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The Multiracial All Against All
Making our once-beautiful cities multiracial has worked out well. by David Sims I DON’T think that a multiracial society is the right way to go. We may all wish, of course, that everyone could get along as if race didn’t matter. But humans have been tribal throughout their evolution, and…

THE INTERNET allows types of people to find one another and gather wherever they’re from. Always before, people have assorted by families and clans they are born into, by ethnic groups and race. These groups have always been bound by certain limits of geography. The information age has revealed there…

Definitions and the High Ground
by David Sims THE FBI’s definitions for “White nationalist” and “White supremacist” are surprisingly accurate. What follows in quotes is from a US House of Representatives resolution. “A 2006 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) assessment defined a…

Media Tricks and Racial Mixture
by Hadding Scott IN 2013 White racial activist Craig Cobb appeared on NBC’s Trisha show, where another guest, neurotic mulatto Herman Williams III (brother of Montel Williams) asserted that everybody in the entire world had Negro ancestors and therefore carried Negro DNA. This is an absurd…

“Fighting Islamists” Means Ignoring the Real Issue
by Tommy Olsen Tommy Olsen, the chief of the Norwegian branch of the Nordic Resistance Movement, discusses the problems of only focusing on the issue of religion at a time when one should direct all efforts on preserving his people and race. “ISLAM isn’t a race. Out with Islam! … or at least radical Islamism,…

Not the Same Kind of Creature
by David Sims THE REASON for racial differences in per capita crime rates isn’t poverty. The leftist’s “poverty causes crime” argument sounds plausible at first. The idea is that poor people, seeking food and the bare necessities of life, are forced to commit crimes in order…

Quotes Without Comment
Introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom (1995) THERE IS ASTOUNDING information available to the dedicated researcher in our libraries, at least those few that have not yet engaged in the Politically Correct frenzy of selling off or throwing away all books published before 1965. There is even valuable information…

Man and Earth
by Fritz Maes FROM ALL WE have learned so far we can see that the fate of a people is determined primarily by its manpower. The biological forces are decisive for its maintenance. Many peoples who have done great things in the past have already disappeared from the face of the earth because they die out on…

The Words of Adolf Hitler, part 1: Nature; Race; Community
As we are about to start a new year, let us begin by meditating — and acting — on the words of the man whose life on Earth will one day be seen, we believe, as having cut human history into two distinct parts. Introduction EVERY AGE on Earth is represented by a name, by an extraordinary figure who…

Hellfire and Brimstone
In the December 1982 issue of National Vanguard, a letter-writer asks Dr. William L. Pierce whether an evolutionary morality, that is, a morality based on race, is capable of being embraced by our people. Christianity, after all, has the threat of eternal damnation of one’s soul if he or she does…