June 9 and now the July 14 protest, also taking place in London.

Note the “diplomatically”. It’s almost as if those conspiracy theories about a powerful cabal of international Jews had some basis in fact. (See Addendum below for more on this)

Pipes has recently been on a trip to Europe where he reviewed the various “far-right” and “far-lite” parties for possible kosher certification. Political kosher certification now apparently has a new name: “Civilizationism”.


An initial problem is how correctly to name them in general. The media lazily lumps these parties together as far-right, ignoring their frequent leftist elements, especially in economic and social policy. Calling them nationalist is wrong, for they neither bellow calls to arms nor raise claims to neighbors’ lands. Populist misses the point because plenty of populist parties such as La France Insoumise (Rebellious France) pursue nearly opposite policies.

Best is to focus on their key common elements: rejecting the vast influx of immigrants and especially Muslim immigrants. Non-Muslim immigrants also cause strains, especially those from Africa, but only among Muslims does one find a program, the Islamist one, to replace Western civilization with a radically different way of life. Turned around, these parties are traditionalists with a pro-Christendom, pro-European and pro-Western outlook; they are civilizationist. (This definition also has the benefit of excluding parties like the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn in Greece, that despise traditional Western civilization.)

Enlightened opinion generally reacts with horror to civilizationist parties, and not without reason, for they carry a lot of baggage. Some have dubious origins. Staffed mainly by angry political novices, they feature dismaying numbers of anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim extremists, Nazi nostalgists, power-hungry cranks, economic eccentrics, historical revisionists, and conspiracy theorists. Some proffer anti-democratic, anti-European Union, and anti-American outlooks. Far too many — and especially Orbán — have a soft spot for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

But civilizationist parties also bring critical benefits to the political arena: realism, courage, tenacity, and a civilizational critique necessary if the West is to survive in its historic form. Therefore, contrary to many friends and allies, I favor working with most civilizationist parties, advocating critical co-operation rather than rejection and marginalization.


The claim that Golden Dawn, defender of Greece, the cradle of Western civilisation, rejects “traditional western civilisation” is, of course, absurd, unless Jewish control over the goyim is now considered a “traditional” part of our civilisation.

But it seems kosher certification will now be available for far-lite parties that meet the strict ritual requirements: acceptance of the Holocult, trips to Yad Vashem, support for Israel, pro forma denunciations of “anti-Semitism”, and a resolute refusal to ask how it is that the catastrophe currently engulfing us came to be.

Unfortunately, most of what passes for Europe’s political patriots will be happy to meet these Semitic demands.

So watch the #FreeTommy rallies by all means. Just remember who is pulling the strings behind them.

Addendum: Reuters reports that the “US Ambassador for Religious Freedom,” Sam Brownback, lobbied the British government about the Tommy Robinson case.

Brownback raised the case of the activist known as Tommy Robinson in a June meeting with Sir Kim Darroch, Britain’s Ambassador to the United States, according to a British official and two sources close to the organizers of a pro-Robinson demonstration planned for London on Saturday.

…Brownback raised the jailing of Robinson during a meeting with Darroch that covered a range of “religious freedom issues”, the British official confirmed earlier this week.

Brownback told Darroch that if Britain did not treat Robinson more sympathetically, the Trump administration might be compelled to criticize Britain’s handling of the case, according to the two sources in contact with organizers of the planned pro-Robinson demonstration.


Daniel Pipes interviewed Sam Brownback for the Middle East Quarterly in 1997, so the two men have known each other for a long time. They also served in the “Jerusalem Summit” together.

Along with noted neoconservative ideologue Daniel Pipes, Brownback has served on the presidium of the Jerusalem Summit, a now largely defunct Israel-based advocacy outfit that brought together evangelicals, neoconservatives, and hardline pro-Israel figures from across the globe in an effort to shape the debate over the status of Palestine, militant Muslim groups, and other hot-button Mideast issues.


Upon his appointment as “Ambassador for Religious Freedom”, the Times of Israel noted of Brownback that he had a “long history of cooperation with the Jewish community on religious freedom issues.”

Brownback, a staunch conservative, has had a close relationship with the gamut of Jewish communal organizations. While in the Senate, he chaired the US Helsinki Commission, the parliamentary body that monitors human rights abuses, and was outspoken in identifying anti-Semitism overseas. He was one of the leading pro-Israel voices in the Senate and an early advocate of expanded sanctions targeting Iran. He made support for Israel a central plank of his short run for president in the 2008 race.


* * *

Source: Diversity Macht Frei

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Shawn Greene
Shawn Greene
21 July, 2018 10:29 pm

So, (((they))) are making Robinson’s career more trustworthy,
making it more easier to disguise as nationalist.

Then, Tommy Robinson could become a prominent person
in the field of nationalism in the future. And he will lead
UK nationalist movement into wrong direction.

But it seems they are caught.

We will see what’s going to happen.

27 July, 2018 4:54 pm

Let me tell you a few facts about Tommy Robinson, born Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon. I have known for a long time that he is a piece of filth, a race traitor and a mendacious opportunist. Anyone of European descent that claims to be a Zionist is by definition an enemy of our race. Anyone that talks about a disease such as third-world immigration but avoids any discussion about the cause of the dilemma is not, and I repeat not to be trusted. Here I am reminded of the words of the late, great Dr. William Luther Pierce when he spoke about the folly of discussing the symptoms of a disease such as syphilis without discussing the role spirochetes play in the transmission of the disease. Robinson is just another filthy… Read more »

4 September, 2018 2:54 pm

Of course Robinson is a fake.