David SimsEssays

They Should Get No More

Wherein we discover a new word: “crybullies.”

by David Sims

THE QUESTION WAS recently asked: “Have the Jews milked their Holocaust for everything they can?”

The Jews will, of course, call this an “anti-Semitic” question — a “hate” question. But, no. It is a perfectly good question. In the first place, quite a few people aren’t certain that “the Holocaust” actually happened. There are people for whom Jewish cajolery and Jewish intimidation just do not work, and many of them know propaganda by its earmarks.

At the very least, the Holocaust is the most over-hyped and most over-ventilated event in history. No other genocide, in particular the ones in which the Jews themselves were (or are) involved as perpetrators, gets the tiresomely repetitious, over and over and over coverage that the “Nazi-Holocaust-of-the-Jews-in-gas-chambers” story does. Or does now. Try finding articles on “the Holocaust” in encyclopedias published in the 1950s and 1960s, and let me know how it went. (Hint: There aren’t any.)

At the very most, the Jews lied up the main parts of the story, and there never were any homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz or at Treblinka, or anywhere else in German-occupied Europe.

Either way, the supposed Holocaust has enabled the Jews to be crybullies. They hurt somebody, and the somebody complains. The Jew refers to “the Holocaust,” and suddenly nobody pays any heed to the injured person’s complaint anymore. The Jews cry out in pain as they hit you. It’s a masterpiece of deflection strategy.

Why does it work? Because nobody wants to be the next victim of Jewish bullying. That goes especially for politicians, who usually want to remain in office or at least be a viable contender for public office: With the Jews’ control of high finance, their control of the legacy media, and their ability to wage “lawfare,” they can strip away almost any politician’s career prospects. So the people who create our laws are afraid of the Jews to the point where they betray us (we, the people) more or less continuously.

The “Holocaust” story, even if false in toto or in part, serves the Jews as an anchor for Jewish power and as a litmus test for the loyalty of non-Jewish office holders.

So that must be fixed, in order that Gentile nations can regain control of their own destiny.

Be an “anti-Semite” in any way you can. The louder they harangue you, the louder you should laugh in their faces. Laugh at “the Holocaust,” for, truly, the Jews have indeed milked it for all they should get from it.

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Source: Author

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