Posts Tagged
White People

White People Pull Their Weight — and the Weight of Others Too
by David Sims WHITE US CITIZENS USE — proportionally — $4,417.40 in public money and provide $4,729.70 in tax revenue. Whites therefore contribute $312.30 more public money than they consume. 23% of native White households are on welfare. 35% of immigrant White households are on welfare.…

“Mute White People” Instagram/Giphy Meme Shows Elite’s Intermediate Goal
And we all know what the billionaire Jewish-led elite’s long-term goal is. A NEW anti-White “sticker” went viral this week on Instagram (before it was finally withdrawn) and has proclaimed Jewish Big Tech’s racially selective censorship agenda in an unmistakable way.…

Homeless Jack on How It All Began and Where It Is Going
by H. Millard BILLIONS of years ago, millions of living sacred seeds sent forth into the universe by God and carrying part of God’s Essence landed on earth and unfolded their basic program which reads MAKE LIFE. These seeds of life were autonomous and could act and react for their own defense and…

We Know from the Sacred Teachings
A few of the important things that we know from the Sacred Teachings by H. Millard WE KNOW from the Sacred Teachings that God made us White because He wants us to be White and He wants us to stay White and practice Whiteness in all ways. We know from the Sacred Teachings that God gave us a level of free will so…

Don’t Be Confused
Separate from all non-Whites so your genome can live. No intent is needed to harm you on the part of some other organisms, including non-White humans, as their very presence may harm you. by H. Millard WE ALL KNOW that certain germs can harm or kill us and we also know that they have no intent to harm or kill…

Is This Good for White People and the White Genome?
by H. Millard WE FEEL SORRY for our fellow Whites who are unawakened. They understand little about existence and many have internalized false beliefs about Nature and the nature of man. They do not understand why Whites should remain separate from other races for all time. We are sorry to lose many of…

‘Why Don’t We Murder More White People?’
Scott Rowitz, a Jew, is the YBCA’s chief operating officer — something that the reporter for American Renaissance failed to mention. SAN FRANCISCO’S Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) is a large museum next to the Moscone Convention Center downtown. This non-profit is funded…

Afraid Of Our Own Shadow
Strength is morality. Weakness is sin. Weakness requires punishment. If you’re weak, if you’re obese, if you’re a drug addict, become less so. Become stronger. Move towards the sun. Become more coherent. Become more articulate. Cast more of a shadow. It’s almost a type of positive behaviorism in some…

What Self-Preservation Really Means
Our greatest joy is the birth of another White baby; our greatest sadness is the death or miscegenation of even one White and the failure of even one White to replicate himself or herself as much as possible during the short life span given to our kind. by H. Millard WE WHITES are a tiny minority on this dark…

Most Non-Whites Don’t Hate White Identity; Just One Group Does
NAMs (non-Asian minorities) in Trump’s America are afraid of a racially frustrated White person who is not allowed to have White identity. Dylann Roof is exhibit A, naturally. But had Roof been part of a White identity community, it would have been much less likely that he would have shot the Black people…