
Remembering Ralph Engelstad

Ralph Engelstad

by John I. Johnson

LAS VEGAS CASINO owner and self-made millionaire Ralph Engelstad (1930-2002), a former member of the Forbes 400 famous for his hard-working ways (his personal motto was “The harder I work, the luckier I get”), was an interesting character.

The grandson of Norwegian immigrant farmers in northwestern Minnesota, Engelstad was one of five children born to Christian and Madeline Engelstad. A star hockey player in high school in Thief River Falls, Engelstad worked his way through college at the University of North Dakota with the help of a hockey scholarship, playing goalie for UND’s Fighting Sioux.

Shortly after graduating with a business degree in 1954, Engelstad married his wife of 48 years, Betty Stocker, and established a construction company in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

After making a quick fortune there (vowing to become a millionaire by age 30, he achieved the goal at 29), Engelstad moved his firm to Las Vegas in 1959. There he enlarged his fortune by erecting FHA-financed housing for the federal government.

Engelstad purchased raw land around Thunderbird Field (now North Las Vegas Air Terminal) in 1965 — land he sold three years later to Howard Hughes for $2.5 million. Like Hughes, Engelstad was intensely private and disliked publicity. (Also like Hughes, Engelstad’s business entities were all privately held.)

In 1971, with profits garnered from the Hughes sale, Engelstad constructed the Imperial Palace Hotel and Casino on nine acres of land on the Las Vegas Strip. Opened in 1979 with 650 rooms, by 2002 it had grown to 2,700.

In 1997 Engelstad added the 1,086-room Imperial Palace Hotel and Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi. Three years earlier, Milton Grishman, an agent for B’nai B’rith District Seven, had maneuvered behind the scenes to pressure the Mississippi Gaming Commission to prevent or hobble Engelstad from conducting business in the state.

“We in Mississippi should know better than any state that even the perception that hatred and prejudice are sanctioned is damaging,” Grishman said with the sanctimonious piety characteristic of Jews. “The concern I had back in 1994 was that the Mississippi Gaming Commission didn’t really have the complete file on Mr. Engelstad,” Grishman later added.

Ah, yes. “The complete file on Mr. Engelstad.” The Jews and their “files.” And dossiers. And data banks. Mightn’t it be prudent for serious-minded people to begin keeping comprehensive files on Jews and their servants sometime prior to the obliteration of the White race?

Engelstad’s casinos were sole proprietorships, and he paid for the construction of the Biloxi casino out-of-pocket. “Ain’t no stockholders,” Engelstad told Forbes in 1994, “ain’t no goddamned bondholders, ain’t no friggin’ mortgage holders that are going to bounce us out.”

A lover of automobiles and racing, Engelstad collected antique cars, which he showcased in popular museums in his two casinos. Two dozen autos, each valued at more than $1 million and concealed from public view, had been “used by Hitler and other German and Japanese leaders in World War II.” Engelstad also built the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.

Engelstad found himself in hot water when it was revealed he’d twice hosted parties at the Las Vegas Imperial Palace on Hitler’s birthday. Bartenders had worn shirts with Hitler’s portrait and the slogan, “Adolf Hitler — European Tour 1939-45.” In 1989, the Nevada Gaming Commission (on the prompting of I wonder who) fined Engelstad $1.5 million, claiming his parties, as one journalist phrased it, “damaged the reputation and image of the state’s gaming industry.”

“State authorities also claimed Engelstad amassed a multimillion-dollar collection of Nazi-era war memorabilia including artifacts, propaganda, posters and weapons.” These items were housed in a private room next to the auto museum. Hitler murals, a painting of Engelstad in National Socialist uniform, and bumper stickers reading “Hitler Was Right” were allegedly among the items held.

Said Edythe Katz Yarchever, the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas’s spokesman on the issue, prominent Las Vegas socialite, and instigator of Nevada’s taxpayer-funded “Holocaust” indoctrination program for Gentile schoolchildren: “He was an arrogant man doing an arrogant, stupid thing. It was shameful for the state of Nevada.”

“Political leaders, tourism officials and members of the city’s Jewish community demanded an apology.” Engelstad dutifully delivered one: “‘I despise Adolf Hitler and everything he stood for.’ Less than a week later, he held a news conference to acknowledge the Hitler parties were ‘not only stupid but insensitive.’ He took out newspaper ads and offered to donate his collection to the U.S. Holocaust Museum in Washington.” (Nevada officials had threatened to destroy his business by revoking his gaming license.)

As usual, Jewish thugs joined ostensibly “respectable” Jews in the anti-White ambush, turning up at the Imperial Palace to intimidate Engelstad. Attempted extortion was one of their tools. Criminal thugs or not, as Jews they knew that police, prosecutors and judges would never enforce the laws against them under the circumstances. (“Laws” are for fools, because only fools obey them. Jews don’t obey them, coloreds don’t obey them, and governments don’t obey them.)

A letter to Engelstad from the Jewish “Defense” League (JDL), a racist terrorist organization, demanded money: “Perhaps you think you can get off the hook with a ad in the paper and a mealy mouthed apology. You will hear from us again. Unless you start to make donations to one of our charities. We’ll be in touch.”

