Beyond The Camp of the Saints
by John I. Johnson
I READ Frenchman Jean Raspail’s 1973 novel The Camp of the Saints decades ago, after it was written about several times in Wilmot Robertson’s pro-White underground magazine Instauration. (ILLUSTRATION: “Migrant” invaders crossing the countryside in Macedonia)
I was not a huge fan of the novel, which was issued in the US by a mainstream publisher. That is, I did not think it was particularly good, or plausible, and certainly not absorbing. Raspail did not once mention the role of Jewish power in the genocide of the White race and Western civilization, another strike against the story’s realism and plausibility.
True, one must be very careful when judging works in translation; a poor translation (even if professional) can easily fail to capture the spirit of the original. I have seen this occur several times. The problem, then, may be the translation, though I don’t think it is. The translator was a Jew.
Still, I admit to being surprised to see Raspail’s basic plot, his scenario, being carried out in more or less straightforward fashion now.
Of course, it’s not as though the flood couldn’t be stopped and reversed immediately. It easily could be. Nor is it because Jews, Leftists, conservatives, Judeo-“Christians,” and communist governments are so “noble” or “altruistic,” as Raspail posited.
They aren’t. They are evil. They are purposely committing genocide, and they know it.
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Source: Author
Christianity demands that you waste your entire life by preparing for death. It goes down.
When you reject light and life–it’s over.
Why do all of
these people want to go to
“heaven,” but none of them
want to die?