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Alfred Ploetz Introduces the Term Racial Hygiene
Introduction by Hadding Scott ALFRED PLOETZ’ 1895 work, Die Tuechtigkeit Unserer Rasse und der Schutz der Schwachen (“The Competence of Our Race and the Preservation of the Weak”), is credited by Robert Proctor as the book that started the racial hygiene movement in Germany. Ploetz was a Darwinist…

White Racial-Nationalism contra Imperialism
Contrary to the current anti-White narrative, racial-nationalism formed a significant opposition to American empire-builders, more than once preventing the incorporation of territories with large non-White populations into the United States. WITH REGARD to historical explanation, racial…

SpaceX: To Get the Funding, You Must Comply
by David Sims RACIAL POLITICS is already beginning to corrupt the renewed campaign of spaceflight. Apparently, as part of getting $2.8 billion, SpaceX was required to agree to put a woman and a non-White person on the Moon. Up until now, all persons who have been to the Moon have been White men. And the…

Race Police Force Resignation of FA Chairman
Greg Clarke, now ex-chairman of the Football Association GREG CLARKE, chairman of the Football Association, governing body in England for the world’s most popular sport, was forced to resign this week after using a forbidden racial word: not ‘n****r’ or ‘c**n’ or ‘w*g’ or ‘y*d’ — but merely…

Yes, Race Is Real
Race was real then, and race is real now. Nothing is of greater consequence for the future of life in the Universe. by John Alexander THIS PAPER WILL start by making an assertion that many politically correct academics would consider frustrating, alarming and infuriating: “Race exists as a biological…

Why I Believe the Races Should Be Separated
LET’S START with some harsh facts. The average Black IQ in the U.S. is estimated by various sources as being somewhere in the mid to upper 80’s as compared to the White average arbitrarily set at 100. In Canada, with its large number of immigrants from the Caribbean, the average Black IQ is likely…

Some Are Givers and Some Are Takers
by David Sims IF CULTURAL APPROPRIATION is a bad thing, then all non-Whites should stop using technology. Anything that needs electricity to run, Africans should never use, since Whites invented the methods of generating and consuming electric power. Electricity is an often unacknowledged part…

The Revolutionary Nature of National Socialism
by Matt Koehl Foreword: This treatise by New Order Commander Matt Koehl first appeared in the Summer 1980 issue of The National Socialist, an earlier journal of the World Union of National Socialists. Written before the collapse of the Soviet Union, it was reprinted in March 1981 in booklet form. A…

The ‘Great Emancipator’ and the Issue of Race
Abraham Lincoln’s program of Black resettlement by Robert Morgan MANY AMERICANS think of Abraham Lincoln, above all, as the president who freed the slaves. Immortalized as the “Great Emancipator,” he is widely regarded as a champion of Black freedom who supported social equality…

Lewontin’s Deception
by David Sims THE IDEA THAT race is a social construct began in 1973 with a hypothesis proposed by a Harvard geneticist named Richard Lewontin (a Jew). He asserted that the differences between races were so small that nobody, working with genetic information alone, could tell the difference between…