According to the FBI, the Los Angeles JDL utilized a methodology of harassment and public demonstrations to extort “money for Jewish organizations and causes.” Although the FBI and the U.S. prosecutor predictably failed to take action against the JDL for violating the law, one Jew was disgusted. In a May 3, 2002 letter to the hate group, published on the organization’s website, that Jew wrote: “You are blackmailers (I note in particular your treatment of Ralph Engelstad in the 80’s which I witnessed personally!).”

Although the American secret police — well-known for their servility to organized Jewry, in particular the ADL — weren’t interested in investigating or prosecuting the criminal, anti-White acts of the Jewish “Defense” League, they were very interested in snooping into the personal ideological beliefs of Ralph Engelstad.

Agents of the FBI investigated Engelstad for four years. In 1992 they spied as he contemplated buying real estate in the Cayman Islands. The secretive, largely unaccountable agency wanted to know whether Engelstad had “political leanings toward the extreme right wing in Nazism as opposed to simply being interested from a historical basis,” according to bureau documents.

These facts strongly suggest that the secret police, as well as organized Jewry, have a formal policy of targeting for investigation well-to-do White Americans they believe might potentially develop pro-White consciousness. (Again: “The FBI’s Miami office requested information from the Las Vegas office because Engelstad was ‘involved or associated in some way with Nazi elements or an interest in Nazi items.’”) The purpose of such a policy is evidently to prevent wealthy Americans from opposing the biological annihilation of their population. It appears to focus on identifying the thoughts and beliefs of targeted individuals at the earliest stage possible.

In 1998, Engelstad donated the General George S. Patton Papers, valued at $1.45 million, to the University of North Dakota’s Chester Fritz Library.

Near the end of his life, Engelstad donated $10 million to build a hockey arena in Thief River Falls, Minnesota, and $104 million for the construction of the Ralph Engelstad Arena at the University of North Dakota.

Inside the Ralph Engelstad Arena at the University of North Dakota

Area anti-White groups, including Indians, the local media, university faculty and staff, politicians, feminists, and homosexuals, saw Engelstad’s gift as an opportunity to attack. They demanded the university abolish the venerable “racist” Fighting Sioux nickname and logo of its athletic teams. University president Charles Kupchella quickly acquiesced, establishing a commission “to study the issue” — everyone well knowing the preordained outcome. (Hey, that’s how you get to be university president.)

Since such carefully scripted morality plays always end the same way, everyone was naturally surprised when Engelstad flatly informed the state board of higher education he would immediately halt funding for the half-finished arena if the name was changed. (Instead of giving a lump sum at the beginning, Engelstad paid for construction as it proceeded. Later, he planned on donating the completed arena to the university.) He said he would consider the $35 million already spent a business loss.

This caused consternation among the otherwise eager-to-be-anti-White education bureaucrats, since Engelstad’s walking away from the huge, expensive project would financially throw everything into the laps of the Establishment troublemakers.

In the end, after more anti-White blather and hate, the board reluctantly agreed to keep the name — perhaps the only time in the history of the world such a thing has happened.

“He danced to the beat of a different drummer, and he was one of the most honorable guys in town,” Las Vegas acquaintance and businessman Michael Gaughan said after Engelstad’s death. “In over 35 years of doing business with Ralph, once he said he’d do something, he’d never back down.”

As for the $1.5 million fine levied against Engelstad by the Nevada Gaming Commission in 1989: “What was so unusual about the fine,” reported the New York Times, noting that it was the second largest fine ever imposed by the Nevada gaming authorities, “was that it was not for any of the usual gambling sins, like skimming or loading the dice. Rather, the gaming board said . . . Mr. Engelstad had damaged Nevada’s image by glorifying Hitler and the Third Reich.”

* * *

Source: Author

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Bancroft Hall
Bancroft Hall
11 February, 2019 4:03 pm

A fascinating article about Englestad. I admire him for admiring the Chancellor. Funny thing about American sports team names. All sorts of excellent nicknames have gone down the toilet of anti-anti-Semitism. We recall the St. John’s Redmen and the Miami of Ohio Redskins, who had to change their names to dishwater to please the PC Police. That wonderful rag “USA Today” lists 17 American colleges who have had to knuckle under and eliminate their “offensive” Indian nicknames (Gawd, even Arkansas State U. had to give up being called ‘Indians.’) But the Washington Redskins, owned by an utterly fanatic left-wing anti-White Semite billionaire, he gets to keep his team nickname despite DECADES of hysterical opposition by Indians, Liberals and many other usual suspects. In this case the almighty Shekel wins out.… Read more »

Axis Sally
Axis Sally
14 February, 2019 5:24 pm

This weiße-jude is to be admired for nothing. Federal finance profiteer, land speculator, vice profiteer, and race traitor; this reptile was despicable. I wonder how the Führer, a scrupulous non-imbiber, would have regarded birthday parties held in gambling casinos where, “Bartenders had worn shirts with Hitler’s portrait and the slogan, ‘Adolf Hitler — European Tour 1939-45.’”? Notice how when he was forced to choose between his morbid fascination with “Nazi” memorabilia and Jewish money, gambling, and vice culture he clung to the latter, groveling in the mire at the feet of his betters. He deserved one of Pierce’s allegorical lampposts in “The Turner Diaries.” Long may he rot. This article would have been better entitled. “Forgetting Ralph Engelstad.”

Reply to  Axis Sally
13 March, 2020 11:07 am

Did anyone here know the man or just what you have read? Better to be silent than to speak out of ignorance.