
Eternal Candidates of the Kucknesset


by Colin Liddell

THE latest Twitter sh**storm centers round Ann Coulter’s reaction to the latest GOP Presidential Debate. When asked “What will AMERICA look like after you are president?” several of the candidates simply ignored the subject of the question, as well as the actual country they were seeking election in, to talk instead about Israel, prompting Ms. Coulter to tweet “How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?”

As intended, this immediately lit up the Twittersphere, with those who don’t know Ann, seeing it as blatant anti-Semitic race baiting rather than a comment on the Philosemitic incontinence of the candidates and their lack of focus. Coulter, of course, is herself a bit of a cuck for Israel, as she soon reminded people:

Like the Jews

But at least she knows TPO on this issue, unlike the sorry GOP hacks lined up for debate, whose donor-trained reflexes and perceptions of who runs the media make them twitch and gush with love for Israel, even when it isn’t required and is inappropriate. Those Republicans taste Jews in their sandwiches — and love the taste!

This all reveals one very salient fact about Republican Party politicians: whatever other office they may be running for, the majority of them are simultaneously seeking election to a kind of virtual Knesset of American cucks for Israel. In short, they are are eternal candidates of what can best be described as the Kucknesset.

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18 September, 2015 11:40 am

A cabal of Federals in the picture. “Aint” nothing good about a Federal agent.