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A Sane Canadian Looks at Deranged Americans
Mr. Murphy may be too optimistic about Trump, and about conservative Americans’ freedom and common sense, but the problems he has with Blue State Murricans are simultaneously hilarious and real. by Tim Murphy I AM worried. Very worried. In the wake of the Iowa caucuses, the New Hampshire Primary,…

An Establishment Bootlicker, part 2
Max Boot by Douglas Mercer JEWISH “former conservative” Max Boot recently bloviated: I’ve been feeling very blue this summer. Oh, I don’t mean I’m depressed — I’ve been having a ball. But I’ve been spending time in some of the most liberal enclaves in America: first Martha’s Vineyard…

An Establishment Bootlicker, part 1
Max Boot by Douglas Mercer PENNSYLVANIA CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR Josh Shapiro is (in case the name didn’t tip you off) a really big Jew. Indeed, had he been taken on the eighth day to the Temple to be circumcised by his uncle the Hight Priest, he couldn’t be more of a Jew. Shapiro attended high…

The Problem with Leftism
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. EVERYONE COMPLAINS about the Left, but no one does anything about it. Or so it would seem. Part of the problem, I suspect, is that many in the public have mistaken notions about what “the Left” is and how it operates, and thus they more or less mindlessly support it, or oppose it, as…

Why do White Liberals Speak for Black People?
by David Sims THE REASON White “liberals” speak for Black people is because the liberal Whites are better-spoken — meaning they have superior language skills, as compared with the Blacks themselves. And the liberal Whites are cleverer liars than the Blacks are. That’s not to say…

Culture War, Race War
Robert Lynch by Karl Gunther AT THE presidential inauguration after the 1960 election, flinty Yankee and American traditionalist Robert Frost read one his his poems. Thirty-two years later, after the 1992 election, Negroid poetess Maya Angelou got the nod, and in her “poem” she moralized…

We Know The True American Type And We Know The Liberal
by Francis Parker Yockey THE EARLY AMERICAN arrived at a land of which he knew nothing. He did not know its geography, its fertility, its climate, its dangers. In the North, he encountered forests, rocky soil, and winters of a rigor he had not known before. In the South, he met with swamps, malaria, and…

Psychology: Liberals Care More About Rocks Than About Their Own Families
Study suggests that leftists have an almost precisely inverted scale of values compared to rightists. Instead of a hierarchy of concern with one’s own family, nation, and race highest on the scale, leftists place abstractions like “all objects in the universe” — including…

Letter to a Liberal
by David Sims IT SOUNDS as though you are what I once was, a liberal socially, a racial egalitarian, and a free-market apologist. My time as a racial egalitarian ended when I lost a debate with some “racists” from Dr. William Pierce’s National Alliance, back in 1995, held in a private…

Race is Just a “Social Construct”? — Wawa Chombonggai Reunites with Cannibal Tribe Who Wanted to Eat Him at Age 6
Serious question for both liberals and conservatives: How do you square a story like the one below with a literal belief in universal human equality? And how much cognitive dissonance does it take to reconcile the existence of a Black cannibal tribe well into the 21st century with the notion that race…