The Problem with White People
by James Harting
WE NATIONAL SOCIALISTS are first and foremost racial idealists. That means that we view our Race as a gigantic extended family. The men and women of the Race, consequently, are our racial brothers and sisters. As racial idealists, we place the welfare of our Race and its long term interests at the center of our value system. (ILLUSTRATION: Kooky Rachel Dolezal, a White woman who thinks that she is Black. Her fragmented personality is an extreme example of the racial neurosis that grips many or most White Americans. Battered by anti-White brainwashing and left bereft of any positive sense of racial identity, some Whites with weak minds and weak racial instincts begin to identify with their racial opposites.)
There is a quotation by Adolf Hitler that speaks to this:
We as individuals are nothing other than the leaves on a tree. Today they are green. One leaf is larger and another is smaller. Then one withers, then another. But that does not matter if only the tree remains healthy!
In addition to our racial family, each of us also has an immediate family of people to who are our blood kinsmen and kinswomen, or who are related to our blood-kin by way of marriage. Each one has his or her own strengths and qualities that we may find admirable. But that does not mean that we are blind to their weaknesses: we all have weaknesses.
And so it is with our racial family: while we love our Race deeply and sincerely, we also recognize that it has its faults.
When it comes to the White, Aryan population of America, it must be pointed out that our racial brothers and sisters collectively suffer from a crippling psychological debility: White Americans are deeply racially neurotic. And, in fact, this racial neurosis is so severe that it inhibits their ability to think clearly on racial matters, and to make the decisions that they need to make to function rationally in a multiracial society.
Take, for example, public opinion polls which seem to indicate that most White Americans now consider racial intermarriage to be normal and acceptable.
Reality check: despite what the mass media and the education establishment tell us, most White people are definitely NOT okay with race-mixing.
It is necessary to distinguish between a person’s public opinion and that same person’s private sentiment.
Your public opinion is the face you present to the world.
Your private sentiment is how you truly feel in your heart.
Many Whites publicly go along with race-mixing because they realize that to be pro-race-mixing is the endorsed viewpoint of mainstream society. They even mouth words in support of it. But that is not how they necessarily feel about it in their hearts, it is just that they would rather die than risk (perceived) social ostracism.
Sometimes they equivocate, and say things like “I’m cool with Black and White relationships — but it’s just not for me.” Or: “It isn’t that interracial marriages are wrong, but you have to think about the children. Life can be real rough for biracial kids; it’s not fair to them.”
What they really mean is: “I’m uncomfortable with race-mixing, but I will only say so if I can think of some politically-correct excuse or cover story.”
To have a healthy, well-integrated personality, all four of the following should be in complete alignment:
- What you think in your mind;
- What you feel in your heart;
- The words you speak (whether in public or private); and
- Your actions
When any of these are out of sync, a person becomes neurotic. The more a person is out of sync, the more neurotic that person is.
And that is the problem with most Whites today: they live in a society that pressures them to be racially neurotic. They feel one way in their hearts, but their minds, contaminated by lies about “racial equality,” tell them something different. When they speak, it is often a compromise between heart and mind. When it is time to act, either they go against their sound racial instincts, and do not feel right about their actions, or they do follow their instincts and then feel guilty. They are caught in a no-win situation.
Consider the office manager who would never of his own free will consider hiring a Black — and yet he spends every Sunday sunk into his couch drinking beer and eating junk food while cheering on this or that Negro athlete.
Or the White liberal woman who sings the praises of the holy, blissful martyr St. Trayvon to the high heavens — but who will not ride alone with a Trayvon look-alike in an elevator late at night, if there is any way that she can possibly avoid it.
And who among us has not witnessed the spectacle of a White person apologizing — apologizing! — after laughing at a “nigger joke” that they found funny?
It is easy to dismiss such behavior simply as racial hypocrisy — but there is more to it than that. The society in which we live has made White people racially neurotic; rather than having healthy, well-integrated personalities, they have personalities that are fragmented and at war with themselves.
To put it in the vernacular, the problem with White people is that they have become crazy with regard to racial matters.
As racial idealists, the solution to this problem is self-evident to us: National Socialism.
When it comes to race, being a National Socialist means that what you think, what you say, what you feel and what you do are all perfectly in alignment.
Those of you who are tired of being racially neurotic should give the healthy racial outlook of Adolf Hitler serious consideration.
National Socialism is your path back to racial sanity and a well-integrated personality. Accept National Socialism today, and let your healing process begin.
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Source: New Order
In “Two Worlds, Not One,” Dr. William L. Pierce neatly explained the racial neurosis discussed in the article above: “Jung’s insight into the nature of neurosis has particular meaning for us today. He said, ‘I know exactly how I could make myself neurotic: If I said or believed something that is not myself.’ If this offers us a clue as to why Jung could not accept Freud’s point of view, it is also a clue as to why our entire Western world — steeped as it is in alien spiritual, cultural, and political concepts — is so neurotic.”
I could write a longer speech abt the problem with black people if I had more time on my hands..
Words or diagnosis like neurosis without symptoms of mental illness is used as a literary tool to explain aberrant behaviour. Rachel Dolezal above , used to express the white women’s madness is another revelation of our time. Her confession of black sainthood still insists on fidelity of monogamy and racial discrimination. SHe marries only blacks but has not been disillusioned of the incompatible moral precondition , to which her husband doses not share. She has no symptoms of real illness (neurosis ) and is adamant to profess her jewish education. But after listening to comments of her missionary mother and father , who replaced her with black idols , judgement is replaced with sadness and understanding.
Just how stupid were the people who bought into the story that this Rachel bitch was black? This was an absurd con from the start, but there were even nigs who accepted it and allowed her to head up the Spokane NAACP. This woman was as de-racinated and spiritually ill as they come.
Rockford Rick, Rachel Dolezal is indeed as you described. But imagine her being brought up in an Aryan community, with no Jewtube extolling the false greatness of the multicolored hordes we have among us. She would attend a school where her own people’s real accomplishments are extolled instead of the demonization we’ve all been fed in these institutions. Where high standards would exist to keep her head clear in regards to what’s right and what’s wrong, especially about telling the truth! A community that has healthy racial feelings for one another, and acts like a community instead of a gaggle of individuals doing whatever feels good at the moment. A community with a life-philosophy that doesn’t lead us to worshipping spooks in the sky that tell us how “we’re all… Read more »
Perhaps she is just Jewish?!
“mental illness is a Jewish issue’ and point to the findings of geneticists at John Hopkins University who have identified a high incidence of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder among Ashkenazi Jews. Many suffer from an autosomal recessive trait that goes back thousands of years and which manifests as congenital lying, delusional behaviour and paranoia.”